Hello friends. It’s definitely a real “change in the weather” at the moment, and it’s quite refreshing. Currently ALL planets are in direct motion and it’s feeling like a real “fire in the belly,” energetically. About time!
Speaking of that, if you are still finding yourself dragging a bit, not to worry. We have been processing and moving through SO much material from various sectors of our lives, it’s been quite tiring and intense. This month (especially until around 2/23) you will have some time to catch up. There is still plenty of high frequency, supportive energy afoot to support inner exploration and guidance around changes we have recently made, and those that may still be on their way. With more continued solar flare and other cosmic shifting from deep space; grounding and centering will continue to be important, especially with those that identify as empathic and/or highly sensitive. More shifting has recently occurred with the movement of Mars into Pisces, and Venus into Aquarius; so expect some different energies in the areas of love, desire, action, and the way we manage conflict.
Mars, Chiron, Neptune and (soon to be) Mercury will all be in the sign/energy of Pisces this month. I am in the process of a new blog post on that topic which will be published soon.
Looking at the month coming in, the energies look really active and magical, and also full of Aquarian visionary potential. That is up until 2/18 when things change up a bit with some retrograde activity coming in and Sun moving into Pisces. It isn’t necessarily negative, just different. I would say use February 1 – 17 to get your “ducks in a row,” as they say, especially in the areas of relationships and personal finances. Also to schedule some much-needed relaxation and recreation time. I think a Chinese New Year’s party sounds like great fun. If you want to go on a little weekend getaway, it is recommended to be scheduled prior to 2/23.
February Dates to Note
2/10: New Moon in Aquarius and Chinese New Year (Year of the Water Snake.) Of course we will have our usual New Moon report (out on 2/9,) so be sure to tune in for that! I get a sense that this yearly changeover will bring a *very* significant energy shift with it. In some ways, we’ve still been paying old bills for 2012. I feel with this New Moon and New Year, it really is a fresh start. I am going to hang some new Prayer Flags on my patio that day. I suggest you also do something significant for you, to ring in the new energies. It’s going to feel really good.
2/18: Saturn goes Retrograde. If you’ve been doing your personal homework, especially in areas that you may find a bit “shadowy” (Saturn in Scorpio,) such as sexuality, money, relationships or any personal obsessions and/or fears therein, you will be just fine. If not, be prepared for another trip down that particular rabbit hole. Besides, a little discipline never hurt anyone, says Saturn. It can also bring us refinement, strength and a big ol’ dose of backbone; definitely helpful attributes for the long haul. It goes direct in July.
2/18: Sun moves into Pisces. A good time to get back into that meditation practice, daydream, write poetry and/or pick up that dusty musical instrument. Empaths and highly sensitive folks, I would recommend you use your empowerment tools for the entire duration of Pisces. (I’ve got some great recommendations in this area, and will be sharing them here soon!)
2/23: Mercury goes Retrograde. You know the drill with this one by now. Back up your computers, listen more carefully and balance your checkbook. It goes Direct again 3/18.
2/25: Full Moon in Virgo: Do check my site and the Cosmic Weather page for the Full Moon report which will be up on 2/23.
February, 2013 – Mantra of the Month
In the dark of the Winter, the Light is with me. I step inside a magical world of healing and newness. I create my vision. All is well. – The Keepers, 2.1.13 ♥ (NOTE: for our friends in the South experiencing a different Season, please alter the verbiage as you see fit.)
Have a great month friends and happy Year of the Snake! We’ve got some shine and sparkle ahead, so do enjoy.
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2013. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.
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