Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast: June 24 - 30, 2012

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths.  Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path.  It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story.  Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE* There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: June 24 - 30, 2012

6/24 ~ Uranus (radical change) ~square~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation):

These two may need a little qualifying first. Uranus has an 84-year cycle, comprised of 7-year increments (each Sign), breaking in to social cycles of 21 years (square) and 42 years (opposition) as well. Pluto has a 248-year cycle, and spends 11-33 years in each Sign, which comes in waves apparently, but reminds us that “Transformation takes as long as it takes!” Uranus is considered the *Change Agent* ~ while Pluto represents the ultimate (and permanent) transformation. However, they operate considerably differently. Pluto works very slowly, over long periods of time and behind the scenes, exerting its strongest influence from the hidden realms. Uranus works with lightning speed, change in an instant, sudden illumination and life is never the same again. They are getting together in a 90-degree angle (square), which will ultimately build something, but not before the complete destruction of that which is not worthy (ending the old way), the clearing and purifying of space for new growth (preparation) and restructuring from the ground UP (rebirthing/rebuilding). Squares push us *out of comfort zone, in to new territory* ~ they help us *build* something stable and useful through the trials and adjustments, processes and sacrifices made, especially when they are actively engaged like this ... which is rare. (Uranus Squares Pluto every 50-80 years.)

6/25 ~ Jupiter (Truth/Story) ~square~ Neptune (Vision/Spirituality):

These two are somewhat related and seem to create a possibility for "too much of a good thing" ~ over-idealizing ~ over-extending ~ along with faith and charity in the wrong direction. The *square* is creating the friction that helps you catch "glimpses" of your reality as the illusion "cracks" and hopefully, it will spur you on to manifesting your ideals in practical/3D ways. By recognizing what you no longer believe, a new vision begins to emerge, though it still needs to be cultivated. The *TEST* that squares bring push us to grow and develop in a way that moves things along. When a Social Planet (Jupiter) hits a Collective Planet (Neptune) then large numbers of humans evolve around the same time. Additionally, if you have the Signs activated in your Individual chart, then it becomes "personal" for you. In general, these energies coming together should help you develop a Truth/Belief System of your own, while still creating the *Daily Practice* that will animate and support that new Truth. This energy will activate your generosity of spirit, so make sure to give to those worthy of your investment and try not to be foolish, deluded or tricked. Use this combo to expand your consciousness and practice what you preach.

6/29 ~ Sun (core Self) ~oppose~ Pluto (transformation):

This energy will create very intense encounters with others, possibly revealing things about you which you may not have understood or chosen to ignore thus far. This energy provokes power struggles and/or challenges with authority figures where you may have to stand up for yourself. It also may make you feel more over-bearing than usual, creating these kinds of situations. If there are any problems within the relationship, this energy will force things out into the open. It will be much easier on you, if you can open a dialogue with the express purpose of clearing the air and proceeding to a new level in your relationship. Any aspect of your life that you have been “just getting by” will DEMAND attention; you won’t be able to do anything less than a complete overhaul or replacement - in ANY area of your life. Let’s put it this way, any time Pluto is involved, there is usually complete destruction of the current (x-y-z) to make room for new and improved (by the Universe’s definition, if not your own). Ultimately, this is a good, growth energy, pushing you to the next level ... ready or not, so be prepared.

6/29 ~ Mercury (your voice) ~sextile~ Jupiter (expansion):

This energy can make you focus on the larger issues in your life. Your dreams are tapping you on the shoulder, demanding some attention. Mundane issues do not concern you, you want to figure out how to create the life you've been imagining. This energy also provokes within you the understanding that being generous naturally attracts generosity to you (and your cause). You're focused on the big picture and overall patterns which have lead you to this point. Feeling clear, sharp, alert and optimistic, your realize that anything you can imagine, you can achieve.

6/29 ~ Sun (source) ~square~ Uranus (radical shift):

This energy’s motto is “expect the unexpected”; this is a challenging and disruptive energy. However, keep in mind the morning after a storm - the air smells and tastes and feels BETTER. There is something inside you that you are holding back from full expression - what is it? Why are you holding back? This energy, while uncomfortable and perhaps, sudden, is very necessary to disrupt an illusions you may be trying to hold on to. You may have unreasonable restrictions placed on you or you are putting unreasonable restrictions on others in some way - either way, try to figure out the purpose. The suggestion here is that you need some AIR - you are restless and you are inclined to want to do something rash; it would be better if you just take a break, quit early and embrace this energy consciously. Otherwise, if you repress the need to get that air, you will create difficulties which could really affect your direction. No self-sabotage!! Pay attention and find an outlet for this pent up, stagnant energy.

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included.  Thanks for your courtesy. Kelly M Beard Kelly@KarmicTools.com ~ www.KarmicTools.com Published by GypsyChild Publishing Copyright © 2000-2011 Kelly M Beard All Rights  Reserved

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