Friday, January 11, 2013

The Galactic Free Press Update: Missions and Roles activated for New Earth=Heart

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

12~7 Cloudship ~ will ~ site Mt Shasta
Greetings Love Beings, Welcome To Another day In the Age of Aquarius! The Golden Age about Truth and Reality!! Whats Happening and what will occur in these next 2 years are exactly what you came here to experience. First, You came here to Experince the Birth of a New Energy which Occurred on December 21st, 2012 which energetically have spiraled us into the new age. Most of All, You Came Here To Be a Part of the Largest Transformation to Ever Occur On a Planet. As We have shared as a result of these New Earth energies, the illusion will be dissolving as it cannot sustain itself in these High Vibrational Frequencies flowing into the Planet at a quick rate.

Quoted from Mark Kimmel "On behalf of all in physical form, we salute all Earth humans of light who stepped forward to undertake this courageous, beautiful act on December 21, 2012.
We are totally in awe of the extraordinary changes that have occurred. I am almost at a loss for words to communicate with you. You and other planetary lightworkers have created a miracle. We congratulate you all.
For most people on Earth, the much-publicized date of December 21, 2012 came and went. There were no dramatic earth changes, no special appearances of extra-planetary craft, and no unusual religious events. Nothing of note was different, particularly to those caught in 3rd Dimension energies. What most people on your planet failed to recognize were the extraordinary events of that date and their tremendous importance not only to Earth but to all in the cosmos. Of almost equal importance was the unprecedented event of December 12, 2012. I will now address 12-12-12 from our perspective; another will come to communicate with you about 12-21-12.
For many millennia, we of Andromeda watched as Earth and other 3rd Dimension planets struggled under the yoke of fear, rigid structures, and conflict. Over the past two thousand years we have seen changes wrought step by step as Earth humans climbed into what its termed the modern world, and as a small number became lightworkers rising above the confines of the 3rd Dimension.
As of 12-12-12, the matrix that supported the 3rd Dimension is no more. We watched as a small number of these lightworkers of Earth, along with the celestial creators of the 3rd Dimension, removed its underpinnings....
As I said before, we watched the underpinnings of the 3rd Dimension collapse. Never before have we witnessed such an occurrence. The very substance that enabled 3rd Dimension to exist on your planet and elsewhere is no more. Those who created 3rd Dimension as a floor for physical form withdrew its underlying matrix.
This is incredible. Those who rely on 3rd Dimension will no longer have a foundation from which they may operate. Their structures are now on sand rather than rock. Those who wish to flee from the 3rd Dimension will find it so much easier to accomplish this because 3rd Dimension tentacles are no more. All that remains of these are the leftovers from eons of people existing in lower vibrations. Now those who are sitting on the fence will find a decision to move out of the 3rd Dimension much easier to make.
From our perspective, we see the end of strife coming from beings who adhere to the ways of the 3rd Dimension. This means no more violence and wars. This means truth will reign, not deceit and misinformation. This means the end of hatred and judgment. This means no more poverty while the wealthy amass fortunes. This means the end of self-serving governments. This means the end of corporations preying on consumers. This means the end of religions twisting people’s beliefs.
What a glorious adventure in which you find yourself. We are most happy for you. Your courage and risk-taking have been rewarded, and in ways not foreseen when you volunteered to incarnate on Earth. Congratulations to all who are making this possible, to all who are holding the light, and to all who have worked to raise their personal vibrations." End of quote

Masters Saint Germain and Lady Portia"As you look around the world with your physical eyes, beloveds, it may seem as though nothing has changed, yet on December 21, 2012 all of life on your Earth began an evolutionary leap in consciousness that will now precede in stages as this “leap” still needs to be assimilated within all of the subtle and physical energy systems within and around your body. The length of time that this assimilation process takes will be determined by your consciousness, both individually and collectively, yet it will continue to become an ever more palpable experience within your day-to-day lives throughout 2013 and beyond.

This shift was set into motion when your Earth moved into alignment~in essence a Divine Union~with the Central Sun of your galaxy. The Central Sun, in the Pleiadian constellation, is the Heart Center of your galaxy, and it has not only moved into union with the heart of your planet, it has also moved into union with the heart of every soul on Earth." End of Quote


Artwork By Jeffrey Carl

Sunspot AR1652 has a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/H

We have had several  C Class flares in the past 48 hours, but so far no M Class Flares. We do have 2 Huge Sunspots which have been detected closer to the back side of the sun which could fizzle out as they become Earth Facing.  We Will Just have to See. If they Stay Charged we could see alot of Activity.

The two sunspots are connected by a canopy of strong magnetic fields, which are presently crackling with low-level C-flares. Much stronger eruptions are possible. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: textvoice.

Earth Ally Earthrise with the Earth Report "There has been an increase in earthquakes in several locations that has not had earthquake activity in the area in some time. Some areas include and not limited to the Persian Gulf, the Mid-Indian Ridge, and even parts of the United States. Earthquakes for the last few days have been moderate with the highest earthquake on the Richter Scale measuring 6.2 beneath the Aegean Sea on Tuesday.
Around 1:00 am local time at Etna (Sicily, Italy), Etna is showing eruptive activity. The most likely cause of this is strombolian eruptions from the eastern vent, resumed in the Bocca Nuova, accompanied by a rise in tremor. Images indicate that the activity gradually increased until about 3:15 and then stabilized.
Stromboli volcano (Eolian Islands, Italy) is spilling over new lava that overflowed this on the northern side and the same thing happened on the eastern side of the crater. Strong detonations from large exploding magma bubbles can be felt and heard in the village, rattling doors and windows.
Australia is bracing for more potentially dangerous fires, with temperatures on Friday predicted to soar close to 50C in the center of the country and up to 46C in parts of New South Wales. The return of the scorching heat follows two days of relative cool, during which fire crews tackled more than 100 blazes still burning in New South Wales and Victoria, and built containment lines for more outbreaks. A state of emergency has been declared across parts of northeastern Brazil where residents are struggling to cope with one of the worst droughts to ever hit the region. This is one of the country’s poorest parts, mainly comprised of farming communities and three years of drought have had a devastating effect on the area. Brazil has one of the largest water reserves in the world, but in this part of the country, water is a precious and rare commodity. The people of Sao do Egito, Pernambuco have been particularly badly hit and the town’s reservoir has now run dry. China is still receiving frigid temperatures below 0C. Beijing is forecast to receive temperatures as low as -9C on Friday night.
NEW DELHI: At least 23 people lost their lives due to cold wave in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand even as temperature in parts of north India soared, a trend that weatherman said will persist.
People in the national capital today woke up to a pleasant morning as the minimum temperature rose more than a degree from yesterday to settle at 5.8 degrees Celsius.
After Friday, temperatures in New Delhi are forecast to reach the higher 50's though the 70's over the next several days. (Temperature in decrees F.) The cold spell in Northern India is finally ending. Abnormal storms which for four days have blasted the Middle East with rain, snow and hail which have claimed the lives of at least 11 people.
Icy winds from Russia are set to whip up a fortnight of wintry weather across the UK, with forecasters warning of snow in most parts of the country. The unseasonably mild start to the year is expected to give way to temperatures as low as minus 5C, caused by an area of high pressure developing over Scandinavia.
The United States got hit with not one, but two major storms today. The is a major snow storm in the Rocky Mountains and Northern Plains that is badly needed do to the drought that is continuing to dry up the plains.
Several states in the southern part of the United States had to deal with over a week of flooding around the Mississippi River. Flash Flood Warnings were issued in a large area in the south. Severe thunder storms were a threat on top of the flooding. The National Weather Service confirmed an EF-1 tornado
touched down in Ibleria Parish, Louisiana. There was only minor property damage reported from this tornado. There were reports of trees downed, blocking roadways throughout Sumter County, Alabama, as a result of strong winds from today's storm."  End of Report.

More reports of Kindness, Smiles and Happiness continue to Be Reported from Across the Planet as signs of our new energy taking effect.  As We have shared, We are currently in the Process for those who are ready to reconnect to The Higher Grid where the New Paradigm and New Earth are Manifesting. As people are Activated into Full Consciousness they will be connected to this Grid and Become Love and Light In pure Action to complete their Final Missions and Tasks On this Planet. This will Everything which has been occurring is all apart of the Divine Plan. Which is In Full Motion and Manifestation this year however it Looks. The Light has been Successful and we will see evidence of this in the Next 2 years ahead of Us.

Quoted from Patricia Cota Robles~ Congratulations! Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, we have God Victoriously Birthed the New Earth in the 5th-Dimensional Realms of CAUSE. During the unprecedented celestial alignment that took place on December 21st and 22nd, 2012, our Father-Mother God Inbreathed the Earth and ALL Creation up the Spiral of Evolution into the next octave of our learning experiences. This event, which was called the Shift of the Ages, is a natural part of our evolutionary experience that occurs only once every so many million years.

This shift involved not only the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth, but also the Sons and Daughters of God throughout Infinity. Each and every Child of God is now in position to cocreate with our God Parents the next phase of our journey back to the Heart of our Father-Mother God. This will be a unique process for every Child of God throughout the Universe, but on Earth it will be glorious beyond our wildest imagination.
Within the 5th Dimension Divine Love and the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for Life are the ONLY reality. The Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the 5th Dimension are destined to cocreate experiences that enhance life with every thought, word, action, feeling, .... we express. We will cocreate win-win situations for everybody as we perpetually focus on Love, Light, and the highest good for ALL concerned. This may sound too good to be true, but actually it does not even begin to describe the wonders and joyous things we will be cocreating once we accept that the New Earth has been Birthed, and we daily and hourly live out of that profound Truth.

I know the events of the 2012 December Solstice have created a lot of confusion. That is because of people's expectations, and because it is difficult for people to step back and see the bigger picture. For aeons of time our fragmented, fear-based human egos have manipulated us into believing that our physical body is who we are and that the physical plane is our only reality. Nothing could be further from the Truth, but that illusion is a hard habit to break. We look at the outer world and come to erroneous conclusions about events that have taken place in multidimensional levels of our existence. Our conclusions are wrong because we are multidimensional Beings of Light abiding within many dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane is the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in, and it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes that have taken place in the Realms of Cause.

The Company of Heaven is very aware of the challenge we have with our egos, and they are doing everything they can to help us perceive the Truth of the miraculous Birth of the New Earth. Ask your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven for clarity as you take the following information into your heart of hearts. You are already aware of the wonders that have transpired. That is true even if you do not remember these events on a conscious level. You have been an instrument of God during this Cosmic Moment, and you were an intricate part in the fulfillment of this important part of the Divine Plan....

Last Year we were In the Year of the Dragon, which Brought the Truth forward inside Many People and also represents the Kundialini Energy. This Year is the Year of the Snake which also represents the Kundalini Energy. The year of the snake is all about Truth shedding[dissolving] all and any remaining layers to the illusion and bringing this Truth into Action which brings this into Physical Manifestation. The Snake also represents transformation which is what 2013 is really all about.

Quoted from Solara "We enter 2013 massively transformed beyond any previous boundaries. Many people experienced an infusion of LOVE on a scale never before experienced. Some experienced a profound paradigm shift from the duality-based illusion that "someone" or "something" would come to "save us" to the wide-eyed awakening that WE ARE THE ONES! This journey from "external expectations" to "internal knowing" took but a nano second, but flipped everything over.
Now, we are outwardly living the same lives as before, but everything has dramatically changed. We have been thrust into a vastly expanded New Landscape. Our vision has become so expanded, much of what used to be able to grab our attention in the past, is seen as minuscule now. 2013 is a year of profound change as we come into our own as True Ones, and lead the supra normal lives anchored in the Ultra Greater Reality that have always been intended for us.
2013 is the Chinese Year of the Snake, but it can be more accurately described as the Year of the Snake Shedding its Skin. This is because anything which is not honest and authentic will be removed from us on every possible level. Often this will happen with surprising ease; it will simply dissolve away. ..
Throughout this momentous year, there will be a dramatic turn toward Oneness. Duality is making its final call and creating much drama to get people's attention. But the True Ones know better. Mother Earth is cleansing, preparing, and so are we. The True Ones are needed, more than ever, to guide and assist those who are still awakening.
All year long, many missing pieces of the Cosmic Jigsaw Puzzle will click into position. Soon the Big Picture will become much clearer to everybody, not just to those who are already experts in connecting the dots. When enough of humanity can see the Big Picture, people will activate en masse and know what to do, because they will spontaneously know who they truly are.
We are being given all the experiences necessary for us to fully emerge as shining Jewels so we can live a True Life in a New Reality. 2013 will bring us lots of Quantum Leaps, breakthroughs and new discoveries....
2013 brings us an absolute NEW BEGINNING. We are ready -- more real, honest, empowered, transparent and loving than ever before. We are given all the support we need, on level after level, to move our lives onto the truest trajectory possible. The new MUA has fully landed. Our New True Lives have begun.
May we align with our True People, True Homes and True Purpose.
Living True Lives as True Ones.
With PURE TRUE LOVE" Ed of Quote

Everyone came here to Experience Unity, Peace and Unconditional Love on a Planet engrossed in illusion, fear, pain and suffering, which is a dysfunctional experience and energy. We are currently moving towards Balanced Harmonics, Whole Energy, Complete, where everyone exists in the Present Moment of Now. We have 2 years to clean all of these illusionary thought forms, the dysfunction on the Planet. Any lower vibrational thoughts simply will not survive through this Energy clean up. Everyone who remains on this Planet right now came To Transform Mother Earth and all On Her into a Living Reality, Where Love IS all there IS. Your Roles are To Lift The Planet Into The higher Frequencies The Higher Vibrations by Simply Being Present In the Moment of Now, Balanced In Love and Clear Thought. It does not matter who has not heard the Call, We are Movin forward and Quickly. Those who would not like to continue on the Planet will not through these next years.

 Quoted from RTS...."The energy right now is changing- has changed. For some it is a subtle thing that they cannot quite put their finger on, and for some it is a clarion call that they can feel right down to their very core being. This change of energy is flowing in a way that even the most hardened sceptic must admit that they feel it- they may not understand or comprehend it, they may not SEE it with their eyes, or HEAR it with their ears, they may not FEEL it beneath their feet… but on some level they do KNOW it’s there.
Right now we are on the very cusp of CHANGE. We are standing on the highest pinnacle of the highest mountain over looking all that surrounds us, and we can see EVERYTHING before us and behind us and to either side. We must look at everything before we can decide which direction we want to travel.....
.... Peace & Prosperity is at hand..... It is far more Peace & Prosperity than we ever dreamed of. Yes, it is time for Humanity to recognize that they are FREE. It is time for the Removing of our Shackles.
They are unlocked- all we have to do is shake them off and walk away.
The announcements haven’t been delayed. The new system hasn’t been delayed. It was waiting for the RIGHT TIME.
THIS TIME has been long awaited by many who have been working from behind the scenes for exactly THIS MOMENT. Everything that has been put in place has been done so, knowing that the freedom of humanity is not something to be earned, but our absolute Right. OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS can not be bought or sold, traded or stolen. No Government, No Institution, No Religion, No Person, No Thing can take these things from us. We were turned into Strawmen Corporations because even the POWERS THAT WERE KNEW that we, ourselves as HUMANS cannot be bought or sold, traded or stolen.
When you recognize that ALL the systems that have been set up and created by the Powers That Were are part of the dark and stormy dismal grey prison, then you understand that those systems will not be used under the bright crystalline blue sunlit celestial ceiling.
It is about CHANGE.
It is about TO CHANGE.
You are on the highest summit. You can see everything if you look.
The storm clouds are behind you, so why not step forward into the sunshine?
BE the Change you wish to see in the World.

There have been messages after messages through Music, Videos, and Blogs and channels, Now is the Moment, Now is the Time. We are the Ones We have been Waiting for. If You have been able to grasp this truth and put this truth into action In your Lives Your Journies this year are going to be breathtaking. Love is going to spring into Your Lives as You Be Present. Indeed this Is What We came here to Accomplish, Lets Move forward Together as a United Energy of Love.

Decreed by Heaven~ The Real Work is About ready to Begin. The Moment truly has Come~ This will become apparent In your Lives in your day to day living as the energies continue arriving In. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

 Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

Thank You For Keeping us Going!
If You have not made a Love Share this Month thank You for Sharing!
We are currently way behind for the Month, Thanks For sharing!
Total Donation Needs 3000$
Total Donations Received for January:430$
If everyone shared a simple 5 or 10$ Share we make our Funding Needs Quickly!

Universal Government Staff~The Universal Government is a Network that Serves the Whole Truth, Light, and Unconditional Love Across Planet Earth=Heart. THAT IS OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE! WE are Now in the Beginning Stages of this First Step AS THE ENERGY IS Now READY. Besides Gathering Together in Support of this, our Goal is taking the power away from those who have been abusing their powers, We ARE HERE TO ASSIST THE ENERGY TRANSFORMATION. We Accomplish this By Being a Flow of Energy, that Gives to Love in Support of Love and The Greatest Good in all Moments. This will begin with a monetary Change. Money Now will be used to support Love and Truth, until all money dissolves. The illuminati’s manipulation of the cash flow was their current power over method that kept Humanity struggling in survival and competition. We Have already Begun changing this energy flow to the direction of equality and abundance for all.
simply By asking Each of you To Make a Donation In Support of the Divine Mission.

  Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party.  Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays[ Council Meeting] and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
At this Same Link We will have a One Hour Staff Meeting Every Monday at 10:30am Pacific. All are Welcome! We are also in the Planning stages for a Live Room for people to come into to receive Love and Support.

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:

If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us

~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~

 Artwork Thanks to
 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

 ~WE are Going Home~
 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~


 Quoted from Gaia Portal Update "Persistence of lower energy forms is diminished, as Higher D grids strengthen.
Discernment and Selection of thought seeds becomes increasingly paramount. All of Gaia now guided and directed via Higher D (frequency) grids.
The overall effect is rapid exposure and dissolution of lower thought forms.
Seeking the intellect-guided, leaves emptiness within, as Higher D energies do not support the intellect.
Seeking the Higher Intelligence aligns Higher Hue-Self with the upgraded Higher D grids.
Higher Sun, now strengthened after the 1-3-13, connects inner Hue-person with Cosmic Integrity, Cosmic Understanding, Cosmic Ascension.

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