Sunday, September 25, 2011

The creative source and the nature of reality

By: mylightwarrior

There is only ONE. The ONE is expressing itself creating, self-discovery and being. ALL THAT EXIST is an expression of the ONE immersed in creation, self-discovery and being. All expressions within the ONE are energetic expressions of the ONE with experience based on perception. The only thing that separates any part of the ONE is vibration and perception.

        Any part of the whole is actually the same energy vibrating at different rates using different perception mechanics and collecting unique experiences. Everything is intelligent sentient energy that communicates and exists within the whole.       

        Human beings are an energetic expression of ALL THAT IS. The cycles of existence we perceive are set up to collect information based on a unique set of perceptions. We are a grand experience of creation’s self discovery and the possible blue print for other cycles of creation. This WE includes Humanity, the earth and all its other inhabitants.

With the perceptive abilities humans have, a set of unique experiences is developed and a basis of memory and experience is gained. The experiences and choices the human makes will develop the ego personality and belief system. So one might say, “this human is American middle class with Catholic religious beliefs.” In reality the human we are discussing is something different than perceived under the controlled expression principles. As an energetic expression of creation this human is an energy that has always existed. Here is a profound statement, “the only thing that is different at any moment for an energy expression with creation is vibration rate, perception and the collection of unique experiences the energy expression has collected.” “ALL THAT IS” is the ONE through the collection of experiences of all creation.

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