Monday, May 28, 2012

Energy Download and Energetic Response

By Jennifer Hoffman

May 28, 2012

For the past few years we have experienced relentless energy downloads that we respond to with physical symptoms which range from extreme fatigue to nausea to physical illness.

These downloads occur with increasing frequency and intensity and we wonder why, with such high energy, we can feel so bad. There are a couple of misconceptions about energy that cause us to underestimate its effects and overestimate its potential.

No matter how high the frequency of these downloads, we are limited in our ability to integrate them until we clear our energetic body of its density. The downloads will continue to increase in vibration and frequency, so our energetic response will too, until we are clear enough to connect with them more seamlessly.

Energy downloads are occurring in response to the need for higher frequencies to empower the ascension process. We need to integrate and align with these frequencies as part of our own ascension path. But how can we do that when we feel more disempowered by them?

They bring up issues and challenges, physical, emotional and spiritual, that seem to stop us in our tracks. And that is part of their purpose, to show us where we are aligned with more dense frequencies, which are hidden from our understanding, so we can clear them.

Higher frequencies shed light on our darkness so we can enlighten it.

They also bring up the density associated with karma and that can be a powerful awakening, as I experienced this week. After hurting my back a week ago, which meant I couldn’t walk for three days, another one of my life lessons as I was paralyzed as a child and couldn’t walk for nearly 5 years. In this pre-Egyptian lifetime I was a newly crowned, beautiful and powerful queen, killed by a jealous trusted friend and confidante who slit my throat.

In that moment I realized how a fear of being my true self, being in my power, of speaking and stepping forward and moving ahead, something I have battled for decades, was born. Every time I try to move forward in my life, I create a ‘paralyzing’ experience and this has been repeated many times. Now I understand it and its power over me is finished.

What do these energy downloads bring up for you?

The end of a relationship, a betrayal, having to face a fear or the realization of a karmic incident that has been a powerful force in your life? A physical manifestation of energy you have been carrying (and perhaps ignoring) for a long time? That is the higher frequencies uncovering your more dense energies so you can release them.

Once you do you are open to integrating these new frequencies and aligning yourself with them. This also means that anything in your life that vibrates at a lower frequency will disappear or have an invitation to shift its energy. Our lessons in acceptance and accepting others’ choices, no matter what they are, come into play here.

These are not easy times but they are new opportunities for us to release lifetimes of fear and misalignment with the higher energy of unconditional love which has blocked us from being able to create heaven on earth for ourselves and the planet. It’s time for us to complete this aspect of our individual and collective life purpose, the ascension cycle.

So as you are struggling with this energetic integration, pay attention to what arises for you. Whether it’s something physical, emotional or spiritual, it is an energy whose time has come to leave your energetic body. And when you release it, you create a new place of alignment with higher frequencies that can help you create the love, joy, peace and abundance your heart and spirit desire for you as part of your heaven on earth.


Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

You may copy, quote, link to or translate this article as long as you mention the author name and include a working link back to this website.

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