I was chatting with a couple of friends who are doing concentrated work on other fronts and two subjects were raised, both of which must be the LaBrea tar pit for lightworkers and especially for lightworker commentators.
The first is how to handle the extremes of waiting we’ve been asked to manage. And the second is how to bring peace to areas of the world that are tightly contracted and conflicted.
I think some people may believe that I’m not as dismayed by the Long Wait as everyone else is. I am dismayed. I’m also aware of what one of my friends said, which is that complaining invites contraction and takes us further away from what it is we want. But I do feel like complaining, no doubt about it.
And at the same time I also know that we’re only talking about events that are more huge and complicated than anything we can possibly imagine. And I also know that I’m simply responding to my vasanas connected with being kept waiting. And I know further that the energies are so delicious these days that my complaints are mostly burnt rope, mere shadows of their former selves.
And I really do spring back after reading some of the wonderful messages that we’re receiving, like Graham’s discussion with Jesus from the other day. (1) Or Saul’s messages through John Smallman. I can see how valuable these messages are in helping us hang in for so long waiting for the major events to occur.
Never has so much been awaited by so many for so long, I’m tempted to say. And yet the reward for waiting promises to be so great that I pull myself back each day and carry on.
I wrote an article on the subject yesterday and then trashed it, but one small section of it does indeed represent me and what I do with waiting:
“I see myself as committed to emerging, to standing forth, and talks like the one from Jesus are what reach my being and give me a new sense of what it is I’m here to do.
“Not what it is I’m here to do as a Starseed, but as an individual. I’m here to emerge from my confining shell, to stand forth as vulnerable and available, to live in the sense of savoring each moment and watching myself experience and evolve.
“I will ascend, as you will, but I’m not here just for that moment and event. I’m here to live each moment to the fullest I can, in the greatest awareness of it, the greatest savoring of it. I’m here to call on and draw on each of my senses, not as taking me out there, but as taking me in here, into this moment as the doorway to the widest-possible experience.
“But not to experience as accumulative, epicurean, or filling, but to experience as unique, transformational, and fulfilling.
“I want to live. I didn’t come down here to wait and I didn’t come down here to live for a future. I came down here to live right now and as fully as I can and to push that frontier each day, each moment to live more fully now than I did the moment before.”
That is true and that does get my blood running again whereas merely waiting causes my blood to freeze and my veins to contract. With the technology of emergence, I can manage to get through this inordinate time of waiting.
The second matter that almost causes me to collapse in the face of it is how to bring peace to some of the conflicted areas of the world that have been enmeshed in enmity and discord for centuries. You realize that, if I even mentioned the name of one of the countries, I would immediately find myself embedded in controversy so I won’t even go that far.
There are some areas of the world that have become so positional and contracted and automatic in their responses that I have to admit that I have no idea as to how to bring peace there.
It probably will never be by approaching the issues rationally and clearly. People have died of old age approaching matters that way. Perhaps a messiah descending from the sky might be able to do it, but then one very wonderful man who tried that ended up in a very bad way.
But it is a question that needs to occupy us soon because people are dying in our world as wars continue and it’s our responsibility as a world to bring peace to those regions. I’m not clear that the galactics will do it for us. I’m pretty sure they want us to do it. They will see that no one can use nuclear weapons so we really don’t have to worry about a nuclear world war. But somehow, some way, we need to find an approach that will work to bring peace to this world and we need to do it ourselves.
And I don’t know how to do that. I’d be interested in your comments on the matter though, if you’re willing to share them.
(1) Jesus Sananda in “Transcript: Jesus – The Men of the Fifth Dimension are Beings of Love – on Heavenly Blessings, Sept. 13, 2012,” Sept. 28, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/jesus-the-men-of-the-fifth-dimension-are-beings-of-love/.
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