There is no one presently experiencing life on Earth who is not to some extent feeling the changing energies that are enveloping you. They are growing powerfully each day and increasing in intensity, because they need to, as the moment of awakening draws ever closer.
You are not alone! You are in receipt of enormous help from the spiritual realms because you have asked for it, and we always deliver. Keep talking to us because it helps you enormously in your task by reminding you that you are being constantly helped and are never left alone to sort things out on your own.
It would make no sense to try as it would be engaging in illusory and meaningless activities, because as we are all one — always — to do something alone is impossible. Engage with us through prayer and meditation and we will ensure your awakening.
When you do so you are opening your hearts to receive the abundance of God’s Love for you in a most creative and uplifting way, raising your spirits and sparking your enthusiasm to work with Him through us to bring this stage of the ongoing divine plan to completion.
This is why you are on Earth right now, and you do know this even though your awareness of it is not as clear as you would like it to be. You are aware of the importance of being loving, accepting, and forgiving in every situation in which you find yourselves, and that must show you that you know that all are one.
If you truly believed in the separation of individuals, one from another, as the illusion would have you believe, then you would be content to soldier on in the old ways, just looking after number one. Not only are you not doing that, but you are very much aware of how unsatisfactory a way to live that is, which is why you no longer behave in that fashion.
Humanity has already advanced a great distance along the collective path to awakening, and the rate at which you are continuing your progress is accelerating daily. Pay attention to this fact because it helps you to be optimistic and positive in preparation for the final release of all negative thought-forms that hold you back and attempt to delay your awakening. Obviously, in Reality, your eternal Home, there are no negative thought-forms.
The divine Presence is an all-encompassing energy field of infinite, positive potential, offering limitless, creative opportunities for your constant enjoyment. No lingering doubts about the wisdom of your actions will ever again assail you, as you delve ever deeper into the wonders that Heaven displays in an infinite selection of entrancing and beautiful activities for you engage in, using your marvelous creative abilities, because in the celestial realms nothing can occur that is not in complete alignment with the divine Will for the supreme happiness of all.
Love and life are one in the abundant and eternal outpouring of the divine energy field that embraces all of creation. The fulfillment of all your hopes and desires is its purpose because your Father wants only your infinite joy and satisfaction to complement His own. At present you can have only the haziest of ideas as to what that could possibly mean, but that hazy idea is the motivating force that has enabled you to follow your paths through numerous lifetimes as humans on planet Earth, as you incarnated again and again to continue the process of learning the divine lesson: All you need is Love.
When you truly embrace, share, and extend love as individuals the effects are eternal and quite magnificent. Any loving thought, word, intent, or action in which you engage creates an eternal effect that is forever shared unconditionally and indiscriminately with all sentient life.
If it is not completely free from egoic ambition and self-serving agendas, then your loving Father purifies it because He knows you, He understands you, and He divines your true loving intent which your egos often attempt to subvert. You are truly far more loving than you give yourselves credit for, and you frequently try to hide that truth from yourselves and from others. Remember, you are perfect divine beings having an illusory experience of a very temporary nature, and nothing within the illusion can in any way change that.
Continue to fully engage in your task of bringing your individual energy fields into alignment with your Father’s, and by doing so assist all the unawakened ones, including those who seem to be in a state that is far deeper than sleep – the ones who are utterly committed to maintaining the old, outdated order through deceit, betrayal of all ideals, fear, and conflict – and whose path to awakening is proving somewhat longer than your own.
Your Father loves all of His creation infinitely, and He knows that His Love is returned by every sentient being He ever created. He is infinite Love, infinite Patience, infinite Acceptance, infinite Harmony, and infinite Peace. No part of creation will ever be lost or destroyed; all will be brought lovingly Home to eternal joy.
Knowing this, as you most certainly do, let go of all your fears, doubts, and worries. Look forward expectantly to your awakening, and remind yourselves frequently that all is divinely taken care of.
With so very much love, Saul.
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