Sunday, May 20, 2012

Starship Athabantian

I think Kauilapele and Steve Beckow got this earlier, seems to fit with what they've been posting. I'll say right up front that, unlike Cobra, I have no inside knowledge of what is going to happen, just a lot of intuition that something big is up and that there's very unusual astronomical alignments occurring between now and June 6th.    

I've decided to post this letter just as I got it tonight (plus little reformatting to fit the blog). I am not familiar with this web site other than a recent posting I read about Sunday's meditation.  I don't know Mark Kimmel.  I've have no history from which to discern this source of information.

Hi, Cobra & AK,
I hope you're both doing well - I apologize that I just got the meditation post up today on a couple sites... I'll add it to a few other sites tonight, and post it to FB too...

It was a powerful and eventful week for me, and I wanted to share a bit of it with you both, since I think this may turn into a component that complements the material you post to your sites. Please feel free to offer suggestions about how to best disseminate what flows from a new connection I've made...

I interviewed with Adrial, a Celestial being of Starship Athabantian this past Wednesday, Mark Kimmel facilitated. I've been asked to step into the role of sharing information that will help those who are earnestly working to Ascend to 5D during this time of Transition.

I was asked not to worry about awakening those who are still asleep, but to share both Adrial's messages, and from my own experiences and understandings (from this lifetime and others). We'll provide this information so that others may also reach a point where they are able to be in the world yet not of the world, and to develop the ability to not be disturbed from their path by the 3D dramas that swirl around us.

Adrial and I've begun setting up a website for this purpose, and I'd like to send you links as I post material that seems relevant to your sites... We'll be deeply grateful for your help in helping others.

Of course you're welcome to use your discretion in sharing, and if you know of other sites or people I should share this with, please let me know. We will be happy with whatever you're comfortable with doing to help.

At the end of this email, I've included a comment that Adrial asked me to add to the 20-5-12 meditation instructions, in hopes that it resonates with you, and you'd like to share it further. This comment will apply for future meditations as well, as you'll see...

Finally, Adrial would like for me to share the following with you as an update from the starship Athabantian, on the current situation, in case it's helpful to those you work with:

Dear Lightworkers of Gaia,

In this exciting time of Awakening, many incarnate Lightworkers stretch their limbs and open their eyes after a long sleep, ready to spring into action. Please greet them warmly and share your knowledge; their years of wearing 3D cloaks have allowed placing them strategically, without attracting the dark's attention. Now is the time. Simply remember; things will begin to fall into place.

You already look around for orbs, ships, crop circles, and your Inter-Galactic or Inner Earth sisters and brothers. We'll share some other ways your cosmic relations might appear.

Many dramas unfold in your skies - frequently. As you engage in your Re-Boot The Grid meditations (and please continue them beyond the eclipse as well!), take note of any of the following you see, and send your powerful healing light to them:


1. Any cloud-like formations that seem to have especially dramatic shapes and do not seem to move like other clouds in the sky; As you know, these may be cloaking devices or camouflage, for ships or other devices.

2. Any very subtle shifts in tone or color, even in the bluest of skies, that seem particularly round or angular; This may indicate what we call "specular cloaking". Sometimes a ship is more effectively disguised when it looks like blue sky (rather than clouds).

3. Any cloud-like formations that form rings or appear to have circular "holes" in them; sometimes the "ship" hides in the "void" rather than the cloud. Also, a ship may leave a hole in a cloud when it jumps dimension.

4. Any dramatic storms or weather phenomena that seem very localized; Weather may be used to mask activity going on above or within.

Please consider that some very effective craft and beings are quite small - even tiny - by human standards. This Transformation of Gaia takes place on a molecular level as well as on gross and subtle levels. That flash of light or shadow that you think you see out of the corner of your eye can be an electromagnetic burst or vacuum point, caused by matter or energy shifting dimension. Send it love and light, for the swiftest possible transmutation to 5D.

Please walk upon Gaia knowing that your brothers and sisters also assist you from far below your feet and vehicles [above]. As Gaia shifts into 5D, many layers of her crust will be opened and revealed as safe harbors. If you can envision a life in which we all sustain one another in perfect balance, you'll find access to these safe harbors easily.

We of Athabantian honor and thank you all for holding your Light and trusting in your ability to follow your Wisdom from Source. With blessings, Adrial, a Celestial aboard starship Athabantian.

Again, Cobra & AK, many thanks for any help!

In love & light,


Comment from Adrial of Athabantian: 

Cobra's 2012Portal website offers much reliable and helpful information, and we aboard the Athabantian currently endorse its activities.

We recommend this meditation at this powerful time of alignment and cohesion.

We would like to supplement the meditation with a few comments regarding the visualizations. Understanding these explanations will fortify the impact of the meditation, particularly for those who wish to Ascend to and Experience Gaia in her glorious 5th Dimension/Density.

Whenever you visualize forces, beings, or institutions of darkness or Light, please recall that we are all engaged in the great drama of 3D existence, each playing out our roles with consummate skill and integrity. Once we all Ascend fully and return to Source, we will remember our Unity and Love for one another.

Until then, play your role faithfully as you feel it in your heart, for your pure heart is truly your most reliable Guide. Please send love and light to all, no matter their current manifestation upon this 3D stage.

May you all enjoy a wondrous, fulfilling Eclipse on May 20, 2012!

We aboard the Athabantian follow your activities constantly and closely, and encourage your spiritual progress with great admiration.

Please center always upon the Light, and radiate your love throughout Gaia's many realms and beings.

With love and dedication,

Adrial, Athabantian, and your thousands of supporters hosted by Athabantian


 (conveyed by Leslee Hare)

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