a message from Shala Mata
Dear Light Family,
Welcome to my December 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse. I realize it has been 3 months since my last whale dolphin meditation and I want to apologize for my lack of communication during this time. Many of you have emailed and I deeply appreciate your loving support. I've been dealing with some health challenges brought on by committing the cardinal sin of working too much and not taking time for myself. I have been busy on the outside but quiet on the inside and trusted the timing would be right to re-connect.
Today we begin the final week before the much anticipated December 21st, Precession of the Equinox. On this sacred day our beloved Mother Earth, Sun and Center of the Galaxy will align in a unified straight line. This linking through the sacred heart will be a birthing of the "new" in all dimensions, in all time and space. Each and every one of us have been preparing for this event not only in this lifetime, but in many others. Within the sacred space of the heart, all worlds, universes, dimensions, all life found their creation. This much anticipated timing will unite and unify hearts of all life everywhere.
So much has been written about this timing that many of us feel overwhelmed with information. The frequency waves and harmonic modulations of the past weeks have been intense, dramatic and bringing forth all manner of clearing of the old.
The Whales and Dolphins today wanted to instruct us on the sacred heart vortex or spinning star tetrahedron that will be re-calibrated at the moment of the alignment. This space within the sacred heart is our birthing of the long awaited divine sacred feminine light that will wash over our beloved Mother Earth and offer all us enlightenment.
The truth of our light and our power is not outside of ourselves, although we often seek it there. It is truly held within our sacred heart, the place of our truth and knowing. All of our "light" is within yet we often look above and beyond to quantify.
The Whales and Dolphins have always been known as the "keepers of the grid". They navigate the ley lines and grids of our beloved Mother Earth and maintain the integrity of our Bio-Sphere. On Dec 21st the grids, ley lines, oceans, mountains and all living things were re-calibrated with the new harmonic signature.
Today the Whales and Dolphins along with our star seed families and beloved Magdalene journeyed with us to a holographic temple within the Great Central Sun. We then had an opportunity to examine where we restrict ourselves, no matter what the reason or situation. The Whales and Dolphins lovingly helped us understand that all of our relationships are undergoing massive change and reminded each of us that while this timing can feel overwhelming, it is by our personal divine design that we are assisting our beloved Mother Earth in becoming a star. Every thought is by divine design, every action experienced in perfection as we find balance.
The Whales and Dolphins work with the planetary frequencies on a daily basis as they balance the ley lines and grid lines of our planet. We are divine multi-dimensional beings merging with our human-ness on a daily path of enlightenment. The whales and dolphin support that journey in every way, and today they beamed to us the message that we are doing just great. We need not worry about what is coming in 2012, what "ascension" will look or feel like. They helped us understand we have all the truth and knowledge we need within our sacred heart.
I want to thank ALL that were able to join in and participate with me today. The love and energy allowed a deepening to our connection with the "Whale Matrix" which will be the foundation for all further meditations. The Whales and Dolphins showered us with the frequency of "Love" today, giving each of us a new found inner strength and a new level of trust.
We are and will remain in dramatic times of change over the coming months, and our beloved Whales and Dolphins are within us offering a cohesive integration and interface between our sacred heart and our 3D/ 5D bodies. The Whales and Dolphins offered support for us and our beloved Mother Earth, by weaving the vibrational frequency of LOVE, uniting ALL in this NOW timing.
Our beloved Whales and Dolphins along with our Beloved Arcturians, Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, and Star-Seed families will continue to support the interface of our 3D/5D systems as we continue to surf the crystalline vibrational upgrades of 2012 and beyond The entire meditation was recorded, below are the links.
It takes a few seconds for the recordings to begin.
Please note during today's meditation I lost the line for 1 minute and 20 seconds. The meditation continues - just stay in your sacred heart space during that time.
December Overview and Meditation
http://www.audioacrobat.com/play/WMDLfRs4 - For Listening on Desktop
http://shala.audioacrobat.com/download/Dec162012WhaleandDolphinCosmicPulse.mp3 - For Download as an MP3 File
Copyright © Shala Mata 2009 - 2012
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