Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Venus Transit Heart Prayer Meditation

Thanks to Bernadette.

The Venus Transit Heart Prayer Meditation

by Nicolya Christi


A Prayer to Venus:

This Prayer has been specially written by myself to say to Venus (and to your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides) during the Seven Hour Venus Transit, which starts at 22:09 UTC (Universal Time) on 5 June 2012, and will finish at 04:49 UTC on 6 June. (GMT it begins at 06:40 BST, reaches maximum at 09:22 and ends at 12:04, but best visibility will be at sunrise).
Speak this Prayer from the Centre of your Heart, straight to the Centre of the Heart of Venus.

Black heart (cards)Black heart (cards)

With All of my Heart, I release All Past Life debt, burden, karma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises and bonds. I request that All such be lifted from my Soul Contract and dissolved and transmuted in the Venus Transit Light of Love.

With All of my Heart, I release All Future Life debt, burden, karma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises and bonds. I request that All such be lifted from my Soul Contract and dissolved and transmuted in the Venus Transit Light of Love.

With All of my Heart, I request that All layers of my energy field are cleared, that all blocks are removed, dissolved and transmuted in the Venus Transit Light of Love.

With All of my Heart, I request that all blocks, defences, scars, karma and All such be lifted from my Heart and dissolved and transmuted in the Venus Transit Light of Love.

With All of my Heart, I request that All trauma memories from All incarnations be lifted from my Soul and dissolved and transmuted in the Venus Transit Light of Love.

With All of my Heart, I request that All blocked or stored negative energy anywhere in my physical body, and all of my energy bodies, be removed, dissolved and transmuted in the Venus Transit Light of Love.

With All of my Heart, I request forgiveness of All transgressions, past, present and future – that these are lifted from my Soul Contract and dissolved and transmuted in the Venus Transit Light of Love.

With All of my Heart, I request that all cellular memory and genetic DNA be wiped clean of All trauma imprints and negative energies, and that I be flooded with, and hold, only the Purist and Highest Vibrational Love and Light.

With All of my Heart, I request that my life now starts to reflect only the Greatest and Purist Love and Light, and that I may live a life of unconditional love, flow, joy, vibrancy, magic, wonder, wellness, positivity, happiness, fun, perfect balance, adventure, purity and true abundance.

With All of my Heart, I now ask that my heart become peaceful, that I become joy-full, perfectly centred and anchored in Love. That the Light and Love of my Soul’s very Essence pours through my eyes, my smile, my very Being.

With All of my Heart, I request that I now become the embodiment of Peace and Love – that I feel Deep Peace within me Always – that I come to know the most Exalted and Purist expression of Unconditional Love, and experience this personally, and express this to and for humanity, and ALL sentient Beings on Earth.

With All of my Heart, I request from this day forth that I am bestowed with Oceans of Love, Wonder, Joy, Happiness, Laughter, Peace, Blessedness, Beauty and True Abundance.

With All of my Heart, I request that my life be a Blessed One, from this moment forth.

With All of my Heart, I request that I may come to fully know and experience True, Deep, Sacred and Abiding Love.

With All of my Heart, I request that my time on Earth leaves me with a treasure trove of unforgettable, magical and beautiful memories to take with me when it is time for me to return HOME.


And so it shall be.

Black heart (cards)Black heart (cards)

Dear Light Friends, I wish for us All a time of Utter Beauty, Absolute Love and Deep Union, with Self, and Other/s during and following this incredible and rare Venus Transit.

The Venus Transit invites us to CELEBRATE LOVE and to celebrate the Love that We Each Are.

Venus invites us to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY, to SEE BEAUTY in EVERYONE – and to CELEBRATE, HONOUR and LIVE BY the only thing that really matters – LOVE.



In LOVE – Always and Forever,

Black heart (cards)NicolyaBlack heart (cards)

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