Thursday, June 28, 2012

Your Anticipation and Desire are Important Tools – Archangel Michael via Ron Head

Spanish      Portuguese

It is my task and privilege today to address the question you have asked of the Creator of All That Is.  It is a very important topic indeed.  And although it could be answered in a very short sentence, we will give it the attention it deserves.

You have asked to know what is going on today in the Reality, and not in the illusory world of arrests, banking, fear stories, and so forth.  There is, of course, one main objective to all that is happening, but we will not give your sincere question such short shrift.  Neither is there space in a daily message such as this to even begin to explain all that is occurring, for there is nothing in your universe which is not being affected by this thing you term Ascension.

We could say that even the atoms, and indeed particles, in your universe are being changed.  But the reality is that the energies of which these consist in themselves are changing.  Which is why we have said that nothing will be the same.  When we say that nothing will be the same after this, we mean that there is no thing which will not have undergone fundamental change.  And since everything is derived from this energy, this frequency, this love, of the All, it will be forever and completely changed from what it has been.  Add to this that your manner and ability to perceive your world will also have changed completely.

Many, if not most, of you are in anticipation of an Event.  There will indeed be an Event.  Many, if not most, of you are primed for a huge and disruptive change in your outside world.  And this may indeed occur, although we intend for that to be the least disruptive possible.  But the real Event that is approaching, the one that will change everything forever, will not be anything of that nature.  The real Event will be the reaching, by you, of the level of consciousness that will see the final lifting of the veil separating the worlds.

You anticipate this, we know.  But you can only imagine it using the tools in your current state of consciousness.  These are inadequate to the task.  But we continue to describe it to you because your anticipation and desire are important tools, as well.  Everything in your world is a creation of human thought and endeavor.  But now the human who thinks and endeavors is going to fundamentally change.

Truly you are going to drop the masks you have assumed in order to play this game once and for all.  Try as we may, we cannot truly describe to you what that will be like.  But we can assure you that you have never, on this planet, experienced the life of joy that will be yours.  That day approaches now with increasing speed.  Please continue to use daily all the tools you have learned to employ.  Imagination, dreams, intentions, prayer, and meditation are all important.  You are soon to see the power of these things demonstrated in full.  Live, as much as possible for you, each day in your best image of what that shall be like.  Share that vision with the world, at least in your imagination.  And know, dear ones, that infinite numbers of us are adding our efforts to yours in every moment.

We send to each of you who are reading these words our love and friendship.  Be at peace until we speak again.  Good day.

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