Friday, July 15, 2011

2012 - The Start of a New Beginning

I believe we are at the end of a cycle. The cycle we are ending was a masculine cycle which explored power and creative structures through the masculine Archetype. The cycle before that was the feminine Archetype cycle. The cycle we are headed into is a unity cycle where the previous systems are combined into Unity and Connection a balanced Archetype. The ages are like the chakra energy system in development. Root, sacral, solar plexus and the heart chakra which is the age we are headed into. Each of these ages or levels is stepping up into higher vibrations. Our great central sun is beaming the unity energy at us in pulses that help create the catalyst for the movement of Gaia and the human consciousness into the higher vibration. There is a multitude of Galactic and higher dimensional being assisting us in moving our vibration to the unity consciousness. There is a multitude of being incarnating in our reality to be catalyst for the transformation. Many of us have contracts to assist as lightworkers to help increase awareness and vibration.

So you are actually living the ascension and all that are here in this plane of existence are moving up in vibration. Our thoughts and intention have a great bearing on how the transition will proceed and how things will manifest within the new energy. So Yes, your dreams and aspirations are a factor in the future you will have.

Without going into the system of probabilities, I will say that we have moved ourselves into a timeline that is assured of reaching full consciousness for everyone. There is not going to be some great shift and everyone will be in one place or another. You are living the process of ascension. It will take 50 years for most of us to reach full consciousness. Some of the lightworkers will make it quicker. In approximately 200 years most of the systems and all of humanity will be happily transitioned.

The brothers and sisters of the Galactic will not approach us until we have lifted our vibration to a level that assures their and our safety. The choice of them helping us or not is ours to make individually and as a mass conscious.

Personally I am holding a vision of peace, joy and abundance for all humanity.

In the Light! mylightwarrior…….. 

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