Posted by Steve Beckow

I’ve asked Archangel Michael if I was accurate in what I’ve said about the Trinity on this site and he’s assured me that I’m on the right track. So I have a little bit more confidence in what I’ve said, which runs counter to most literature available on the subject from scholars at least.
My view itself is based on that of enlightened sages such as Sri Ramakrishna, Paramahansa Yogananda, Shankara, Swami Sivananda, and many, many other devotees of the Mother say so it’s really not accurate of me to speak of “my” view. The nature of the Trinity, known to all religions, is “the” mystery that all of us must comprehend before we graduate from the human rung of evolution. The nature of enlightenment and the nature of the Trinity are the two mysteries that I’ve studied throughout my spiritual career, as feeble as that study may have been.
The Trinity is not somehow a Christian invention. That which is worshipped in Christianity as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is worshipped in Hinduism as Brahman, Atman and Shakti. It refers to three levels of reality, and not to three beings. I am led to believe that even a little study of this subject repays handsome dividends spiritually. The impact it has had on me certainly seems to bear that out.
Please keep in mind that whatever name or concept you read below (the Word, the natural law, the Holy Spirit), whatever is being discussed here is only the Mother.
On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit

The spiritual Phenomenon called the Divine Mother has always been deeply interesting to spiritual seekers. Known to sages and saints throughout history, it is the Divine Mother whom we in the West address as the Holy Spirit and Mother Nature. In India, Hindus address Her as Shakti, Maya, Kali, and Durga. She is also known as Wisdom, Aum, Amen, the Word of God.
By whatever name we refer to Her, She is an actual Entity that exists and can be directly experienced. In this paper, I present a number of conjectures about Her identity based on the recorded experiences of these saints and sages.
The Mother’s nature is one of the unfathomable mysteries of life. Nothing can be said about Her directly or positively. Almost everything that can be said of Her must be couched in metaphors; She is described in terms of waves, clouds, lights, fire, voices, music, though She is none of these. I know of no other way to discuss Her than metaphorically.
Her existence preceded language. Therefore it stands to reason that She operates without recourse to or dependence on words. As I am led to believe, no amount of intellectual understanding can substitute for a direct and personal experience of Her.
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The Natural Law was Created by the Father through the Mother
The Holy Spirit is worshipped as the Divine Mother
I’ve discussed the design element of the “longing for liberation,” the divine discontent that keeps us moving around the circle of creation from God to God.
I’d now like to look at another design element of life, created by the Master Builder to keep life moving in its intended direction, according to the Divine Plan and in fulfilment of God’s purpose. That is the natural law.
In the next few articles, let’s listen to Earth’s sages describe how it was created, how it works, and so on.
Zarathustra tells us that God created the natural law. He says: “He who in the beginning thought, and the Light was filled with lights, Himself through wisdom created (the Law of) Righteousness.” (1)
And who is Wisdom? Zoroaster tells us in the following sentence: “God the Lord hears (us) through the Holy Spirit.” (2) Wisdom, as in Hagia Sophia or the Holy or Ancient Wisdom, is another word used by ancients to refer to the Holy Spirit.
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The Law-Giving Mother and Her Lawful Universe
Before looking at the natural law itself, I’d like to look at the creation of the Divine Mother, and her creation in turn of the lawful universe. It’s the lawful universe to which the natural law applies.
Three universal forces will be referred to here under different names, but always the same three are being referred to. They are what Christians call the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and what Hindus call Brahman, Atman and Shakti. They are at basis the Transcendental Consciousness, the Phenomenal Consciousness and the Transcendental Consciousness ensconced in the Phenomenal Consciousness. The universe can be looselysaid to be composed of a combination of the three.
By “the Transcendental Consciousness ensconced in the Phenomenal Consciousness” I mean the flame in the heart, the soul in the center of our bodies. This is the Father in the Mother or, more exactly, the Father in the body created by the Mother.
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Is the “Holy Spirit” Feminine?

Not wishing to detract at all from the discussion of women’s issues, I don’t think I could agree that the Holy Spirit is somehow feminine. I know how that misapprehension comes about but it is still a misapprehension.
There is no gender at the level of the Holy Spirit. To call the Holy Spirit “the Feminine Aspect of the Godhead” is to perpetuate an error so fundamental that I’m not sure how knowledge based on it could yield useful knowledge of the nature of God or the Trinity.
It leads to rather humorous discussions of whether the Holy Spirit should go first in the Trinity or the Son, that are a projection of our own issues onto God, just as much as viewing God as an old man with a beard is.
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In the Beginning Was the Word

“The same was in the beginning with God.” (1)
I awoke this morning saying to myself “in the beginning was the Word.” I have no idea why that was so and I could not rest again until I had written a brief note on that Word. Perhaps the events of the rest of this month will make clear why it’s desirable to discuss this now.
Prior to the beginning of Creation, there was only the formless, still, and silent God and Creation itself was only a potentiality. Then God spoke the Word, which Hindus call “Aum” and Christians and Jews “Amen,” and worlds came into being. Before looking at the nature of that Word, let’s look at several descriptions of that event, which contemporary scientists call “the big bang.”
One is from Genesis:
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
“And the earth was without form, and void’ and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit [spiritus=breath] moved upon the face of the waters.” (2)
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