a message from Jamye Price
As we build on last week’s Fortitude and Focus, we see the progress of new Life beginning. There is no wrong and right in an unconditional universe, only growth as Life continues. You live in a world of choice, therefore, there is an aspect of conditionality that begets direction. While your conditions will require discernment to choose, they need not contain judgment for another. As you become unconditional with the Forbearance of one who Knows All is Well, you recognize change as a benevolent truth that awaits your Focus. You are a creator in your world. Your truth is manifest in the world you experience. Not just what you view, what you experience. When you view a tragedy and you feel anger, anger is a Truth a in your world. It need not be a judgment, your reaction in honesty is a refiner of your focus. Anger can lead to Love for one that is willing to look deep into the courageous heart. Look within.
As a Lightworker you work is find the thread of Love in all experience and nurture its growth. It is not the easy road, it requires the climb to the high road. It requires the courage to forgive, the courage to speak up or stay quiet when your natural impulse would be to do the opposite. It requires your fortitude to maintain your focus on Love when Love’s silent whisper is barely audible in the physical world. You, Lightworker, are the bearer of the template of the Golden Age. You don’t just speak empty words, you apply the words of Love into the moments that lack it – whether you speak them or not. Allow the flame of your heart to Light the path of Love for those who seek. You are a Lightbearer and a Wayshower. The way is within your heart.
As we sit to Blast Allowing Love to Rule, we are opening the gate of the heart to allow access to the Golden Age. We are beginning the transformation of pain into wisdom and camaraderie. We are finding common ground with those we thought we were ever so separate from as we recognize God within all that we encounter. We are focused in our ability to hear the whisper of Love and amplify its grace. We are the Golden Age manifest as we seed Love’s connection in all hearts we meet. Blast On!
Copyright: © 2005-2012 Jamye Price, www.CrystallineSoulHealing.com All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.
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