This is a message from the “Latest Updates” page at his website. He explains more about the fabled, “Green Light” situation.
No comments from myself on this one. Just read for yourself, and discern (Higher Discernment) for yourself.
Thanks to LadyDragon for informing me of this.
by Drake, June 28, 2012
It was expressed to me through ‘channels’ to state the following :
A – The Cavalry is coming.
B – If needed we will be contacted.
C – Sit back and watch the fireworks
There are two parts to this:
- First are the actions to be taken by our military in support of FREEDOM. This will be extraordinary in all ways. It does involve extremes in tacticalas well as logistical implementation. You may see some troop movement and supporting roles in public.
There may be minor delays in the usual traffic flows. The design is to make sure as much as possible is taken care of without problems.
- Second was the statement made that all of us are to be on full Alert. Engage drones and any troops under U.N. insignia. This is still in effect.
Be absolutely sure of your target. Do not engage our military.
IF needed our military will contact us. In the field this will be a couple of troops, an NCO, and an officer, lieutenant, captain, major, or colonel. They should be saying hello, or some other greeting, telling you they are there and want to talk.
Otherwise, sit back and watch the fireworks.
I suggest we remain fully alert and vigilant just in case.
According to the information that has been given, we beat their time table. Plus it seems that our military has won its battle/argument internally, the good guys won and are now in charge.
The three items above are what was given to me to broadcast.
The last item was the call of GREEN LIGHT.
There are TWO green lights. One as stated about the above (tactical) and the other deals with financials. Two commands, both acting according to what was decided as the best way to handle both.
Each being as complicated as they are, separation of these two was the best tactical maneuver because of the acceleration or move up of our enemies’ plans of execution. This had been considered before, but left alone because both were to take place at the same time. Obviously that changed according to the enemy moving their plans ahead of their original schedule.
I was told that a tactical GREEN LIGHT was to be called if asked about it, and I did so. We are still waiting for the secondary GREEN LIGHT of finance. I look for this very soon.
Those who are experienced should be followed, as it is these people who demonstrate calm and cool under extremely intense situations. This can be anyone with this ability. Military personnel offer the ability to operate effectively under extremes and know how to offer the structure for success where any objective or mission is possible. Pay attention to them.
What we have before us is the awesome responsibility of freedom. Most have no idea as to the changes this will bring about at all levels, personal, social, and publicly. Everyone will discover that we all need each other, talents, professionally, and personally. Some hard places to get past are defined as race, creed (beliefs), and superiority.
I have never been prejudiced, as I didn’t see a lot of difference between people. Sure, some people are different looking than me, but, other than that, the person inside was the same. Most people I’ve ever gotten to know, all had their own personal beliefs, no matter what church they attended. A sort of peace made between a person and their belief in a superior entity.
Superiority is going to be directed by what a person is able to do. A specific talent should be respected in that the person who knows and works with it, should be given a superior respect within that area.
Due to the changes in operation and the outing of this information, it should be obvious that plans of any kind need to be fluid in order to remain viable. Just as a football play may be changed on the field, tactics change to maintain advantage. Bear in mind that this is our last chance and all of us need to make sure we win.
Thank you,
~ Drake
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