I love this time of year and I’m always excited to announce the “Thank You Game,” during Thanksgiving week here in the states. Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, saying “thank you” to the people in your life is not only a wonderful way to bring some unexpected kindness to others, it’s also a way to share the wealth of gratitude and to feel the power of connection. Showing your appreciation is like shining a bright, nourishing light on a beautiful flower – people open up and smile.
So here’s the plan. The object of the “Thank You Game” is to find a creative and inexpensive way to thank or acknowledge those people in your life who often get overlooked. Here are some examples of what you might do… 
- Send a “thanks for being a great mom or dad” card to a busy parent and acknowledge them for contributing to humanity in a powerful way.
- Offer thanks to a military family in your community. You could send a small gift of gratitude, help out with work around the house, or offer to take someone to lunch. Some of these folks have been away from their loved ones for months and months and they could really use your kindness.
- Speak to the boss of an employee who has provided you with exceptional care and let the boss know how great you were treated.
- Send a thank you card to someone who would least expect it like your auto mechanic, lawyer, accountant, dental hygienist, or doctor. If you own a deck of Grace Cards, Self-Care Cards or Daily Affirmation Cards, include a card, too. Trust me, you’ll make their day!
- Bring a box of goodies to the post office, your local fire department, or police station, and let the employees know that you appreciate them. From what I’m told, they rarely get this kind of acknowledgment, and seeing the surprised look on their faces is so much
- The Thank You Game
- I love this time of year and I’m always excited to announce the “Thank You Game,” during Thanksgiving week here in the states. Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, saying “thank you” to the people in your life is not only a wonderful way to bring some unexpected kindness to others, it’s also a way to share the wealth of gratitude and to feel the power of connection. Showing your appreciation is like shining a bright, nourishing light on a beautiful flower – people open up and smile.
- So here’s the plan. The object of the “Thank You Game” is to find a creative and inexpensive way to thank or acknowledge those people in your life who often get overlooked. Here are some examples of what you might do…
- Send a “thanks for being a great mom or dad” card to a busy parent and acknowledge them for contributing to humanity in a powerful way.
- Offer thanks to a military family in your community. You could send a small gift of gratitude, help out with work around the house, or offer to take someone to lunch. Some of these folks have been away from their loved ones for months and months and they could really use your kindness.
- Speak to the boss of an employee who has provided you with exceptional care and let the boss know how great you were treated.
- Send a thank you card to someone who would least expect it like your auto mechanic, lawyer, accountant, dental hygienist, or doctor. If you own a deck of Grace Cards, Self-Care Cards or Daily Affirmation Cards, include a card, too. Trust me, you’ll make their day!
- Bring a box of goodies to the post office, your local fire department, or police station, and let the employees know that you appreciate them. From what I’m told, they rarely get this kind of acknowledgment, and seeing the surprised look on their faces is so much fun!
- Leave a larger than normal tip hidden under a cup for your favorite restaurant server.
- Write the words “thank you” on the bills you pay this month (and include a card, too). I’ve actually gotten calls from strangers about the cards they’ve received with my bills. You never know what a difference a small gesture of gratitude can make.
- Bring some cookies to a local Veteran’s group or Nursing home.
- Send a note of thanks to the teacher who takes good care of your son or daughter.
- Whatever you decide to do, unleash your creative spirit and have some fun. As you play “The Thank You Game,” you’ll probably discover that saying thank you and giving to others feels so good you’ll want to do it all year long!
- Take Action Challenge
- Stop for a moment and browse through your contact list to identify the people who serve you, keep you safe, or help make your life easier in some way. Then, consider the people in your neighborhood, community, family or friends. Who could use a special “thank you” this week? Make a list of at least five people and thank one special person every day. Happy Thanksgiving!
- This week’s video is a reminder to ask for help during the busy holidays. This video will show you how. You can find it here.
- Life Makeover For The Year 2012 (sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson. If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission of this newsletter, please email:cheryl@cherylrichardson.com.
- Leave a larger than normal tip hidden under a cup for your favorite restaurant server.
- Write the words “thank you” on the bills you pay this month (and include a card, too). I’ve actually gotten calls from strangers about the cards they’ve received with my bills. You never know what a difference a small gesture of gratitude can make.
- Bring some cookies to a local Veteran’s group or Nursing home.
- Send a note of thanks to the teacher who takes good care of your son or daughter.
Whatever you decide to do, unleash your creative spirit and have some fun. As you play “The Thank You Game,” you’ll probably discover that saying thank you and giving to others feels so good you’ll want to do it all year long!
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