This message was sent to me by Beverly, and I feel it goes along with this GaiaPortal posting from yesterday (“Solar Light has Seeded Fully the Light Body of Gaia”). Of course, Light manifests in many ways, including the magnetic way.
By the way, speaking of magnetic, recall the last Sheldan post, where he wrote,
“Your planet is completing the preliminaries for a magnetic pole shift that will change your world from a dipolar realm to a true monopolar one. These changes will synchronize the energy fields of Inner Earth with the outer one.”
And another “By the way”, the fact that the word “Magnatism” (normal spelling = “magnetism”) was written in the title brings to mind the word “magnate”. I perceived this meant something as well. Look at the definition of “Magnate”.
mag·nate [mag-neyt, -nit]1. a person of great influence, importance, or standing in a particular enterprise, field of business, etc.: a railroad magnate.
2. a person of eminence or distinction in any field: literary magnates.
3. a member of the former upper house in either the Polish or Hungarian parliament.
1400–50; back formation from Middle English magnates (plural) < Late Latin magnātēs leading people, equivalent to Latin magn ( us ) magn- + -ātēs, plural of -ās noun suffix
So I would say, with the “Solar Light [having] Seeded Fully the Light Body of Gaia”, and with “[our] planet… completing the preliminaries for a magnetic pole shift that will change your world from a dipolar realm to a true monopolar one… [which] will synchronize the energy fields of Inner Earth with the outer one,” perhaps the leader of this transformation, the Higher Solar (Soul-ar), is guiding us through all this, into a monopolar (unity) realm.
I like to remember, all of us are at One with this process… in the Unity of All. (and all that metaphysical stuff!!)
[Kp note: if appropriate, I will post the transcript of the transmission Judith speaks of, when it becomes available.]
Extreme Solar Magnatism [presumably meaning, "Magnetism"]
Dear Soul Group,
I was awakened last night at midnight with extremely intense electromagnetic frequencies. The Arcturians contacted me to help us understand the extreme Solar magnetism on the planet right now. It will be transcribed and will get it out to you guys.
The important thing is that the electromagnetic grid of the planet is very challenged. Theearth is discharging excessive frequencies and running energy in the extreme. The Star Being [Beings] are working with us to assist us in grounding this energy.
The symptoms for us can be volatile emotions, exhaustion and over load on our energy bodies.
Bring everything through you [your] heart. Drink lots of water and ground, ground, ground.
There is a lot of information in the transmission that will help you work with the Star Beings to help the planet to stabilize. You are all well connected to the psychic energy on the planet and quantum energetics, please follow your own guidance but consciously work with the extreme magnetism.
blessings Judith
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