Popeye used to say: “I yam what I yam, and I yam Popeye the Sailor Man.”
And you are what you be. Every act, word, thought comes from your Being. The less trammeled your Being, the greater blessing you are. Without giving blessing, you bless.
My Presence matters. Do you possibly think that yours does not? You are the lever of the whole Universe. You are Echo who is heard forevermore. You are the synchronizer of the world. You are its baton, and you are all the instruments. You make the music. You turn the world. You crank it up, or you crank it down.
Be, and you will raise Earth right up to Heaven. Be as you truly are, and there will no arguments, no hurt feelings, no taking life so personally, no quandaries, no upset, no anger, no defeat. None of these exist in Being. Even when you are beleaguered by such wayward things, even when you experience injustice, it doesn’t matter because your Being has no acquaintance with such emotions and feuds and despair. Even now, be silent, and you will raise the world right up to Heaven. You can. You will. You may already have.
You don’t have to say a word. We are talking about your level of consciousness and not what spouts from your mouth. This is what being true to yourself means. It means being true to your Self which is to say being true to Me. From My vantage, you can never be untrue to Me. You can, however, put yourself into a fix of one kind or another. You who can lose things can also misplace your True Self, put your Self on the back burner for a while and spout words and deeds you picked up somewhere.
Would you know anger if no one had ever been angry with you?
Now, this is what I want to tell you. Just as when you are very angry, you can try to hide it with all your might, yet it is known. The truth is already known.
And so is it with your love. You can hide it. You can hide it from yourself, and yet it is known. Your love is known. Deep down you know your love and the extent of it. No matter how disguised, you know, and I know, the magnificence of you.
Plunk down your love ahead of you, and anger will not arise. Your consciousness will arise, and the sun will arise, and flowers will bloom, and the world will arise like a beautiful flower all the way to Heaven. Fear and anger cannot rise to Heaven. Fear and anger will become a thing of the past. Do not believe that you have to have fear and anger. Don’t have them. It is so simple.
If you don’t want a hot potato in your hand, what do you do? You drop it. And this is what you can do with the rank emotions that hold you, not in good stead, but in dread.
I have to ask you why do you put up with things like fear and anger?
Somehow, somewhere, you think you have to have them for a vagueness you call honor, and so you defend yourself. You need no defense. You do not have to stick up for yourself. Beloveds, bow. You, bow down and serve yourself and serve all and serve the Universe.
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