Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Week Ahead: Moonbeams bring Soul's Grace

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff

"Free will, as you know, is of layers. There is the will of human condition, the social rule, and there is will of agreement and plan each and every soul agrees to prior to incarnation. It is the internal collective that has now risen to the occasion. It is the soul overriding the condition on a mass scale as so many individuated precious souls have now tipped the scale of agreement. The agreement is: When the saturation point of exponential growth in consciousness has been met, the floodgates open to affect the internal self with the frequencies of love, kindness, peace, joy and truth. It is so and so it is. There is no turning back." - sacred and divine Miriam.

The last Monday of October is here and I am pleased to again join your reality! The reconnecting tides of tonight's full moon are influencing all souls who will be living on planet Earth after 2012. The New particles of Grace, Peace, Wisdom and Light of the next resonant era upon planet Earth are awakening another layer within her field of Life. A few souls in my spiritual circle and I will gather privately to conduct a moonrise ceremony to cleanup and complete the old business of our past and to harmoniously launch us into bold new ventures of Soul orientation. The focus of each individual of the human kingdom joyfully stepping into the next beginning will be held intently.

Performing ceremony and prayer at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean affirms for me that there are always endings - and beginnings - and just as the mighty waves that fortify the vibrations of the sacred, there is a Law of Continuity that sustains life here. This Law honors that all places and beings must pass through several states or conditions on their way to becoming something else. It's the bridge and you and I have been over it many, many times before as we love being part of the re-creation of the Universe.

Given this truth, now is not the time for the faint of heart. We are collectively committed to a deeper embodiment of The Truth. Our testing journeys through July and August were to demonstrate to the Higher Powers that humanity would be ready now to be gifted with its next highest spiritual expression. Because of this recent agreement between us and the Divine you may notice an increase in your heart rate, rhythm and compassion. You will have more experience of surrender in the heart as the resurrection of the Soul is revealed along with its higher will. Once you reach the doorway to the Soul, the process of surrender becomes more peaceful and quiet and simple and joyful.

Intensified dreams and visions, as well as psychic sensitivity, and creative imagination will also be apparent from now on. These inner revelations will amp the quality of your daily experiences. You will find your inner sense of Source to be the greater place of trust, which will create greater manifestation in the external. There will be more Presence in your life as that which is unfolding comes in more fully. It may seem like an old friend coming home within you.

You also will find more connection, merging and communication between the male and female aspects of Self - giving and receiving. Much, much balance coming. You are also going to be tweaking your skills of inner silence too, which will prepare you for acute awareness of your intuition and knowing from within. Favorably as well there will be a greater fusion of the mental and emotional as one force working within your consciousness. If you are working on higher levels, you will have this more often and more powerfully. It will become something that is more consistent.

It will not be a week without trials or tribulations. There are lessons waiting for all of us (especially for those who have been dependent upon the outer as source). World leadership is shifting, duality is morphing, economic transits are unsettling, evolution is in revolution and you are probably going to feel overwhelmed from time to time. Get ready. Take each day as it comes - proceed with caution and self-care when needed. The halo around Earth is being attended by thousands of spiritual masters and All Is Truly Well.

Let me close by sharing what I have been told over and over again by the guides lately: "more than anything else at this time, be certain to begin each day by being comfortable with yourself as you are, regardless of what you think of your contribution to Gaia (the earth) or to humanity. You are the precious human. Acknowledge that you are an integral part of a changing world and that every thought, intention and action you take matters! Change the world as you see fit. Thoughtless problems and solutions are temporary; however, thoughtful problems and solutions are permanent. That is because when you release the cause of the problem consciously, you will not have a need to repeat it or to be intimidated by it. Ask to be part of any solution that interests you, and you become this, grant yourself the wisdom and compassion to share your knowledge with others."

As you are empowered so is the entire human kingdom,


There is one Mind, One Intelligence that effortlessly creates all there is out of Itself. As one unique precious aspect of the God I Am taking form I sense a great pulsation of celebration as all consciousness begins to recognize what is occurring within the whole. Waves of joy and delight wash upon humanity as they awaken to the great truth that they are indeed Divine. Many, many souls are living this new Self-pronouncement of Truth causing the emergence of a right and perfect God-Life to be fulfilled in this place.

I know the only true thing I will take with me when I leave this planet is the spiritual soul growth I have accomplished during this life. Because of this I remain on purpose with the Intelligence of the Universe. I accept the responsibility of creating a soul-valued, spirit-aware life by means of the eternal and immutable laws that produce the physical setting of all I believe.

I use the life affirming art of intention to bring me the juiciness of living in harmony and at peace with all that I create, build, and materialize. I am blessed by perfect health, unlimited wealth, all encompassing love, and achieved successes. The power of God's next Great Work awaits within. I am honored to be Its guardian and apprentice.

Knowing we only have to ask and it shall be given -- I rejoice. I let this revelation point the way to wholeness in every area of my living and I give thanks that the Universe is a divine essence filled with the purity of Truth making my word so. So it is done, and so it is. Amen.

© 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.


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