Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cycles of Distortion

An important concept of creation is that everything operates within cycles and cycles within cycles. The earth and planets of our solar system revolve around the Sun in a cycle. Our solar system moves and aligns with other systems around the galactic center of our galaxy. All of these cycles are in concert with the totality of creation. Understanding that your energetic expression is effected by the movement, forces, energies and cycles of the solar system, galaxy and beyond is helpful in moving toward Mastery.

As a human on planet Earth you and the Earth move through energy and forces that work on the vibration and perceptions you have within the moment. Every human being, thought and expression you interact with on earth and any other part of creation affects your energy and the totality of creation.  The choices you make in the “now moment” responding to the energies working on you develop the potentials for your future. The choices you make in the moment develop an energy which becomes a part of your energy field. 

If someone is angry with you and you choose to be angry this choice creates an emotional energy body in your system. Some people call this body the pain body. In most people the pain body lies dormant until enough energy is given to it to fully activate. Once activated the emotional pain/anger energy overshadows the human mind/body/spirit complex. The human becomes unconscious and functions irrationally. This will continue till the pain/anger body settles back into the background and becomes dormant.

The pain/anger energy body becomes a cyclic energy within the host energy. All emotional energy systems within the host energy are cyclic and ebb and flow with choice as other energies act upon the host. The only energy in our system that is not cyclic is the source energy we were created with. This is the creators light of unconditional love energy. Through our earthly soul journeys we have developed distortions within our energy field. Fear, anger, judgment, addictions of all types, deceitfulness, hatred, and intolerance are some examples of cyclic energy patterns we can develop in our energy complex by the choices we make. These distortion energies stay in our energy until we realize them and transmute them through unconditional love of the source.

Choose love, peace and tolerate all those around you. Know that your physical and thought choices affect your future and you can create a positive outcome in all instances. If you have a cyclic energy distortion causing you pain and suffering, wake up and see it, ask your angelic guides for assistance. Ask your guides to help you transmute any energy in your system that is not aligned with divine plan. Be patient and diligent with yourself. Some patterns are difficult to break and it takes time and prayer. Ask your angels for help every day and you will see progress over time.

Love in the Light!


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