Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Morning Blessing - May 22, 2012

Omnipotent Spirit, eternal and transforming, is centered in my soul. Filled

with heightened consciousness, I am fully aware that I am contained in this

womb of creation; cared for and nurtured in every moment by the Divine. I

am the unfolding of eternal creation within infinite space. I feel Spirit in me

now and know It is the Truth that replenishes my purpose daily.


With the bursting Light of this day I celebrate my earth walk with tremendous

joy. As I live today's completeness I experience unprecedented good. On my

journey, that which is needed appears in anticipation and excitement of the

moment. Happiness illumines and transforms me. I absorb the Allness knowing

the great I AM expresses the wonder of me. I affirm truth forever equates and

balances everything, dismissing any idea that no longer serves a purpose.

Responding to the prompting of my I AM presence I lift my intelligence to

limitless potential, allowing my immaculate-center to nourish me.


The magnificence of my sacred journey is the warmth, compassion, and power

of God's Perfection. Healing Light and Truth fuel me as I savor and accept in

radiant awareness my Divine Process. Into the chamber of governing laws these

words are sent knowing without judgment or hesitation they are honored and
fulfilled. And so it is.


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