Hi Everyone
Welcome to the February Energy Forecast for 2013. We had a break from a monthly forecast in January because of the annual message that I created – 2013 Year of Community.
So it was an interesting month to go through. Everybody at some level or another experienced these incredible days of what some have called muddy, some have called intense and some have called half-asleep. There are a few reasons for this.
One of the keys that I always felt would happen post the 21st of December would be a big “now what?” from a lot of people – many people were expecting something to happen on that day, even though so many of us had discussed that it wasn’t going to be a one day occurrence. But still, none of us as human beings absolutely know what’s going to happen. So there was a curiosity.
And even within the psyche of those who don’t believe in the idea of spiritual or psychic change, December the 21st had a meaning to people.
So this, combined with the holidays, left everyone quite disoriented and some people disillusioned. So many people flatlined energetically, for at least the first week or two of January, if not longer.
Last night before recording this message, I tuned in to see what would be one of the themes for this month ahead. Normally, I’m given words and concepts and I was given a few of those this morning, which I will share in a second, but last night I was shown was an image. The image was of this being a turning point for us – January into February, but we’ll really feel it in February. Prior to this in the last few years, the energy waves that we’ve been experiencing as human beings have been a lot more vertical than they are about to become. We are now going into a more horizontal period. I’ll explain.
If you think of a coffee plunger, a cafetiere where you press down and it compresses all of the coffee and the water into the glass - what we were previously experiencing was a plunging up and down (energetically) that was quite similar to this. So it was rapidly pushing and compressing us through those things that we needed to clear or change. Physical health was often the manifestation of this, which is why so many people have been ill in the last couple of months; because that is one way to clear out dense and old energy.
We’re all a little different. Some of us tend to process more emotionally, some more physically, some more mentally and usually we all process any of those at any one time to some degree.
So the difference that we’re about to experience in the coming energy waves is a more horizontal process. It’s funny because as I’m saying this, I can feel a whole bunch of you going, “Oh God, not more.” (Laughter) I’m afraid we are still on Planet Earth as human beings going through the human transformation that we always knew would be colorful, to say the least.
So this new ‘horizontal’ experience is going to slightly change the way that we process things.
Before, we were rapidly catapulted into things that we needed to clear, and often it was intense, fast and took you by surprise. Those of you who’ve worked a lot with developing your awareness in the last couple of years, and heightened seeing some of the areas that you have cycles around fears or around limitations, versus the parts of you that you can say are very expanded and open. So, for example, some of us are very good at being brave in certain areas, but in others we have a lot of fear and restriction and we notice, “Oh, wow, I’m working with an energy template here that’s holding me back”.
Regarding some of those cycles and areas that you have now identified, this new horizontal energy is going to allow you to open them out more, and examine them. So there will be less shock involved and there will be more consciousness in working with these areas.
So let’s say your fear is of rapidly changing your relationship, your partnership. You’ve been circling around this for a year and it’s been very intense. What you will now be able to do is to see with a much wider vision what it is that needs to change in the partnership. Whether it is that the partnership has served its time and its purpose, or whether it is that you’re holding onto some things that you can open up in you, so that the relationship can become fuller. But the spaciousness of this horizontal energy will make it feel different to you. Rather than bringing you the feeling you’re the victim of it, or being pushed into something you didn’t see coming, the spaciousness is going to allow you a lot more peace around examining some of these areas with less judgment, less fear and less of a sense of needing to get away from these areas.
So this really speaks of the mastery available to those of us who work with awareness and consciousness, but these energy waves will also speak quite clearly about the mind.
The mind is such a key and such a clue. And the mind is, in several areas of the self-development and spiritual world, wrongly demonized and spoken of as a villain and an enemy. The problem with making the mind an enemy or a villain, is that the mind is always connected to you somehow. So there is always some emotion in you or some old experience that you went through that was hurtful or difficult that you made an alliance with your mind around.
So if you made an alliance with your mind when you got rejected by somebody, the next time you go to put yourself in a situation where you may be rejected again, your mind will send you warning sentences to stop you, so that you don’t have to go through that pain.
Now, as we know, that’s a trap, as we actually just have to feel whatever it is that’s inside us, so that it can then transmute and open. Because any wound or any area where we’re limited holds us back from being our full selves and living with greater happiness and greater ease.
Whether you are somebody living in a mansion with millions of dollars or whether you’re somebody living with very little out in a mud hut, the life experience is universal. And it’s usually the case that those of us in western society have to work even harder to reconnect ourselves, versus those people who actually have a lot less and are still more in touch with their senses around the world; and they are not living in such an over-stimulated, technological place.
So when working with the mind; here are some tips from me.
If you find that your mind is going very frantic one day, so for example, you notice that you are bothered by your mind and all of your focus is going up there. Perhaps the mind is saying, “I’m worried about money and what if I don’t get that job and what if this, what if that…”
Firstly, all of those things really are simply “what-ifs” and the mind’s “what-ifs” are just fears of what may or may not happen in the future, usually based on the past. And of course, worries about the future, when you remember that any of us could die at any moment, become a lot less important.
So first of all, mentally understanding the concept that worry is a non-truth. It’s a pattern based on fear and anxiety that is coming from inside the body.
So this thought is not the enemy. This thought is connected to anxiety or instability inside, so if you can identify and work with that emotion, the thought goes away.
You know this to be true because when you are at peace and happy, none of this mind chatter is going on.
So, if you catch yourself having lots and lots of thoughts, you can either stay in a thought cycle that could last hours and could keep you in a fairly low vibration, or you can catch it, see what’s happening and re-pattern both the thoughts and also work with the feeling in the body.
So if with the example I just gave, you have fear thoughts about money, about job, just go into your body and ask yourself - what am I feeling? What feelings are creating these thoughts? And you may get an answer verbally or you may just notice the feeling, by stopping putting all of your attention on your mind. You may then notice that you’re feeling quite amped up, or feeling quite afraid. So first of all just breathe, and let the body calm a little. Then help redirect the feeling by making an affirmation around it.
So for example, if fear was the feeling, you would say, “There is nothing to be afraid of. I do not need to be afraid. I release this fear.” Whatever words feel right to you. The reason it’s important to verbalize something (or to say it inside your mind if you’re in a public place and you don’t feel so comfortable doing that or it’s not convenient), is that through doing this, you reprogram the other words that are going round your head.
Just taking a couple of minutes out, whenever you notice you are caught in the mind, and just letting the body breathe and stop. And even just doing that, even if it takes some time to reprogram your thoughts, you’ll notice it will give you more space inside once more and you’ll be able to back away from that which you’re getting mentally obsessed by. As the obsession has risen from the energy-body into the mind and the problem is that the mind is always a ‘full stop’. You’re never going to get anywhere above the mind, so thoughts become circular. But if you come back down into the body, you actually start to clear it, and then these thoughts start to disappear.
This is a time for many of us to become more diligent about re-patterning and re-training ourselves. We do run on pattern as humans and we run on patterns in the relationships that we have with other people and yes, you can meditate and you can do other spiritual exercises such as yoga or exercise, all sorts of things can help – but when you have limiting thoughts in the mind, one of the quickest ways to release them is to reprogram yourself with other words; more positive words that you have chosen.
And what you will find is if you practice this over a period of days and weeks, it’s not just that it gives you relief in that moment. You will also be re-training yourself to have more expansive feelings and thoughts, so that you don’t get trapped up there in limitation again.
The reason I’m focusing on this so much this month is because the message I was shown this morning was that this is a month that we can really learn to trust ourselves and our lives more and create more space for ourselves. But it will take some diligence on our behalf. (Laughter) And again I can hear a whole bunch of you going, “Ugh, really?”
And if that’s the place you’re in, you need to re-pattern that thought. It’s fine to be tired and it’s fine to be exhausted and it’s fine to go through this month deciding you’re really not going to do too much. But a thought that’s negative towards your own potential transformation is a thought that needs re-patterning.
So if you’re exhausted, be good to yourselves. But most of us are going to see a widening of the space that we noticed happening in January. Many of us in the world had experiences where, post the intense days or the muddy days, we would come back feeling stronger, clearer and wider than we ever had before and more at peace with everything that was going on around us within our internal self.
We’re living in times where violence and fear are being put on the table a lot more. And it’s escalating around us. And it’s important to both center yourself around these evidences of violence but also to hold your boundary and to have your voice around what you feel is a way that we can live together as humans on the planet. Versus just suffering through what you are seeing going around you.
It’s important to find that internal fire. And you find that fire by making yourself less of a hostage to fear. And through working with the mind this month you will find you’ll have fast shifts out of some of the historic fears that you had, and also some of the collective fears that are going on around us.
As ever, be good to yourselves, be good to others, but remember it starts with you. And I know that most of you listening to this will have more of a tendency to neglect yourselves and focus on giving your energy out to others. Or that has been your greatest mastery change in the last few years.
So keep working with knowing when you need to be alone. Knowing when you need to ‘not be’ where you have promised to be; because that’s hitting a lot of us in bigger way than ever before at the moment.
So I hope you enjoy the month of February. It’s nice to be back with you all.
Lots of love
(c) copyright 2013 - all rights reserved by Lee Harris Energy
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