When the Angels said the time had come and they were backing away from our consciousness almost 2 years ago, they didn’t tell us how long they were going to be quiet. They did come in and give messages when it was necessary, during sessions or healings but they didn’t give any extra insight or stick around for any extra communication.
The Angels did tell us that those of us that were working would maintain our clients but the work would be slower and with very few new clients. Those people who wanted to start their spiritual service were “on hold” until the time period was complete. If they tried to start, it would be slow or wouldn’t take off at all. This was very difficult for those people because they felt the passion to be in service.
The consciousness of humans was focused down onto the physical Earth and its problems. Like us, they also didn’t feel supported. This caused all sorts of issues to come to the surface. Remember we create our own realities. Focusing on the 3rd Dimensional world creates a rising of that ego energy. During this time, the people were not seeking help; they were content in their misery. They could not raise their heads to see the light of change.
At the same time, we have been growing spiritually in our own strength and power while not being able to rely on the Angels to support us. We have been integrating more consciously what we have learned and practiced what we know to do. Even with little results due to the spiritual climate, all practice was good. We also had to live on the Earth and to experience / watch what was going on. It was hard for the Lightworkers to keep our focus on the light too because we were praying, trying to manifest, without seeing results. Some Lightworkers questioned what was wrong with them? What had they done to cause this? And it wasn’t that at all. They just didn’t realize the Angels were going to be quiet and that they had everything within them to make it through. But still the prayers for houses to be bought or sold, good jobs with good pay, babies and love relationships; all that was being prayed for wasn’t showing up. Quite the opposite was happening, there was a lot more loss during this time than there was a gain in people’s lives.
Then in February 2012 the Angels came with a loud and clear message, “We are back!” They said that from March to June, everyone would be walking out of these invisible bubbles that had been placed around them. These bubbles were there while the Angels were “gone” to protect us. These bubbles made it difficult for our prayers to be heard and acted upon. The great news is that those of us that continued to say prayers would start seeing our prayers manifest the day we walked out of our bubble. Some people who have given up during these last two years, have felt the energy shift and the presence of their Angels and have started up their prayers again, so they will see them manifest soon.
Please hear this. This quiet time was not a response to something you or I did. This was not something that your Angels did to you. You were not being punished. You had what it took to get through this. The idea was that if we could stand alone and shine our light, we could stand in amongst anything and still shine our light. We are stronger now than two years ago. Yes, even those of you who were yelling at your Angels. Now the Angels can join with us more consciously and we won’t lean on them. We can walk beside them. We won’t need the light of others because we have learned how to let the light flow through us. We can believe now more than ever that the light is always there and any time we need more, we can have it. It isn’t ours. It isn’t anyone’s light. It is everyone’s light. It is God’s light; freely flowing forever. So we can stand within the Angels and shine our own light.
Now the Earthplane people will be seeking help. So some of you that have been waiting to open your practices of healing and counseling, you will be pleased to see the doors opening for you and the people coming. Those that already have practices, the Angels had said during this time of quiet, make sure you spent time writing your books and doing all the prep work for your events because when the energy cleared, you would be too busy to do all of that. Well, the time is now! Houses will be bought and sold. New jobs will come forth. Lovers will walk onto paths that have been waiting. There will be pregnancies now. Healings will occur and so much more.
What have you been speaking about your life in the last two years? If you were one that was mad, complaining and maybe even gave up, now is the time to jump back in the game. Write down the things you want for your life (not someone else’s life) and make them into positive affirmations / prayers. Say them every day out loud with strong intention, an open heart and a big, huge smile on your face. If you need help with your affirmations, I am here for you. Just write them down the way you think you should say them and then send them to me in an email (Christina@ChristinaLunden.com) and I will confirm or correct them for the highest energy. This time period is over. The Angels are back. You can have what you speak. Consider making it something great!
I AM dancing and laughing because All is well,
Copyright 2012 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source: www.ChristinaLunden.com
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