Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sananda: An Explosion of Love

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ November 8, 2012 (Website)

Greetings, beloveds, Beings of the Light that you are.

The time has come for you to see just exactly what you are made of. You often get glimpses and in these changing times, it is becoming more apparent to you. You are becoming again that immense ball of Light that permeated so much within and around you so many eons ago.

Yes, dear ones, the stage is being set for you to emerge as your True Selves in all ways and at all times. It will be astounding to you, for you so far have just had a glimpse of it, and I must say some more than others, but that will all even out as more and more come on-line.

There is thus to be an explosion revealing everyone’s true make-up that has been and is being precipitated by the raising of the frequencies and by the raising of your consciousness. It has been and is contagious, as you know, and for this we give our assistance. For everyone who asks our assistance in the raising of their light quotient and understanding, there are many more that are affected just by that act.

You all are so capable of this new venture that is beginning anew with the next portal opening of 11-11, which is widening as we speak. The stakes are raised, so to speak, and the stage is set for a unifying event not ever revealed or experienced before.

This is due to the tipping point having been reached and so the light quotient stands to be tripled as the days go on. You most likely feel the quickening in energy and the rising need to pay attention to where your focus is, dear ones.

We see some of you still struggling with letting go of old patterns, but you are well on your way to their completion and being out of your life for good. As long as your intention is to focus on your Heart and your Love for yourselves and others, you needn’t worry about your ascension. You can relax and enjoy the process. You can feel yourselves expanding, knowing that you have made and are making a huge difference in the well-being of Mother Earth and of its inhabitants.

You can rest assured that it will be easier from now on to hold to your intentions because of all the support from on high and from the fact that you have completed a new phase in your development.

You have entered a period of acceleration in your maintenance and building of your frequencies that only requires you to let go of expectations and anticipation of your progress, and to hold fast to your visions for the New Earth as if they are already happening in this moment.

Live in it now, work in it now, look around you and see it now and that will commence your actions to match the vision. You are so capable of putting aside the last vestiges of duality and to live in the new higher dimensions, which are being revealed to you now.

What I am saying is to allow yourselves to get caught up in this new wave, this potent yet gentle wave of new beginnings. The time is now and the necessary ingredients are Love, of course, and also an unyielding focus on what you are seeing and feeling when you join in and meld with others’ hearts bent on establishing once and for all a world of Love, Peace, and Abundance for all.

Let this be your focus and let this be your every breath. Yes, do the unifying meditations to this effect on 11-11 but align yourselves now and forever on in this mindset, or for a better image, Heart-set. You will experience an explosion of color, light and euphoria that you have yet to experience.

Until we speak again,

I am Sananda, at your ever-loving service.

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

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