Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lucas – Do You Believe or Know? You Decide!


It is election time in the good old USA.  That country that lots of older people in Europe see as the power that liberated them from WWII, the economic power that exported freedom and wealth and lots of good things. The most people if they still believe think of the USA as the land of freedom and opportunities. Other countries over the world see the USA as oppressor, invader and or  liberator. That is a divers lot of thoughts.

A lot of what people see or think is distorted perception or manipulation. The bigger picture is what is not seen. The majority of people still do not question things. The message, advertisement, opinion, etc.,  is often just taken in as if that is “The Truth” and the only truth.  Let me give you some things to think about in case you think to live in a democratic state and are represented by rightfully chosen representatives that obey The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You still think that it is ok to give your power to someone who decides for you what is right and wrong. You think still the do the  right thing for all of mankind and for the better of us all.  Please re-think.

Did you see that The Koch’s support Romney and  George Soros supports Obama to win their campaign with media campaigns that use every trick in the book to get the voters in. They use their think tanks and organisations as they funded them. They support what they can in the campaigns. If you thought you hear only real arguments to vote on?  I think you are deceived. The most arguments are just to make the other look bad or make his own statements just look questionable, or are spreading fear or hate or discontent.  All the things are orchestrated into detail. You have forgotten to see the vote rigging and election procedure changes in favour or others and media manipulation.  Ron Paul got that way robbed of state victories . The  numerous reports and examples brought to your attention by alternative news  you dismissed to read or see.

You see your manipulation device called “TV” and news and think yes that is all true as tv news or documentaries tell us so.  Never heard of mind control and still used subliminal messages and other mind control technic and devices. They are really existing!  Who own your tv stations and the cable networks really?  Who own your news papers and news outlets? Do you really think the news is independent? You think we are now in good hands with this president because he looks good, looks presidential, is married or whatever non-issue on voting for somebody. You should vote on the merits of what is really told and is important for you. Are the brought forward  arguments giving you a better world? Can what is said really be promised or come true?

What about the congress that has been elected by electorial (media) campaign funding by those companies or lobbyists and advisors  that make the real policy that leads to law. They get what is good for them. Thus the question is who did you vote for? You do not see it is not about democracy. What about the judges that make political decisions instead or are influenced in their opinion and are not neutral by ways of corruption, fraud or in any other unacceptable way. All government needs to obey “The Constitution of the USA”. All government officials have taken an oath. Do the honour the constitution and keep their oath?

What about the laws that have been past that have deliberate made your constitutional rights crumble. See the privacy deprivation policies that are now in place  and the control measures taken to keep you enslaved. Do you still think that the FED is a government agency? Why does it print money and make money policy? Why is this not been done by Treasury Department?  Why do you have debt?

Are NDDA, PIPPA, SOPA, etc., laws and regulations that  really are here for  your safety and that of the country or the world?  Look around you, see it.  See the controls, camera’s, scanners, compulsory ID, the RFID chips in all, the permits you must have for everything,  the tracking and tracing and tapping of phones by corporations and government. They are looking into your private world to see what you’re doing for economic and reasons of control.  Yes just spying even unlawful. Do you know about this? I hear David Icke speak again and again as I also try to get through to people in seeing what really is going on.

Do you not see that you are just part of corporate control of a few puppet masters behind the screens. It is them that make the real decisions in their exclusive meetings, groups, secret societies and boards:  like CFR,The Committee of 300, IMF, Worldbank, FED, EU,  ECB, The Bilderberg Group, etc. Did you pay attention to the UN’s strive for a New World Order with Constitution, Court, Central Bank in agenda 21. All of this you can read and find with facts and numerous cases and reports in alternative news and in the “hidden” archives you just need to look for, it is  out there.  You all are aware of the NDAA or ain’t you.  SOPA, PIPPA, and other acts that want your privacy and freedom of information sharing via internet brought under control and also corporate control. Yes, not a government agency.

Do you know already  that your US courts have given fiat in giving corporations the right to act as a person. It  can also mean that your corporations in future can vote or sue you as a person not as a corporation. You still do not see the bigger picture. Do you belief or do you really know? This question is coming up again and again.

If Soros and the Koch’s fund the opposite sites there is nothing wrong with that or is there more to it.  Yes, they want you to believe that they are just supporting a Republican or Democrat. Soros and the Koch’s are just from the same family of illuminati and dark cabal as they are called and have many more names. They have all the same goal and who sits in the end in congress or is president does not matter to them as long as they will do what the puppet master wants them to do.  You need to know.  The illusion of democracy maybe is being peeled away a bit by now. It is not that what you believed it to be. It is worse it is no democracy. We live in a controlled police state that seems to be democratic. What do you think NDAA and the FEMA camps are for?  We have been taken over by corporate government and companies that dictate what you hear, see, eat, drink, do or will not do, who educate you and inform you, manipulate and mind control you.

The ultimate goal or extreme agenda behind the screens from the dark cabal is that of population demise. Yes, only 500 million people is what they wanna have as slaves for their service. They will reach that goal with any means even murder, poison, war, etc. You do not see what Monsanto does with your food.  Search and read it and you will see. Know that your water is poisoned with fluoride. First used as a neuro toxin in Gulags in Russia to make people obeying and susceptive to what their were told.  Do you see what the oil industry does. Pollution and playing the game of we can not find a real solution for the oil domination as lucrative monopolized option is what you hear even as the alternatives are around in abundance. It is all about profit and power. The patents of alternative energy sources even those that are giving us free energy are hidden from us. Nicolas Tesla was one of those victims.  I can not  put a meter to your invention so we have to make it disappear and you also if possible is reality for decades now. The patents that could help us and benefit the whole world are in the hands of organisations that wanna keep the money flowing from paid energy or are related to military sources or facades like DARPA. They will not use it for your benefit. Those patents are only used for their power hunger and profit.

I can go on and on but see what it is and get informed. See that it makes sence to stand behind restoring the real constitution in a peaceful matter and it does make sence to support peaceful groups  to change the world like Occupy Wall Street.  Stop believing propaganda. Do not think your mainstream news is the real news.  Do not buy into fear mongering or the ones that want you to stay in the Matrix or illusion they have provided for you. You have the power within to see.  If you want your free will to do to take your power back than do it now. You will make your own decisions again and you will look for you own information that will bring you your truth.  That has not to be necessary that what I have written or is my opinion or truth, but it can help open up to what you might not have been seeing as a possible truth. Go for your own truth. But build it informed and balanced on real facts and information you have really researched.  It still is your truth and way to go. Your path. But have an open mind to see the other views and maybe those views will let you see it as I have shown you in a different way.

Love and light,


(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the http://www.lucas2012Infos.wordpress.com blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.

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