Friday, April 13, 2012

Heavenly Blessings with Archangel Gabriel

Linda Dillon channels Archangel Gabriel who discusses manifesting our desires with his magnets, and protection with his filters. Produced by Graham Dewyea.

We discuss how the energies on the planet are intense right now. Love is being beamed to the planet which can feel overwhelming at times and also blissful. Our vibrations are rising.

Linda leads us through a meditation of gratitude.
Archangel Gabriel reminds us not to forget our golden heart of joy and courage. He gives us his golden magnets, which are an important tool for ascension. We are becoming transdimensional beings and co-creators of what is to come. The magnets help us attract what we deeply desire to create and the fulfillment of our mission and purpose. It has never been more important for us to be anchored to Gaia.

He tells us one of the key components to creation is to be clear what you are asking for. It is important to assign timelines to what you are asking for. If something doesn’t come when you are wanting it, don’t give up on it. The heavenly realm is working on it.

He tells us the creation formula is intent+still point+action=creation, and always in joy, gratitude and love.  Allow what you are creating to be delivered to you. The still point is where the bringing into physicality is taking place. He tells us that human beings don’t dream nearly enough. Usually, when you have a burning desire, it is aligned with your soul contract.  It is important to ask for karmic dispensation.

Archangel Gabriel also offers his filters, which are also important for ascension. The filters filter out what is not of purity, love and wholeness. They allow only the highest good to enter within and protect you from drama and chaos that is still on the planet.

Music:  Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun

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