On this day, eleven- eleven, the portal of eleven- eleven energies is open to its fullest potential. We observe that a great many people have been and will be connecting with each other in meditations and visualizations, connecting with the crystalline grid of the earth mother.
This is the beginning of the countdown, so to speak, the last few major stepping stones leading up to the twelve twenty-one twenty-twelve. There are many, many expectations attached by you to that day, indeed to this one, as well. These hopes, dreams, and expectations are propelling you forward and having a marvelous effect upon your consciousness.
It will be quite some time before you know the full extent of the changes you have brought about in your world’s future, but the changes you have created in your own lives are and will be quite obvious, at least to yourselves. That many of them are invisible to those who look upon you is not at all important. As a matter of fact, you have, in no small measure, changed consciousness for them, also. And in time, they will realize this.
Today’s message will be short and to the point, but not unimportant. We wish you to understand the magnitude of what you have done and continue to do. And we wish to extend our congratulations and, once again, our assurance of our readiness to help you through this last few weeks. Your progress is noted and hailed throughout the cosmos. You cannot see the effects you have on the All, but they are very real. As you open your hearts to the energies from Source at this time, open them to each other, also. A force for peace has been created. Nurture its budding life carefully.
We will speak again very soon. Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
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