Hark! I AM Archangel Gabriel, Lilly of
love and messenger of the creator in your realm and many others! I
come to you with love from the infinite heart of one. Within this
time many things are about to transpire that will change your world.
Do not see any of these happenings in fear, rather see them as joy
for you are about to be set free. This action of love from the
creator is a part of the divine mothers plan. The divine plan calls for the breathing of the
Christ conscious back into the earth realm and into the heart of
humanity. This plan is an act of unconditional love for all of God's
We come to you to tell you that there
will be many things happening that will seem out of place to you.
There will be changes in the way you live and how you interact with
each other. New ways of thinking will emerge from the chaos of change
that may be foreign to the old energy ways. We ask you to open your
hearts and meet with each other on common ground in things you have
in common. Work on knowing that real living for each human has the same
basic wants and needs. It is others that have given some of you the
ideal that others live differently from you and are a danger to you.
The time has come that you are needed
to walk together and drop your fearful ways of the past. This is the
dawn of a new beginning for Gaia and humanity. New technology and
abundance systems are in the wings ready to spring forth into your
lives. Once these systems are in place you will be ready to help each
other into a system of world wide peace and abundance.
The time to prepare yourself for the
change of the world is now. We ask you to contemplate how your life
would be different if most of what you have been taught is found to
be untruthful. We ask you to visualize a world that has free energy
where all have an abundance of food and shelter. We ask you to have
visions of peace, prosperity and abundance for all. Peace, prosperity
and abundance is the creators plan for you and it shall be done! It
will be your choice whether you want to ascend into the new age or
remain in another world in the lower energies. Before the transition
is complete you will all have sufficient knowledge and preparedness
to make the best decision for you soul's need.
I bid you peace and love until we meet again! Archangel Gabriel
Copyright © 2011–2013 mylightwarrior. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.http://mylightwarrior.blogspot.com/
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