Sunday, October 7, 2012

Poofness 10-7-12…”My Gawd!!!”…”The End to the Fed is Here”…

[UPDATE 1347 HST: This article was pointed out at RMN as another relevant one. "Russia to liberate the world from US occupation"]

Similar to last week’s Poof article, which reported on the downfall of the cabal finances, this one says that the fed is dead. Other countries are, step-by-step, leaving the fabled “U.S. Federal Reserve Note” for other global reserve currencies. (btw, if you were unaware, the Federal Reserve is not Federal, nor is it in any way associated with the Republic of the United States. Here is a rather neat cartoon video that kind of explains a few things about that:
“The dark one’s are on the losing side of this operation but that does not seem to shut their mouths. Like visions in a nightmare, they taunt from the sides on anyone paying attention, they will lie with no regard that they are. This is the time, you need to use YOUR grey matter and decipher them. The game was always rigged and first thing you have to do, is accept that. The big picture is working just fine, your place in it is up to you. Do not use fear, to make decisions with. It injects toxins into everything it touches… constantly creating unintended results. Learn to use Love as your weapon… the double edged sword of truth. Your time for putting all this stuff to use, is here… opportunity, with a big O. Use what the good lord gave you.”


  • The grip of the dollar is being pried off of people’s countries. They’ve had enough and aren’t taking it anymore.

  • …once the legalities, were taken care of, then massive global scale movements started happening… it took them a week but the moves were irreversible and sustainable.

  • The dark one’s are on the losing side of this operation but that does not seem to shut their mouths.

  • Like visions in a nightmare, they taunt from the sides on anyone paying attention, they will lie with no regard that they are.

  • Learn to use Love as your weapon…the double edged sword of truth. Your time for putting all this stuff to use, is here….opportunity, with a big O.

  • There are things being activated long forgotten as a pipe dream, last I heard there were 70+ programs and each one comes up you may find your self being invited bank [back] to the bank to fill out some more papers…

  • Be a stewart [steward], sit down, think about it, and then engage. The ‘collective’ of you all doing what needs done.


My Gawd!!!

Greetings and Salutations,

Take a look at what russia is saying at the momentous time in history; [Kp note: two articles I found in today's Pravda may illustrate this. article 1article 2article 3]

All the info can be found by going thru the business archives. The grip of the dollar is being pried off of people’s countries. They’ve had enough and aren’t taking it anymore. The end to the fed is here. If you’re broke, you’re broke. You have no wedge on the issue. Perhaps, your debtor will be kind as they dismember you. lolol That’s it, once the legalities, were taken care of, then massive global scale movements started happening. As usual, it took them a week but the moves were irreversible and sustainable. Loose lips sink ships so, I thought it best to keep my mouth shut as they got things done. They ARE reading emails and adjustments are made, accordingly.

The dark one’s are on the losing side of this operation but that does not seem to shut their mouths. Like visions in a nightmare, they taunt from the sides on anyone paying attention, they will lie with no regard that they are. This is the time, you need to use YOUR grey matter and decipher them. The game was always rigged and first thing you have to do, is accept that. The big picture is working just fine, your place in it is up to you. Do not use fear, to make decisions with. It injects toxins into everything it touches…constantly creating unintended results. Learn to use Love as your weapon…the double edged sword of truth. Your time for putting all this stuff to use, is here….opportunity, with a big O. Use what the good lord gave you.

Some are speaking for themselves, they are simply waiting for disbursement orders. There are things being activated long forgotten as a pipe dream, last I heard there were 70+ programs and each one comes up you may find your self being invited bank [back] to the bank to fill out some more papers…and they Will find you, even if you are hiding from an ex. They need you to be the mule and spread this stuff out. End world poverty and hunger, take care of the down trodden, the elderly and the children. Be a stewart [steward], sit down, think about it, and then engage. The ‘collective’ of you all doing what needs done. The circles will begin intersecting, causing the whole world to be covered in goodness. As they say, ‘money talks and b…s walks’.

Now go in peace, shake the dust off your feet, and enjoy your future.

Love and Kisses, Poofness



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