Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Formulas, Venus Transit, Slumber Parties And Things To Come* ~ God & Gabriel Channeled By Suzanne Spooner Of TAUK June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012

God & Gabriel

[Hello God & Gabriel.] Hello Suzy Dear. So much has occurred in a short time, let’s catch up. First, you have updated your formula for TAUK. Let’s remember the significance for the formula. Your original formula was actually your SRT Prep to Work. This worked well for your initial contact. As time went on, we worked together to develop a system for The Art of Universal knowing. The formula is a way for humans to untangle themselves from ego, perform downloads and clearings and to raise their vibrations and frequencies so that their High Self has a clearer connection to their conscious self. This is what opens a human to their knowing that they are one with All. As time speeds up during this Golden Age of Enlightenment, from time to time it is good to check and see if your formula is in need of a fine tuning. Please make this known to the current TAUKers. Periodically check to see if former statements can be removed and if new statements should be added. This will eliminate static between messengers and their messages.

Second, is the Venus Transit and what this means to humanity and beyond. The venus transit is another important occasion in the ascension of Gaia. This occasion is one in a long line of events, planned eons ago to assist in your dimensions transition to your new world. The venus transit is the transfer of masculine power to feminine knowing. It is the end of alignments to warring mentalities. More over it is the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Third, you personally have experienced a power down over the last few months. For the most part you have allowed and not resisted. There has been a small voice that surfaces from time to time that says, “Hey! I am the teacher of TAUK! I should be posting my messages frequently and connecting with the public much more than I have been.” But your High Self usually quiets your conscious self and settles in for her slumber as she downloads and re-wires and opens herself to the changes that are coming.  You have watched some of your TAUK students as their messages touch tens of thousands of open hearted and appreciative readers. To give their messages to the masses is a joy for your heart to watch. God is so pleased.

Last, you have pictured an evolution of The Art of Universal Knowing. This is your destiny to grow and expand human experience. As you wake from your slumber, know that all is right with your world. We are always here, guiding and assisting. [Thank you God & Gabriel.] Our pleasure.

* For any students of TAUK, either the online class or those who have learned from Suzanne or one of the TAUK teachers directly, I will be adding an update to the website to assist you in knowing when and how to update your formula. Check the website under the “Talks on TAUK/TAUK Classes tab. I hope to have that up by June 10th, 2012. Keep checking back! As always feel free to leave a comment or email me directly at Suzanne@theartofuniversalknowing.com

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