Monday, May 14, 2012

Benjamin Fulford 5-15-12…”Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes…” “The Battle Against the Financial Mafia that Illegally Seized Power in the West is Proceeding Well”

Even though I’m not publishing the full text of this, I wanted to include the quote below from the last paragraph of Ben’s article, as I feel this could form a useful focal point for envisioning what this world is to become. In the 3D, before our eyes, right now.

Other than that, I believe the highlights speak for themselves.
“The whole world has a message to the criminal cabal of Satan worshipping oligarchs who enslaved the West: We want an end to war, an end to poverty and an end to environmental destruction. We also want you to release, in a safe and responsible manner, all the energy and other technology that you have been suppressing. We want you to stop behaving like criminals and become responsible global citizens.”


  • The top US criminal corporate government representative in Japan, Edward Nye, will no longer be welcome in Asia following the release of new information about his links to the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan.

  • Many of the top Japanese and Korean agents working for the US corporate government in Japan have already been or are about to be purged…

  • There was also a meeting last week between representatives of the committee of 300, the White Dragon Society and an Asian secret society last week to discuss the new financial system.

  • …the committee of 300… offered… a 1200 trillion dollar “… Bond.”

  • The White Dragon Society made a counter proposal… for an initial donation of $100 million to the White Dragon Foundation to be used to hire experts to begin planning the establishment of a world economic planning agency.

  • There was also a lot of discussion about Asian gold stashes… Chinese gold that was evacuated to the US in 1938. The… government of the time was given 60 year bonds backed by that gold and was given solemn promises the gold would be returned in 1998… the … families behind the US Federal Reserve Board never intended to give the gold back.

  • A Chinese communist government agent present … said any Chinese gold taken out of China… should be used for global economic development…

  • There was thus a general agreement the gold should be used to back the new financial system.

  • In any case, the battle against the financial mafia that illegally seized power in the West is proceeding well.

  • …the G5 terrorist countries… and their shrinking group of slave states … are being steadily isolated.

  • The… movement that favors world peace now includes over 140 states… The war-mongering NATO group meeting in Chicago this week… only includes 28 countries.

  • …this “world financial crisis,”… is really just a Western world financial crisis.

  • The whole world has a message to the criminal cabal of Satan worshipping oligarchs who enslaved the West: We want an end to war, an end to poverty and an end to environmental destruction… release… all the energy and other technology…

  • We want you to stop behaving like criminals and become responsible global citizens.


Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes, Nato terrorist state group being cut off
by Benjamin Fulford, May 15, 2012

The top US criminal corporate government representative in Japan, Edward Nye, will no longer be welcome in Asia following the release of new information about his links to the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan. He is believed to be the author of a February, 2000 CIA report on the Japanese energy sector that stated the following: “In order to prevent Japanese national power from becoming any stronger and to prevent a resurgence of anti-American feeling in Japan it is necessary to put hand-cuffs on Japan’s energy sector over the long term. Nuclear energy now accounts for 30% of Japan’s power production. The most effective counter measure would be to neutralize the main concentration of Japanese nuclear know-how, the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation. TEPCO has Japan’s largest market capitalization and it is a leader of Japan’s corporate and financial world. It is also very trusted by the Japanese people. To prevent Japan from becoming a nuclear power, it is necessary to destroy trust in TEPCO and drastically set back Japan’s progress in nuclear power.” This CIA report was quoted in the November 2002 issue of Zaikai Tenbo, a leading Japanese business magazine.

Many of the top Japanese and Korean agents working for the US corporate government in Japan have already been or are about to be purged and now all “Japan handlers,” working for the criminal corporate US mafia government are being advised to get out of Japan and never come back.
There was also a meeting last week between representatives of the committee of 300, the White Dragon Society and an Asian secret society last week to discuss the new financial system.

At the meeting, the committee of 300 representative, who we will refer to as J., offered the White Dragon Society a 1200 trillion dollar “Elizabeth Victory Bond.” However, once again, it was not made clear exactly what real world stuff actually backed this astronomical number (remember world GDP is about $75 trillion). The White Dragon Society made a counter proposal which was for an initial donation of $100 million to the White Dragon Foundation to be used to hire experts to begin planning the establishment of a world economic planning agency. Further payments would be contingent on the presentation of detailed, publicly acceptable and concrete development plans.

There was also a lot of discussion about Asian gold stashes. J. claimed that most of the gold in the Philippines was removed after World War 2 and that since more than 50 years had passed the statute of limitations had run out and any claims to historical rights to that gold had thus expired.

There was some heated discussion between the 3 parties on the subject of Chinese gold that was evacuated to the US in 1938. The Kuomintang government of the time was given 60 year bonds backed by that gold and was given solemn promises the gold would be returned in 1998. In fact the Rockefellers, Warburgs, Rothschilds, Mellons, Morgans, Harrimans and other families behind the US Federal Reserve Board never intended to give the gold back. When Nixon restored US diplomatic relations with communist China in 1972, he gave a chunk of that gold to the Chinese communists. Needless to say a lot of mainland Chinese pockets were greased with that gold and the original owners are not too happy about that situation.

A Chinese communist government agent present at that meeting said the communist party considers all that historical gold and treasure in China to be property of the Chinese people. However, he said any Chinese gold taken out of China and deposited in Asia or elsewhere should be used for global economic development and that the Chinese communist government laid no claim on it.

There was thus a general agreement the gold should be used to back the new financial system. J. said the committee of 300 would also accept the use of that gold as a backing for any dollars or euros to be created in the future.

J. who claims links to the Japanese imperial family also had some interesting history to share. He said Japan’s share of the gold removed from the Philippines after WW2 was handled by a Mr. Shimura (no first name given) who was the real power behind post-war Japanese fixers like Yoshio Kodama and Ryoichi Sasagawa. The now deceased Shimura was able to call Prime Ministers and get them to immediately drop parliamentary business to hurry to his side, according to J.

J. was introduced to this writer by the head of a major financial institution who is also a member of an Asian secret society.

Shimura, who was the top committee of 300 representative in Japan, hosted, as students, such Asian leaders as Lee Kuan Yew, Aung San the father of Myanmar Western darling Aung San Suu Kyi, Japan Democratic Party power broker Ichiro Ozawa and Chinese politburo member Li Keqiang among others.

He also said Chinese paramount leader Hu Jintao had a Japanese mother and spent time at Japan’s Waseda University as a student (this is not mentioned in Hu’s official CV). Hu is fluent in Japanese, according to J.
Needless to say, we could not independently verify much of this information and remain wary of the possibility that J. provided this writer with a mix of information and disinformation. However, most of what he said fits in with reports from other inside sources and information available in the public record.

In any case, the battle against the financial mafia that illegally seized power in the West is proceeding well.

The situation has reached the point where anybody with access to the internet can see that the G5 terrorist countries (the USA, Germany, France, England and Italy) and their shrinking group of slave states (like the Gulf of Arabia monarchies run by Satanists) are being steadily isolated.

The non-aligned movement that favors world peace now includes over 140 states including the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). The war-mongering NATO group meeting in Chicago this week, by contrast, only includes 28 countries.

These 28 countries as a whole are dependent on financing from the other 140 nations. Jacking up the price of oil sold by NATOs middle-Eastern slave states is just not enough to pay the bills any more. Sabotaging Japan’s nuclear industry and forcing Japan to buy more oil has not been enough either. That is why there is this “world financial crisis,” which is really just a Western world financial crisis.

The whole world has a message to the criminal cabal of Satan worshipping oligarchs who enslaved the West: We want an end to war, an end to poverty and an end to environmental destruction. We also want you to release, in a safe and responsible manner, all the energy and other technology that you have been suppressing. We want you to stop behaving like criminals and become responsible global citizens.

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