Thursday, May 24, 2012

Morning Blessing - May 24, 2011

The Divine Creative Force that manifests through everything seen and unseen, through everything known and unknown, flows through me as well. There is no place, person or thing where it is not. It is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, existing long before the big bang and long past the end of imagination. It knows no large or small. It knows no hard or easy. It only knows Goodness and Perfection which is Its true nature. Therefore, goodness and perfection is my true nature as well.

I am one small but very significant part of this Divine Creative Force. I am an offspring of God, I am Spirit just as God is Spirit. God denies nothing to Itself; therefore God denies nothing to me so long as what I desire harms no one including myself.
Therefore any longing that I have finds its perfect expression. My very longing creates its manifestation and I can have whatever my consciousness can hold. God's love, care and substance flows freely to me and I can imbibe all my cup can hold. That means I can release any belief in illness or disease. I separate from the false notion that I am powerless to states of imbalance. I now look to First Cause and not at outward conditions for their basis as truth in my expression is now null and void. All that I AM is nourished by Spirit so I obliterate from my conscious or unconscious mind any erroneous belief that I need linger in an imperfect, painful existence. All false perceptions of disorder or disunity, of disease, or fear are allowed to be transmuted back into their highest potential and expression of Love, of unlimited Good, of infinite Abundance, of overflowing Grace.

How grateful I am to let go of these false conditions and ideas. To know that I can create a life of joy and light excite and enliven me. As I place these words of positive energy into the Law I give thanks. There is but one life and that is God, and that is me. And so it is.


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