Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A message from Archangel Michael: 11-11-11 A Gateway to the Golden Age

A telepathic message through: mylightwarrior

It is I Archangel Michael who comes to you in the pure infinite love of the creator. Waiting before you is the gateway of love, unity and connection you have so longed for. It is through your wishes and dreams that the gateway will open for all to receive peace, joy and abundance. Through this gateway are transformation energies destined to bring forth the unity group consciousness to Gaia and all inhabitants of the earth. Within these energies is the coding for your consciousness to move into unity consciousness. This unity consciousness is the Christ group consciousness of the higher dimensions. Within these energies you find the foundation for your new world experience. The Christ energies will transform your old system from power and separation into love and connection.

Look about you and see the stage is setting for the new experience. We need you to understand that you are the key to smooth delivery and manifestation of the new world. Your thoughts and dreams develop the manifestation of the new systems. The energies of the 11-11-11 gateway key on vibration energies in alignment with the Christ energies. If you all wish for unity, peace, joy and abundance it will be delivered smoothly and decisively to you all. Thoughts and energies not in alignment with the Christ energies will not be fertile and will fall away. Therefore have pure thoughts and intentions acting with a pure heart. If something is not working for you, is it based in honesty, unconditional love, forgiveness and tolerance? Does it seem to fail over and over? If so, back away and ask yourself where this choice does not have integrity. Test the choice in your heart. Ask you council of light to show you where the lack of integrity is within the choice. We in the higher dimension see where you can’t and will always lead you toward your highest good. Hold a dream and vision of an earth with air and water that is pure and clean. See a world without war, with peace and harmony for all. See yourself and all others as ascended and free. Feel the joy and excitement now for these wonderful blessing as if they already exist and they will manifest smoothly and decisively for you all.   

And now a message for you masters and light workers with missions that are about to change. During this portal a small group of masters will be ascending into a future probable time line. They will anchor themselves between the ascended time and the present now. This future ascended time is the golden age of the creator’s decree. This anchoring creates a bridge which acts as a channel for the new foundational system to process to fruition. Within this bridge “time” are several others portals which more humans will ascend and increase the resonance of the Christ energy through the bridge.  The more significant of these portals is the 12-12-12 and the 21-12-12. It should be understood that many more portals will be available during the bridge period. The bridge channels energy will increase incrementally in steps toward full consciousness. The beauty of the creators plan allows a large window of opportunity for all to ascend.

Many of you masters and light workers have codes that will trigger different missions in the light. With the activation of your codes you will be seeing your divinity and within it you will rise up to meet your destiny. Within this destiny is unconditional love and compassion for all souls in your world and beyond. You will remember how to lift up the earth and all inhabitants in peace and love.

We the heavenly hosts along with you are all involved in helping all ascend. As we march forward together your responsibilities are increasing. As you all move forward in the light you are becoming responsible for yourself, your brothers and sisters and all the earth and it’s inhabitants. As the light increases many of your brothers and sisters are stumbling confused and fearful of the great changes. You my beloveds are there to catch them and lift them up. 

Remember that I Archangel Michael and the heavenly host are always at your side. We are in your service and will always mentor you in love and devotion through eternity. You are about to stand up next to us and return to the original perfection of your divine nature. We rejoice in this with you and with all of creation.

In the love of the infinite creator!

And so it is!

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