Thursday, January 10, 2013

Light Stewards: What are the Divine Qualities and Why are They so Important?

Light Stewards – Sisters and Brothers of Unity is a new group that has taken upon itself the educational and facilitative role of providing suggested guidance for lightworkers who wish to adopt high standards of integrity and the embodiment of Fifth Dimensional qualities as we prepare ourselves for ever-expanding roles in the Golden Age.
Our goal is to generate and share documents which help us to be squeaky clean in our behavior, which in turn allows bliss to rise within us, and align us with the new paradigm of the divine qualities of Nova Earth.
Many times on this blog and on InLight Radio, we’ve discussed the Divine Qualities. Below we offer more information about what they are. We encourage you to share and use this document as you see fit.
The Divine Qualities are the attributes we find in the higher dimensions, where peace and love, and unity consciousness is the theme. We’d like to thank Linda Dillon for the list of the divine qualities below, which she describes in her book, The Great Awakening, as the thirteen blessings and virtues. Keep in mind that the the divine qualities below are related and reflective of love, trust, forgiveness, unity, connectedness and balance. We are encouraged to embody these qualities now as we bring forth Nova Earth:
1. Prudence
Twin of temperance. The ability to know in all situations when to proceed and when to retreat; when to take action and when to be still; when to offer help and when to keep silent; to know in exact measure what is required whether it is in baking a cake or healing a psychic injury. All things in correct measure. Prudence encompasses the quality of moderation, the genuine knowing and practice of everything in balance. No one person can live in only one area of their being, their life, and truly be representative of the whole. Prudence allows for the complete and total release of addictions. An unusual trait on Earth.
2. Fortitude
Courage in all forms, endurance, the ability to keep going forward when others cease and give up. The virtue of pathfinders. Strength of purpose. Stamina in all senses. Know that patience is a part of fortitude. Fortitude is the encompassing of forbearance, and forbearance is indeed a quality that requires patience. To continue going forward with stamina when you really feel like pushing the individual off the cliff.
3. Hope
The gift of heart-knowing of the presence of God. The ability to understand that very often things on Earth are not as they appear. An ability to pierce the illusion of the veil. The only reason for change. Hope encompasses serenity; total and perfect calm. To be in the world but not of it, to be able to remain centered and still, one with who you are regardless of externals.
4. Purity
Twin of clarity; sister of chastity, not in the sexual sense but in the sense of the ability to remain pure in all aspects of self. To remain centered when there is chaos, temptation or a lack of harmony around you. To see, feel and know clearly what exists, what is illusion and what is necessary for survival in all senses of the word.
5. Beauty
Inner and outer. To be in a state of beauty with all that is, in all realms, physical, emotional and spiritual. The ability to create and maintain beauty. To be in a state of beauty is to be in harmony with all. To become a perfect mirror for all of God’s creations.
6. Joy
To be fully thankful, grateful and one with the gift of life purpose and spirit. To be a reflection of the perfection of the creation of self and all. To live in and remain with the heart for all time.
7. Compassion
The ability to Love and serve without judgment. To be able to fully understand and heart feel another’s situation without entering or assuming that cloak. The understanding that another has a chosen path and that we can only offer assistance and Love. We cannot complete another’s journey for them for that would be theft. Tenderness.
8. Truth
Truth is clarity. Truth simply is light and Love. It is the wholeness of knowing. It is factual information that can stand and does stand alone, whether people know it or not, truth is. For example, the Divine is a supreme knowing. Whether anyone in this room or on this planet knows this matters not. That truth cannot be altered. Wisdom is the virtue of having the good sense to know and understand that truth.
9. Wisdom
Brother of Truth. Understanding the Divine plan, the unfoldment and each thing/being’s place within that plan. Ultimate respect for all because all is a reflection of the One, and we are One. The ability to comprehend the difference between believing, thinking and knowing. Knowing comes from the deepest core of your being, it is that part of you intimately connected with your higher self, your guides and God. It is the beauty of the elders, of those who have gone through the planes of twelve existences, those who have arrived at the end of the path and are ready for a new time.
10. Awe
Ability to feel and experience always and fully the wonders of creation, the Divine. The knowing that there is always more, more to learn, to experience, and to understand. To know that our understanding and experience of God is limited but the promise of further growth holds true. It is the innocence of the small child within, the sense of awe, the sense of wonder. It is the sense of understanding the magnificence of the universal plan, the unfoldment. It is the thrill, the expectation and joy at being, simply being, and enjoying the new miracles that unfold, always waiting for the next one. It is the relation of purity.
11. Charity
The genuine ability to share all things, material, spiritual and emotional. Based in the true understanding that there is always enough for all to thrive and we are all richer in the joint expression of sharing. A heart-felt need to be generous. Knowing knowledge and gifts are never intended solely for one person.
12. Humility
Twin of piety. Ability to be truly grateful for the many blessings bestowed upon each and all. Knowledge that alone we are rather incompetent but united with One we are All. Necessary for all works and sharing of service.
13. Grace
Grace is the quality of being a true and exact expression of Divine spirit and will. This is a state of beauty, of wholeness, of oneness. It is the final blessing and virtue, encompassing service and action.

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