I will update this every day or so with ongoing sections and chapters of the (unfinished) book until all the information is here. I welcome discussion and participation here as well!
The Lost Codes of Shambhala. By Lisa Gawlas
Shambhala is not a place on earth, but an energy You bring to earth using the activation’s within your 12 Strand DNA.
Shambhala is not a place on earth, but an energy You bring to earth using the activation’s within your 12 Strand DNA.
It almost seems unfair that we arrive in a world where we occupy one of the greatest inventions of all time, but are never told how to use its genius and power. That invention is the human body.
Granted, science does marvel about the super computer we call the brain, the awe striking precision of neurons and motor skills. And we do marvel at the physical body we understand. We even marvel at the fact that we have a consciousness with which to marvel.
But what about the bits and pieces we don’t fully understand? We know that the body itself is made up of energy. Thanks to science, we know that all of that energy is a vibration and in constant motion. But what does that really mean to us? This very question has been my quest for the past ten years: Understanding the energy that is us; that is the human experience.
I want to be perfectly clear about how I came to understand what I am about to share with you. I didn’t read about it in any book or view an informational video about it. That is not to say that I didn’t expand on my personal discoveries through others’ books and videos. However, the fullness of what I am about to share with you came from deep within my own cellular memories; my own DNA.
We each have access to this information. We each have the ability to go deep within ourselves and access the truth about who we are and how we really work. Going deep within means turning down the mind chatter and being fully present within yourself. In this place within, the mind is no longer telling you what it thinks it knows. Instead, your heart and the vastness of the universe is revealing to you what you seek.
I compare what I have done in the past ten years to what a specially trained doctor does before he or she practices what they have learned. I went into deep inner study. I learned every aspect I could comprehend about how we, as spiritual humans, work within the world of energy and matter. I have logged literally tens of thousands of hours in what I call meditation: The type of meditation where my spiritual team (spirit guides and teachers, ascended masters and even God) not only exist, but communicate and share their wisdom and understandings. These are the Beings that taught me what I am about to share with you.
I am going to share through my own experiences and what I have come to understand within the experiences. For some, this might be a little embarrassing to read. But embarrassment is an energy that does not serve your higher good. I am not embarrassed about a thing, so please, don’t you be either. I truly feel that sharing my personal experiences will help you understand and deepen your own.
I am going to share the understandings I have come to know one little mouthful at a time, using as simple a language as I can find. Not because I want to dumb anything down, but because so many things were over my head at the time, that I felt more boggled than enlightened. I don’t want you to have to search through a metaphysical dictionary for understanding. My only desire is that you “get” this information and the complete understanding of how to utilize it in your own life; in your own body.
The dynamic of the physical body
Our physical bodies, when viewed under a high-powered microscope, are not solid at all. The body is a series of vibrations. Molecules, atoms, protons and other minuscule parts are vibrating at certain rates of speed. It is our physical mind that gives us the picture and the feeling of it all being a solid mass of something. The rate of speed or intensity of this vibration varies. It is not the same all the way thru the body.
The closer your physical body is to the earth (feet, legs, groin), the slower and heavier is the vibration rate. As you start to move up the body, the rate of vibration picks up speed. The faster the vibration is of any part of your physical body, the closer the connection is to your soul energy.
The soul energy has an intensely high vibration rate. It moves so quickly that we have yet to invent the microscope that can see it clearly (but this microscope will soon be invented). However, you have known and felt this “soul energy” every time you become sexually aroused. I will explain this in greater detail later in this book. This is one of the major reasons why many people have a hard time meditating. We are trying to enter the highest vibration (rate of speed) within ourselves. Many people get frustrated and quit before they ever realize the wonder of meditation. We need to be starting from the other end with the slower, more familiar energy within ourselves!
When we are in perfect health, a harmony is taking place from head to tippy toe. Our energy fields are vibrating perfectly and in co-operation with each level within us. When we fall out of harmony within ourselves, that energy becomes disrupted. The rate of speed slows down even more. When we ignore this falling-out of harmony, this vibration change, illness and disease sets in.
In the midst of the blood, bones, muscles and physical make-up that we can see in the body are what I will refer to as energy streams. These energy streams are in addition to that vibration I just talked about. I refer to these energy streams as the ‘inner ocean’, which has ebbs and flows of its own.
This information might conflict with what you may have learned or studied, but please be open to it. It makes the body simple and easy to understand.
The lowest chakra or energy center (the root or base chakra) starts at the coccyx (tail bone). There are three channels in which it flows up through us to intersect at the tailbone—sort of like gas lines—that are in the center of your body. I see the base chakra as a three-prong stream. Two of the prongs run through each of your legs and one runs right out the center from the groin. This center channel is larger in diameter than the ones in the legs, but each has its own purpose.
What I see outside of the body at the root chakra is very much like the old time hoop skirts women used to wear. There is a hoop of energy flowing from the waist to the ground outside of your body. Within this hoop-like energy, I can see tubules running from the ground and connecting at the hip, where the root chakra meets the sacral chakra. These tubules are connected to all the lives you have lived that are equally feeding your energy stream within your body. This feeds your sense of self within the world, which is your sacral chakra energy. I have observed some people with just a handful of these tubules, while others have hundreds. Not everyone has the same number of earth life incarnations under his or her belt!
The energy runs up from the ground through your legs, entering through the soles of your feet and your groin, then meeting the sacral chakra at the tailbone. Using the chakras is my way of helping you visualize how these channels work together and how important this energy flow is to your well-being: Body, mind and soul.
The earth energy merges with your spine at the tailbone. In the center of your spine runs a stream of energy. This is the flow of your inner ocean, or the current. The center stream in your spine is where most of your chakras, or energy centers, intersect and share information. As this stream from the earth flows upward, it gathers all the incoming and outgoing information from your energy centers. It pulls itself up through your neck and eventually crashes over your brain like the ocean crashes over the sand on the beach.
As this upward flow of earth energy crashes over your brain, it nurtures your electrical fields within the brain, and also provides a vision of your Self to the inner eye, or brow chakra. Spiritual energy also comes in through the top of your head, mixing with this crashing wave, and enhancing it. The spiritual energy mixed with the earth energy runs back down your spine, just as the ocean retreats back from the sand to its source. When the chakras, or energy centers, are open, this ebbing energy takes stress and worries with it, releasing them back into mother earth so she can transmute them into positive energy.
But over time, we have become human pack rats. We no longer allow our flow to do its job. Instead, we store our stress and worries in the body. I personally stored mine in my gallbladder. When I had to have emergency surgery to remove my diseased gallbladder, I shifted my storage house to my stomach, which developed raging ulcers.
As this upward flow of earth energy crashes over your brain, it nurtures your electrical fields within the brain, and also provides a vision of your Self to the inner eye, or brow chakra. Spiritual energy also comes in through the top of your head, mixing with this crashing wave, and enhancing it. The spiritual energy mixed with the earth energy runs back down your spine, just as the ocean retreats back from the sand to its source. When the chakras, or energy centers, are open, this ebbing energy takes stress and worries with it, releasing them back into mother earth so she can transmute them into positive energy.
But over time, we have become human pack rats. We no longer allow our flow to do its job. Instead, we store our stress and worries in the body. I personally stored mine in my gallbladder. When I had to have emergency surgery to remove my diseased gallbladder, I shifted my storage house to my stomach, which developed raging ulcers.
Our minds are deeply affected by disrupted energy flow. We become depressed, loose vital energy and feel tired and drained. We no longer sleep as needed and may even become sleep deprived. When we can no longer feel our vital life force flowing through us, we contemplate suicide or choose actions so reckless that they cause us harm.
When we ignore our bodies’ warning signals, the energy flow starts to feed on itself, looking for the nourishment (love) we are no longer giving it. Cancer can set in where we are in our highest dysfunction within ourselves—within our energy flows.
When we ignore our bodies’ warning signals, the energy flow starts to feed on itself, looking for the nourishment (love) we are no longer giving it. Cancer can set in where we are in our highest dysfunction within ourselves—within our energy flows.
The mysterious illness known as fibromyalgia represents a complete block of the core energy. Energy is no longer nourishing the muscles, tissue or even the mind. In this case, we can say the body is literally starving for healthy, energetic food.
What facilitates death? Maybe better stated, what creates the energy for our bodies to start breaking down and die? It is our increased level in the energy of fear. Our bodies were never designed for states of prolonged fear. Let’s clarify what fear really is. It is every negative state of being and thinking. Feeling you’re not good enough is a fear. Felling you’re not pretty enough is a fear. Worrying about something bad happening or that you won’t be able to pay a bill is a fear. Suspicion that a spouse is cheating is a fear. Fears are so numerous and so ingrained in our approach to life that it is no wonder our life spans are a mere 70 to 80 years! In reality, our incredible bodies were designed to live for hundreds and hundreds of years!
Let’s talk about two very important aspects of our life, of our working physical body that both connect to the aging process.
First, let’s go to the medulla oblongata. This is part of your brain stem that connects directly to the spinal cord and what I call your main core channel. It is located on the cervical aspect of the spinal cord and attaches to discs C-1, C-2 and C-3. These are in the throat chakra center that governs self-expression.
Scientifically, the medulla oblongata functions primarily as a relay station for the crossing of motor tracts between the spinal cord and the brain. It also contains the respiratory, vasomotor and cardiac centers, as well as many mechanisms for controlling reflex activities such as coughing, gagging, swallowing and vomiting.
However, scientists are becoming more aware that the human body can and does absorb energy and that a form of solar energy or electricity operates it. The main input center is located at the medulla oblongata in the brain stem. This area of the body is called ‘the Mouth of God’ by the ancient Masters of Life. The life energy was called ‘The Word’ due to its vibratory rate, which is audible. The medulla oblongata is so sensitive; a pinprick would cause instant death. To tickle it would cause paralysis. Any other organ can be operated upon except the medulla oblongata.
Scientists are becoming convinced that this center is the focal point of life directly within our organism that traps light like a plant and converts it into energy through photosynthesis. This is the real ‘Tree of Life in the Garden of Cosmic Consciousness.’
The medulla oblongata also has a direct link to the pineal gland, also known as ‘The Master Gland.’
The medulla oblongata also has a direct link to the pineal gland, also known as ‘The Master Gland.’
The pineal gland contains a number of peptides that include GnRH, TRH, and vasotocin. Many important neurotransmitters, such as somatostatin, norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine combine with these. The major pineal hormone, however, is melatonin. A curious scientist discovered melatonin when he wondered why an amphibian’s skin became lighter. Secretion of melatonin increases when an animal is placed in the dark; the opposite effect takes place immediately upon exposure to light. Its major action, well documented in animals, is to block the secretion of GnRH by the hypothalamus and of gonadotropins by the pituitary.
The importance of all of this is to emphasize that we have two direct links to LIGHT within the body.
Now let me share what I have come to know about these two incredible parts of our body. This is the most exciting thing I have learned yet, because I now know that, once we lighten everything up in these two centers, we drastically slow the aging process!
Metaphysically speaking, let’s start with the medulla oblongata located in the throat chakra. So far in my many years of energy work, I have found that the most people have blocked throat chakras. The denseness of dark, or “not-illuminated,” energy presses upon the medulla oblongata, which, in partnership with the heart chakra, creates heart, lung and many other diseases.
Metaphysically speaking, let’s start with the medulla oblongata located in the throat chakra. So far in my many years of energy work, I have found that the most people have blocked throat chakras. The denseness of dark, or “not-illuminated,” energy presses upon the medulla oblongata, which, in partnership with the heart chakra, creates heart, lung and many other diseases.
Now remember, the slightest vibration effects the medulla oblongata’s working order. Light energy is a truly light vibration, whereas the lack of light—which is where fear comes in because fear is dense, dark, unknowing, and untrusting—is heavy. Thus, if you spend your time in fear, and your Self-expression is restricted due to fear, you are sending a signal to the pineal gland, which obliges by reducing the production of melatonin—LIGHT.
Imagine the chaotic inner misinterpretations when we either keep things inside that we need to release, or we spew out mindless, hateful venom. Imagine the harsh vibration that is taking place within our medulla oblongata (and lets not forget that very important hormone releasing gland the thyroid).
Imagine the chaotic inner misinterpretations when we either keep things inside that we need to release, or we spew out mindless, hateful venom. Imagine the harsh vibration that is taking place within our medulla oblongata (and lets not forget that very important hormone releasing gland the thyroid).
It is the severe dysfunction of our Self (please, higher self here, not the human minded self), expression that causes us to age and eventually die!! Imagine that! Imagine healing it and placing it into a balance of light. We would slow down the aging processes by centuries, yes I said that correctly: CENTURIES! That means we could put off the act of dying for close to a millennium!! Difficult to currently imagine I know, but true nonetheless.
Every single illness, disease, or dysfunction can be restored back to absolute health. I don’t care if cancer ate half of your liver away. It will re-grow itself if you change what is needed in you. If you lost bone mass, it will regenerate itself if you take charge of your life, spiritually, physically, and mentally!
Every single illness, disease, or dysfunction can be restored back to absolute health. I don’t care if cancer ate half of your liver away. It will re-grow itself if you change what is needed in you. If you lost bone mass, it will regenerate itself if you take charge of your life, spiritually, physically, and mentally!
However, if you believe what I say is impossible, then for you, it will be. Your beliefs create the reality within which you now exist. You do not have to believe me. You can maintain what you’ve created by expecting more of the same. All religions touch on this. “As ye believe so shall it be done unto you,” “thoughts are things,” “all that we are is a result of what we have thought;” God’s law, universal law, is steadfast!
I also want to touch on something important as we are talking about the physical body. I, and others like me, can re-set your entire flow of energy; make it whole again. But, if you do nothing to change what caused the flow to change, then it will revert back to disruption. You must be a willing partner in your well-being. If you are not willing to work on yourself, to understand yourself and make changes, then your physical body can only reflect your true state of being and that would be dysfunction.
It is crucial to understand that no aspect of your life—NONE—is someone else’s fault. A person or people or situations can be catalysts bringing us to awareness, but frequently, we simply become angry. Anger, which is a symptom of fear, will eat you up quicker than any other emotion thereby blocking the energy flow.
As we accept responsibility for ourselves, change ourselves, grow our own lives, we change for the better and life around us follows the same direction. This too is God’s law.
The Chakra’s and the Body’s Breathing System
Your core system:
At the top of your head is a funnel shaped netting of energy which function it is to bring higher energy into your body. This funnel or cone shaped netting is directing what I refer to as spiritual energy down into you and connects directly to your brain stem, or the very top of your cervical spine.
Your core system:
At the top of your head is a funnel shaped netting of energy which function it is to bring higher energy into your body. This funnel or cone shaped netting is directing what I refer to as spiritual energy down into you and connects directly to your brain stem, or the very top of your cervical spine.
This netting system (as I “see” it through my own inner vision), turns into an etheric tube, very much like a hose, that runs down the center of your spine and another netting like funnel emanates from the center of your groin and (in healthy people) elongates down into the earth several inches.
The thicker spiritual energy flows down into you through the crown, picking up stress, worries, toxins, viruses, whatever does not belong in your body, and moves it out into the earth. The earth then transmutes it into positive life affirming energy and is released once again into our atmosphere via the plant kingdom as oxygen.
The earth energy, which is fluid and hydrating, then runs up the body rehydrating the entire body system. She replenishes vital life force energy, and in the whole and balanced ready human, ignites Kundalini Passion, which is located at the high heart area (right at the top of the sternum).
Intersecting in this core energy is what is commonly referred to as “major chakras.” I used to think they were called major because of what they did, but I have since learned it is really because of their size. The major chakras are the largest energy portals of the body system. All but the crown and root have front and back locations: The front of the body and the back of the body.
Most people say there are seven major chakras. As I see it in the new emerging human, there are nine that run from head to groin. The two I have inserted are in italics.
CROWN – The top of the head known as the Crown Chakra, associated with the color violet and/or white, governs intuition, awareness, and spirituality. This is where the Pituitary Gland is and is known as the seat of the soul.
BROW OR THIRD EYE – The forehead just above your eyebrows is the Brow or Third Eye Chakra, associated with the color indigo, and governs your senses, visual intuition, telepathy, meditation, and inner sight.
THROAT – The throat area called the Throat Chakra is associated with the color blue and governs the ether (allows the voice of Spirit to speak through you), self-expression, energy, and endurance.
The HIGH HEART – The top of the Sternum region and is associated with the color pink. This truly is your passion center, what you have come into life to do, be and express from the Higher realms of Light.
HEART – The area between your shoulders and also between your lower rib cage and the bottom of your throat is called the Heart Chakra. It is associated with the color green and governs air (your lungs are located in this area as well), compassion, love, respect, and it is the home of your spiritual energy. I also like to refer to this area as an equal processor to the brain since it is the home of Spirit or your soul.
SOLAR PLEXUS – The next area is that area just above your navel (belly button) and just below the rib cage known as the Solar Plexus or Navel Chakra, which is associated with the color yellow and governs your passion, personal power, and is the storage of your life force (prana). This is also where all your “gut” feelings come from, and your intuition usually projects from here.
SACRAL PLEXUS – The area directly between your solar plexus and sacral chakra areas, in the mid-abdomen. It is associated with the colors yellow-orange, an intermingling of the two. It emerges within your body when you have shifted from “physically or ego driven” to “spiritually or love driven”.
SACRAL – The next is the area just above the pelvic bone and just below the navel called the Sacral Chakra, which is associated with the color orange and governs emotions toward others, sexual energy, and your reproductive organs. This is also from where your sexual desires and fantasies, as well as “attractions,” come, at least before your transformation happens (more on this later).
ROOT OR BASE – Last but far from least is that area below the pelvic bone called the Root Chakra. It is associated with the color red and governs your earth connection and your lower limbs. This is what grounds and connects you to the earth energy; your mother. I would like to add two other sets of Chakras that, in my own mind, are equally important:
Although smaller in size, there are two very important chakras I want to add in my version of ”major” chakras: The palms of your hands are one set. Your hands are constantly sending and receiving energy. Have you ever noticed how much you can pick up from another with a handshake? Or how much you can feel when holding hands with someone?
The soles of your feet are another set. You can pick up all the subtle energy that comes from your mother, the earth. She is constantly sending out signals. All you have to do is learn how to process the signals and truly connect to that.
This etheric tube system I see runs from the heart across the clavicle area and down each arm to the palms and fingertip chakras. The legs and feet are connected just above the tailbone.
So there are your 7-9 major chakras, palms and feet. Now there are smaller energy centers that I see. Every location of your joints has its own energy center. Every pore of your skin has teeny tiny chakras that I see as about ¼ of an inch in size.
Interestingly enough, what I have never ever seen within the body is the ancient Chinese meridian pathways. That is not to say there are not energy pathways in the body. God knows we are loaded with them, but we really have evolved energetically over 3000 years. We now have an amazing grid system within us. But for the purpose of this book, that information is irrelevant.
The Universal Energy Around and Within Us
The only way I know of addressing this energy system is by relating the story in a linear fashion. Please know that all the energies I am going to share with you are intermingled with each other and are different variations of the same energy. Don’t worry about the complexity of that statement because it’s really not important to understand. I would not have progressed as far as I have if I had been required to understand it. I understand it through the many years of intensely working with it.
I am going to talk about four different energy layers here. Two of the energy layers are very common and I am sure everyone has heard of before. The other two are more esoteric, but no less true and existent.
The first layer I want to address is the FEAR LAYER.
The fear energy is the densest of all energies that exist. It is heavy, black (no light shining in), and burdensome. Because this energy is so heavy, it vibrates closest to the root chakra, or physical incarnation aspect of our human field.
Believe it or not, this is really an important energy if used sparingly and only when appropriate. The fear energy is designed to keep us safe and free from harm. It is the very energy our ego projects from, by design!
Sadly, we humans have been consumed by fear. It floods our core system and blocks out so much light (wisdom and joy) that is has us constantly second guessing ourselves. As we accumulate more and more of the fear energy within us and near us, we become so blocked from the light that our physical bodies start to break down. Disease and illness can set in because of our weakened fearful state of being.
We think we are doing ourselves a favor by the sheer amount of drugs and operations we receive, but that is simply consuming more fear. We no longer trust our energy system to correct itself, so we consume more fear. How many people have you known that had cancer, had it go into remission then present itself again either in the same place or elsewhere? Until you absolutely change your energy, your thinking, you are simply redistributing the fear energy.
Before I started this journey that I now refer to simply as “my path,” I was riddled with fear. My life and body echoed that fear. I had gallbladder disease by the time I was 30 years old. Emergency surgery cured that, or so I thought. I stored all my unresolved anger in my gallbladder, so when it was removed, should I have been surprised when I developed raging ulcers? No. I had simply moved my storage unit from the gallbladder to the stomach and anger was still eating me alive, literally and figuratively. No doctor ever offered that information. Anger, when not used positively, is a destructive aspect of fear.
Of course, I was housing so much anger that I developed G.E.R.D. (gastroesophageal reflux disease) on top of this ulcer joy. There was so much anger in my stomach that it was backing up into my esophagus.
I was also manic-depressive, a genetic gift I received from my mom. In the DNA that is my incarnated body, there is a family history of blocking out our light so that only darkness feeds the mind. This, too, is a purposeful journey in self-discovery. Ah, but I would be getting ahead of the story.
I was filling my bounty of dysfunction in consuming the disorder known as S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which, simply stated, effects the melatonin produced by the pituitary gland in winter months. In other words, we are dependent on outside sources of light to nourish our physical body. When daylight is shortened by the winter months, depression can set in.
I did ultra violet light therapy in the winter, which didn’t help much. It was during the winter months, when the seasonal depression compounded with the manic depression, that I attempted several suicides. I tried to go and Spirit kept sending me back! Depending on the stressors, I experienced long bouts of not being able to sleep at all to long bouts of not being able to get out of bed.
Those are some ways that fear can present itself. Our bodies are designed to yell, “hey there is a black out happening within, turn on the lights please!” But we have resorted to medications and surgeries to cure our woes. Meditation is the key to everything and that chapter is forth coming.
After the fear layer is The Collective Consciousness level of energy surrounding us. This energy system is exactly as it sounds. It’s the collective mindset of the humans on earth. There are various pockets to this energy. So it is not all one distinct sort of energy. There are massive fear pockets, massive light pockets and everything in between the two.
We are programmed to connect to this particular energy field. Our crown chakras extend from our physical bodies to connect to the energy field with which we most closely vibrate. We download and upload constantly, enhancing and consuming whatever pocket of collective energy to which we are connected.
For me, it was the self-loathing, unworthy energy field. Yeah, right there is the fear level of incarnation.
In this part of the collective, poverty was a mindset. Fear of not being liked by others was a normal part of my day. I approached all aspects of life with the hungry need to be accepted by others, by someone, anyone. This blocked my light, of course, but who knows that at first?
When I started to do my meditations, and bring in more light, I started to change where my crown chakra was connected. I started to move beyond the fear areas of life and into the lighter, more loving realms. Of course, anytime you move your antenna, relationships are going to change. Some people who loved you now can’t stand to be around you. Others embrace you as if seeing you for the first time, which, in truth, they really are!
Some people, however, get so caught up in the channel to which they are connected that the airwaves get more intense, especially the fear pockets. This causes the body to break down. If that is happening and we don’t change our channels, our bodies simply die and we return to Source. But for this story, we are most definitely changing those channels in every conceivable way!
Fortunately today, there are more and more people waking up and choosing to change the channel or pocket of collective energy to which they are connected. They are changing the very game being played here on earth. Ironically, the more Light (wisdom and love), in the collective, the more intense the fear agenda appears. That is simply because more and more light is exposing what no longer works for us as a human collective. So, let’s just say that the collective happily has become more Light-centered than it was even a decade ago.
The next level of energy is what I refer to as THE CHIRST CONSCIOUSNESS or THE UNIFIED FIELD OF ONENESS.
Fear and judgment cannot and does not exist in this pure Light energy. This is the energy to which the masters of yesterday such as Christ, Buddah, Krishna, Ghandi, Mohammad and so on, were connected.
Let me be clear with this confusing and, for some, unsettling title using the word Christ. Christ is a place of enlightenment or mastery within the spiritual/human system of energy. It was a title given by the Essene religion, of which Jesus, the man, was a part. So Christ was a title for enlightenment and never intended to be a man’s name.
This unified field of oneness is an actual energy field present within our earth realms. In order to access and utilize it in its fullness, you must completely clear your physical energy body and mind of fear of any kind.
Your truth exists in this level of energy. It can only be accessed with pure heart energy. When your crown chakra is elongated to the fields of unity consciousness, you start to change your DNA encodings. Only in this field does true ascension take place on earth. Both DNA and ascension will be discussed later.
And then there is the energy known as Shambhala.
This would be the energy known as pure God potential. An energy field, when immersed within it, where heaven and earth are one energy. Unlike the other three energies, this field of creation is more difficult to connect to. It takes pure mastery of your very energy field to connect to it. It is so sacred (enlightened), and so powerful that, on earth, it takes two divine counterparts to open up its potential and bring it down into the earth realms.
We can look at this energy, the God potential, as a container held under lock and key. Woman is the holding container and man is the key. In order to bring the energy of Shambhala to earth, one man and one woman, both magnetically encoded, must come together in a very physical way to build the energy field necessary for its arrival. This is why a completely integrated Kundalini partnership must happen first and foremost.
Jesus accessed this energy. This is how he was able to turn water into wine, bread into fish, and instantly heal a person with his touch. In order for him to have been able to open up this pure energy field, a counterpart, a woman, had to have been involved.
Posted on January 11, 2013
Chapter 2
The Magnetic Fields of Earth and DNA
The Magnetic Fields of Earth and DNA
I am not going to talk about these two fields as a science project; I would be so far over my head if I did. What I am going to share is what I do understand about them, spiritually speaking.
The magnetic fields of earth
Some years ago I started to see (within meditation) energy boundaries around the earth. From what I remember, these boundaries were approximately five miles out into earth’s atmosphere and protected planet earth from incoming energy. I would be shown a massive ball of energy hitting these fields and literally moving the energy boundaries and affecting the earth. I had no idea what it meant, but it was fascinating to watch and feel.
Now, I get it. Every time an asteroid comes into this atmosphere it is bringing with it some super charged energy from the outer reaches of the universe. These super charged particles affect every aspect of life including our DNA.
Now, I get it. Every time an asteroid comes into this atmosphere it is bringing with it some super charged energy from the outer reaches of the universe. These super charged particles affect every aspect of life including our DNA.
Our DNA is tuned to the energy of all life. Our bodies are tuned to the energies of all life. Our energy centers are tuned to the energy of all life. When even the smallest particle of any energy changes, the whole of earth is affected. Think of it this way; every time you choose love instead of fear, you have altered the energy field of earth for the highest good. I hope that small, but profound, statement gives you a scope of how profound you are, and how vital you are to life’s story. But I am getting ahead of myself again. Back to earth.
The sun and earth exist within a divine marriage to each other. They work together in amazing harmony. The sun serves to amplify the earth’s energy, enhancing her in every way. When the sun emits solar flares or solar winds, it has a massive effect on planet earth, including the people living here. Every emotion from the sun is creating change on earth and within our bodies. The higher in frequency you are connected (that pesky crown chakra) the more profound the change will be within the physical body. However, there is a side effect to this wonderful dance of light energy. That is that, the more aligned to fear you are, the more devastating the effect will be to the body.
We are currently in a solar maximum time, which means the sun is sending radiation to us a lot. The solar flares, solar tsunamis, solar winds and everything else the sun sends to us will pick up its frequency as we approach 2012. We are truly becoming Light filled humans. Those who are having a hard time removing themselves from the fear realm will simply break down and recycle their energy back into the universal All. This is neither good nor bad; it is just how it has been since creation created creation.
If getting bombarded with light energy from the sun was not enough to make our hair stand on end, we also receive energy from storms, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes and so on. Our mother has to release old stored energy in order to accommodate the new higher light energy. She does this in any of the above-mentioned ways. So we truly are getting hit coming and going. Ever feel like you are on a wild emotional roller coaster ride? You are! Don’t expect to get off anytime soon.
If you want to know how your day may feel, see what the sun is doing. You can either strap in, or breath easy, at least for a day or two.
Our DNA is Light Encoded
We have 12 strands of the most amazing material encoded in every single, solitary cell within our body. Our science so far has access to one single strand; the double helix, which gives us our genetic code of life. Many say this cannot be altered, I beg to differ. I know it can.
Oh, the wonder and magic of the unseen parts of our physical makeup! Today’s science will lead you to believe that 97% of our DNA is “junk.” This is because scientists cannot “see” what it does under a microscope yet. One day, they will—just as they grew to accept microbes and galaxies. Science understands one strand, but not fully. The part of layer one that is inter-dimensional, science does not look at, at all.
Creation does not create “waste” or “junk”. These beautiful, amazing strands are not part of the left over evolution of the human species—quite the opposite really. They lie within a semi-dormant state until activated, balanced, and utilized by the consciousness of their host body—YOU!
Your DNA is constantly shifting and changing; at least the 11 strands science does not see, which equally affect the one strand it can see.
I am not going to go into the complexity of the metaphysical attributes of your DNA. It is not needed for this book. I just want you to have a clear picture of how you work and how the world works around you. Your DNA is vital part of your story’s whole.
You see, even your DNA has magnetic codes with it. Magnets pull things to them, so does your DNA pull everything you have ever experienced in life, to you.
Now imagine this; you have a new filament of light hit your body, penetrate your DNA magnetic field of energy and you start to send out signals to attract what you need for your life’s experience. Let’s start with a worse-case scenario.
Perhaps you are a deeply mental thinker and analyze everything. You never stop at your heart for the real details. This magnetic field may just allow a brain tumor to grow, or you may attract to you a head on collision to help alter your constant mental activities. What and how we attract things to us are so amazingly vast that I cannot lay them out onto one place. I can simply offer you a wide scope to look at.
Perhaps you are someone who is very cold in the heart, judging and condemning everything. Your DNA sends out signals attracting the very same kind of person to you. This is so that you will look at yourself in the mirror of another. Usually though, we reject those mirrors that make us feel uncomfortable and blame them for the way we feel. We do the same thing with illnesses and diseases. We justify them as hereditary problems, mask them with drugs, or surgically remove the effected parts. No matter how we are (not) dealing with them, they have to continue and expand. They expand until you alter you’re DNA, which eradicates that magnetic field. You alter it by changing your approach to anything that does not serve the higher good.
Let’s say you start to change or at least get an inkling that you need to change. Your magnetic field within your DNA changes rapidly and starts attracting that which you need to facilitate and accommodate whatever changes you are focused on.
For me, the massive change came the day I begged God to get me out of the hell that was my life. I knew I needed a new direction and had no clue what that even meant. I was 38 years old and my life had fallen apart… again. I couldn’t bear it any longer and begged for direction.
My DNA did its job by inserting an insistent urge into my brain that I needed a Ouija Board. A book I had just read that had miraculously appeared on my desk instigated this urge. Even though I didn’t understand or believe in Ouija Boards, I had to surrender to this strong magnetic pull to find one and have a session. On 11/11/00, the evening of a full moon, I had a Ouija Board session and my life has never been the same since—thank goodness!
My Ouija Board worked that evening, never to work again. For eight hours, a spirit communicated through the Ouija Board then left me hanging on a cliff. I had to find some way to reconnect with that spirit! My DNA, that magnetic master of creation that it is, pulled up a website for me on the computer that not only led me to understand meditation, but also was host to many other humans looking for the same sort of change that I was.
New friends appeared on that site to help me understand this new world I was now attracting at a furious pace. My prior life seemed to have exited and shut the door.
The whole story of your life’s potential is written within the strands of your DNA. Every pain you needed to experience, every friend you needed to meet, every nemesis you had to encounter, were pushing you further into the Glory of your life’s story. Sometimes, we don’t listen at all, so our story with this set of DNA comes to an end and we incarnate again with a whole new field of potential.
Allow me to confound you just for a moment: Every lifetime after this one is also encoded in your DNA. We simply have been lead to believe we had to physically die in order to bring in a whole new set of codes in our DNA. We do not.
Ascension is programmed into our DNA.
Let me take a moment and thoroughly explain what ascension is in our lifetime. It is crucial for the story, “your story,” to be understood.
When we have a physical death, the soul consciousness disembarks from the physical body, returning to that place I call spirit and many call heaven. Any other location, like purgatory or hell, is a fear-mongering myth created by religions to maintain power over people. Fear creates power and that has worked well over the centuries. Now, it’s time to follow YOU.
When you have disconnected from the earth energy and are back in that wonderful space of spirit or heaven, you take a look at the life you have just lived, along with all the other lives you lived. You are building an epic story. Don’t think for a moment that you live only once. That would be a tragic, lose-lose game.
You look at all the lessons you mastered, all the wisdom and knowledge you applied, all the human traits you accomplished, and embed that into your soul energy.
For example, let’s say that you were a master violinist during your most previous prior lifetime. Your DNA is encoded with that mastery when you next incarnate. And let’s say, at three-years-old, you find a violin lying around. You pick it up and play it as if you were part of a magnificent orchestra. Your parents beam with pride and say you are a prodigy. Well, in human terms, you are! In spiritual terms, you have mastered that aspect and it is now a permanent part of your Being.
The same is true for everyone, including those of us who have chosen to live within the field of light. I have incarnated many thousands of times in many different aspects of metaphysics. Because of this life-focus, I have mastered many things in this spiritual world within which I live; including how to read the codes of DNA. This took work and shedding the DNA codes from my life up to that Ouija Board experience. I chose not to physically die to reincarnate. I choose to change my internal settings, completely clear my energy body of fear and bring in a whole new set of DNA codes. This takes absolute work and dedication to yourself.
There were aspects that were already part of the first phase of this life package. I already mastered compassion because it was simply part of my being/personality construct. As an eight year old, I had shut down the knowledge I had been taught through the catholic church. I had discovered that what Jesus taught and what my church taught were not even in the same ball fields. The church asked me not to return. I was soon given up for the foster system.
This brings me to the next encoding of our DNA strands. Not only are the things we mastered in a life encoded in our soul energy, which of course imprints on every strand of DNA, but also everything we didn’t accomplish as well. For me, it was being put to death for being spiritually connected (among other things). Now granted, I wasn’t really killed in this lifetime, but I might as well have been the day they took me away from my family. I lost my church, my parents, my brother and sister all because I could see and talk to Jesus, his mom Mary and a being from the Pleiades named Franklyn.
I learned as a small child in this lifetime that one should not dare to be different, but at age 38 and to the present day, I dared! I have faced and overcome every conceivable fear embedded in my head. Every time I overcame a fear, a new code was embedded within my DNA. Then, I had to realize it was there, take it out and use it.
Talk about ascension makes it sound romantic and lighthearted. On the contrary, to die without dying, or ascend, takes work and 150% diligence on your life’s consciousness. You cannot have a sleeping part of you exist and still ascend.
Fortunately, again, that wonderful and pesky DNA of ours knows what you need and how you need it. It will call forth from the heavens all you require that will push you forward and keep you diligent on your mission. We do have the free will to ignore all that and keep on doing it the same old way. No worries, one way or another, you will keep playing this game until you find the mastery you have sought.
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