Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Archangel Michael: Year 2012 a Year of Completion and a New Reality Begins

It is I Archangel Michael who comes to you in the light of peace and joy in this new year of 2012. We want you to know that peace and joy has always been the intent of creation. Now we see the end of the duality and that you have been immersed within important lessons to learn. The year of 2012 will bring the revelation of truths pointing the way to the reality of creation and your power to generate and create your own world. The bringing about of these truths will and has been subtle. The subtle changes to your system will continue into the new millennium toward a unified field of experience in the light.

What this unified field represents is “oneness” and duality is no longer supported. You will slowly see this new energy of “oneness” breaking down and shifting the old structures into the unified crystalline field. The year 2012 is the year of completion for powering up the crystalline grid supporting the new matrix of experience. The unified field you are beginning to perceive is mixed in with the old system. So in the year 2012 there are two systems, the old electromagnetic duality system and the new unified crystalline field. These two reality matrix systems are operating together and within this arrangement the old system is being powered down and the new unified field system is being brought on line. This transfer of systems is being paced to allow for a minimum of chaos and change. This pacing of chaos and change allows the earth, her life forms and humanity to withstand and adapt to the change of the reality matrix. We can see that if this happened all at once everything and everyone would be disoriented and unable to function in the new paradigm reality.

The year 2012 is the completion of the new unified field matrix and the rebooting of the matrix systems will commence into the year 2013 and beyond. So let us understand that this is the beginning of a new operating system for your reality. This new reality is one that you will co-create with others based in the new system of unity and love. For those of you in the light of understanding it is time to help your brothers and sisters understand the transition we are in and where we are headed. Hold your hand out and help them across the boundaries of fear into unity and love.

We the Archangels, Angels of the realm of truth and the Ascended Masters are here to support you. Call on us and we will respond.

I am Archangel Michael and I come to you in the peace, unity and love of the one infinite creator!

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