Monday, May 14, 2012

An Hour With An Angel with Archangel Michael May 14, 2012

Posted by Graham Dewyea

This week Archangel Michael will return with Linda Dillon and Geoffrey West to discuss the Transition and current events, including the G8 Summit.

An Hour with an Angel airs Monday night, at 6:00 p.m. Pacific and 9:00 p.m. Eastern time.

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We’ve prerecorded that interview. He had much to say about the Transition, the light energies being beamed, the ways we’ll feel, and how to flow with events. He also discussed Solfeggio frequencies, attunement, and the impact of sound waves at this time.

On the G8 meeting, he said: “Everyone is being penetrated by this universal core of love that can penetrate anything. It is the energy from the heart and source of One. It is the creative force of the universe. It changes how world leaders think, how they feel, how they approach issues, how they represent people. It is a shift away from trying to control.”

“Withdrawing from the EEC is a movement forward. It is creating the realignment with ways that work. We are not talking any longer simply about power structures. That is of the old Third Dimension.”

“It’s not that the emperor has no clothes. The emperor died and no one has been saying it.”

At the G8, what you’ll see is “concrete actions beginning to flow, decisions that are interdependent, cooperative ventures, to begin to shift monetary, financial, social, galactic and intergalactic systems. What is happening is what you’ve been asking and praying for and knowing within your very core. Your planet is becoming kinder. And the reflection of that kindness, of that understanding of unity, … they are coming to understand that they need to create together. This is a milestone. … Let us do something that works rather than just maintaining existing power structures and control.”

The power structures are all changing. “See the new softness emerging and reinforce it, support it.”

“We choose to create and build and be nova beings and Nova Earth. So be alert as you observe these meetings.”  “Our partnership with these leaders is finally being welcomed.”

So observe the signs. “So many of you have said, ‘Show me the signs. Show me what will encourage me so that I can know the work is bearing fruit.’ Well, this is one way you can know that it is bearing fruit.”

He asks us to say yes to Disclosure right now and not be part of the masses who are saying that Disclosure will not happen until after the American elections. Disclosure is part of the Transition. It is inclusion, not exclusion.

Finally he discussed the energetic impact of solar events, convergences and eclipses.  Expect more rapid oscillation and clearer frequencies. It is not a time of chaos but a time of growing peace.  “So be the clear frequency and receive with wide open arms.”

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