Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Archangel Gabriel: Ascending into the Awareness of Balance and Harmony - December 6, 2011

We see you in this new time of change being in a state of transition back the original perfection of your divine natures. It has been a journey of many lifetimes and lessons of duality and discovery of opposite selves. Through these life journeys you have been aspects of both male and female respectively. This transition back into your original nature is one where you bring all of these aspects together and blend them into balance and harmony. What a great learning experience it has been for you all.

We ask you to reflect and meditate on this from the stillness of your mind. Bring yourself to a complete rest where your attention goes to your breathing in and out steadily. Focus on your breath in and focus on your breath out. Relax your entire body as you breathe and sense only your breath and move your attention to your entire body. Keep your attention on your breath and your entire body as long as possible. From this stillness one finds balance and harmony.

We need you to know that balance and harmony is needed in this transition of the old energy to the new. Moving yourself into a state of balance and harmony will assist you and all others toward unity and connection. Learn how it feels to be in balance and harmony. Many of you never take enough time to allow yourself to move into this state of awareness. Many of you have constant thoughts of every kind in you mind at every waking moment. One finds and learns balance and harmony within the stillness of your mind and body. Once you have developed the ability to know the feeling of balance and harmony you can create this condition of awareness at all times. It takes focus, intent and appreciation of your awareness to co-create the condition of awareness you want.

Masters you co-create and stand in your power within the center of your energy vortex. This center is found through balance and harmony of your physical and energetic bodies. Within the center of the vortex one allows and lets the universe bring your thoughts into existence.  When you push or pull from the center of the vortex you fall out of balance and create blockages. These blockages stop or impede your ability to manifest your intentions properly. So when you feel yourself being blocked or out of balance, stop, breath in balance and breath out harmony and see yourself moving into the stillness peace of your center.

From our vantage point we see you moving into unity consciousness. Ask us for assistance and we will be at your side to assist you. The prosperity of heaven and earth is before you!

One together within the love of the infinite creator! Archangel Gabriel

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