Monday, December 12, 2011

Manifest and Co-create Your Dreams

By: mylightwarrior

Many of us don't understand that the reality we live in is an experience of our choice. The collective human experience is agreed upon before it is experienced. The reality we live and walk in is co-created though our collective agreement of what we want to experience before we experience it. For eons now we have been participating in this reality experience unconsciously. Within this unconsciousness we have been letting others decide what we want to personally and collectively experience.

With the raising of our vibration and the vibration of the planet an evolution into a new age has occurred. Within this new age a higher level of creation or conscious participation is required. This means we are now required to consciously participate in the co-creation of reality. With this evolution we must understand that our choices are the key stone of the creation and manifestation of our reality.

This new “choice” responsibility is the foundation of the co-creating and manifesting of your new reality. You now have the ability to manifest and create on all the levels of creation within your reality. This means we have choices for ourselves, family group, town/city group, state, country, world, solar system, cosmos and universe and ALL THAT IS.
Your choice is a “vote” in what you want to be co-created in the reality individually and collectively in the groups you are participating in! So your choice “vote” forms what we experience personally and in social groups and is what we all agree is real. The human collective experience is a consensus of the choices made by us all.

There is a great awakening occurring within the human collective. Within this awakening we are all seeing how the masses of humanity have been controlled with fear, war, famine, financing and separation. We are bombarded daily with stories of murder fear and annihilation. We have finally awakened to the fact that we have been lead down a path blind folded with the truth hidden from us.

There are more awakened people on the planet now than ever before. The higher vibration and light is creating a vortex of love and unity energy for us all. Within this vortex we are choosing to create a new and wonderful reality based in unity and love. This powerful vortex is the choice of our collective to move away form the darkness leading our planetary collective reality. We are now making the choice to move forward in cleaning the planet up and making sure all humanity lives in abundance and peace.

We can take charge of our choices by waking up and seeing things for what they are. As we see something that we disagree with we can vote not to have it within our reality. We can then make a choice and have thoughts of what we would agree with. We can have this agreeable thought and have a vision of it giving thanks to the universe as if it has already done. In doing so we manifest this agreed upon choice into our reality. You must understand that you have a choice in all matters and you can affect a change with your vote. We are not powerless pawns floating through reality, we have experienced all that we have accepted and bought into.

If you are experiencing something in your life that you disagree with see it in your mind, draw a circle around it and put a red “X” through it. Say the words “I do not agree with this!” Then see what you would agree with in your mind, draw a circle around it and put a green check mark on it approving it. This simple process sends a power message to the universe and manifest your desire. It is very simple and quick. In fact you may not think it is life changing, however it is! You can do this with a person, situation, location or world wide event you don't agree with. Use it every day and watch what happens.

I wish you much love and peace, one with the infinite creator!

Copyright © 2011–2013 mylightwarrior. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

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