Friday, November 2, 2012

A Message to the Universe from the Pleiadian Ring of 500 – Part 2/2

(Continued from Part 1)

A message to the Universe from The Pleiadian Ring of 500 – Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light

Posted by Freer Spirit (Jen Freer) on February 26, 2012


Our message to the masses at this time would be to take that time you sit and watch TV and put it to better use. Take a walk outdoors. Spend time in nature. Or use your talents. Paint, draw, write, tinker, invent. Whatever your hobby or favorite pastime is – go out and enjoy it. Unplug. Deprogram from the dark programming. Find yourselves. Find your heart centers. Shake off the dark. Breathe. Free yourselves.

Do not worry about the financial fiasco. Money is nothing. Unfortunately, at the moment, you’re all still stuck in “the game.” And it is best to view it like that game Monopoly. In order to stay on the board at the moment – to keep a roof over your head and food on the table – you must play the game. But your monetary system – globally – is currently of no more value than that Monopoly money. It is paper with numbers on it. And, in most cases these days, not even that much, given the overuse of electronic transactions.

What we say to all of you at this time is this: do not worry about the digits in your accounts. They mean nothing to anyone but the dark forces who still think their system – their monetary banking system – is real and viable. It is not. A new system is on its way. Several groups have come together behind the scenes to invent a new system. Only those that are founded on the principles of abundance for all will be considered. Pyramid schemes – Ponzi schemes – none of these types will be considered. There will be equal wealth for all. No one will ever go hungry again. For this is the way of the rest of the Universe. No other beings in this Universe starve on any level. No other beings in this Universe are treated as slaves. And none suffer from low self esteem. All are honored and loved and viewed as equal. There is a great peace that runs through the rest of this Universe, and planet Earth is being called home to that very same calm and reverent notion.

Many have referred to your planet as “Earth School” because of its current state of duality. It has been said that Earth is the only place in the Universe that light beings can go to experience the polarity energies of light and dark, and this is true. But this polarity has nearly destroyed your planet. And it has created a great deal of upheaval and unrest amongst the light beings, for the abuses they have suffered while on Earth in each incarnation has polluted their biomagnetic spheres and left them stuck in karmic patterns for which there has been little hope for escape. Or so they feel. This has proved to be very dysfunctional and unhealthy, not to mention disruptive, as it takes quite a bit of “rehabilitation” for a light being to overcome these abuses before they are able to move into a lighter state of being on another planet. Think of it as a “detox program.” This is what a light being must endure and successfully complete before it can move to another realm after it has spent time on Earth in the duality game.

This is all fully understood by every light being before it incarnates on Earth. That is why you are all often referred to as “the strongest of the strong” by many lightworkers there on Earth. It is like that show Fear Factor (which we find completely VILE, by the way). You are participating in something that you all know is going to not only be toxic to your physical bodies, but also to your own light bodies. And, still, you persevere, like soldiers going into battle (knowing the dangers and the consequences) for one honorable reason – to help this planet overthrow the darkness that has besieged her and tormented her.

And, the same way you watch contestants on Fear Factor, thinking “No WAY would I EVER do something like that,” half in awe and admiration and half in disgust, some light beings watch YOU the very same way. Yes, there are light beings who have never – and will never – incarnate into physical bodies for the very same reason you would never eat animal genitals or get into a tank full of poisonous snakes: it’s vile, disgusting, toxic and dangerous. And the consensus is the same: that person is either brave or stupid. Or, perhaps, both.

The majority of us, of course, view those of you currently incarnated on Earth as brave. Honorable. Wise. Intelligent. And, yes, even heroic. Because, unlike Fear Factor, this is not a “show.” This is a very necessary deed. And it is for the benefit of the entire universe. You are all there to clean up the toxins your planet throws out into the Universe. You are those very brave nuke workers who suit up and go down into the reactors, knowing the dangers, but you do it for the betterment of others. And that is the noblest thing any light being can do. For this, we admire you, we salute you, and we love you very, very dearly. That is why we see to it from our end that no harm will come to you. Especially during these tumultuous times as you watch all the “systems” crumble around you.

You are watching your governments self destruct. You are seeing monetary systems fall like the house of cards that they are. And you are seeing personal relationships all around you – and possibly even your own – fail. Fear not. These are necessary for the benefit of all. It may confuse you at this time. You may wonder, “how could this possibly be good?” But that is simply because you “think” you know no other way. Let us reassure you that you do. You know of MANY other ways. You know of many BETTER solutions. All you have to do is go within. Find your heart center. And remember who you are. For you come from many different galaxies throughout our Universe. You have all been “world leaders” at one time or another. Remember what we told you: you are the strongest of the strong. If you weren’t, you would not be there on Earth at this time. For THIS TIME is the most important time for the entire Universe.

We want you to think about something. Think about “the missing link” in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Why do you suppose there is a “missing link?” Some, of course, think it is because of creationism, and, in some ways, they would be correct. This, however, should NOT be thought of in a “religious” sense. When we say “religion,” we are referring to MAN MADE RELIGION. Those created by the patriarchy to control you and enslave you.

Now. Think of the many types of races on your planet. You are all “human beings.” All possess the same DNA. You all have red blood running through your veins. Although the pigment of your skin and physical structures and facial features are somewhat different, your human biological qualities are all pretty much the same. And you did not evolve from apes. As we can already anticipate the sigh of relief from the majority of the collective, we also anticipate the gasps to follow as we ask you to contemplate that you just might be created from the collective creation of other beings from other planets. Of course, this is not to say that “God” did not play a part of your creation, as the “God force” flows through each and every one of us. But we do ask you to contemplate at this time why there really is a missing link (and yes, there still IS a missing link because, as we told you, you did NOT evolve from apes).

Keep in mind that many of your “scientists” there on Earth are, like many others, “bought and sold” by the dark to report ANYTHING the dark sees as an opportunity to keep you believing in their religions and sciences. To keep you scared. To keep you subservient.

The truth is…your physicality was created by YOU. YOUR collective imagination and spirit. You are ALL ONE. WE are ALL ONE. And, together, with the help of the God force that keeps us united as one (collective consciousness) we have designed ourselves to be who we are and appear as we do in the physical world. Out of what, you ask? Consciousness. Imagination. And personal power. Yes, dear ones…we ARE that powerful.

Welcome to the TRUTH.

Now, we ask you…please…use your power to stand up…to speak up…and follow your hearts. FEEL. Leave the thinking and the mind games to the dark “cabal.”

YOU have the power to say no. YOU have the power to dismiss your “elected” officials who hold power and control over you. YOU have the power to defy “orders” from the dark. YOU have the power to stop all violence. YOU have the power to love. Now open your hearts, love, and ascend.

Peace to all of you.

I am Peter, affiliate of the Pleaidian Council of Light and The Ring of 500, and I represent the collective voice of your family from the stars. With utmost respect and love, I sign off and wish you all the very best as we watch over you with love and protection.

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