Sunday, November 11, 2012

Archangel Michael: The Declaration of World Peace

In An Hour with an Angel on Monday, Nov. 7, Archangel Michael said of the 11/11 portal:

“Think of 11/11 as a declaration of universal peace.”

“Can you imagine — and I invite you to do so — that this is the day that all nations, all beings, from the depth of their core, have the … golden-blue opportunity to not only choose peace within, but also to choose peace without — all over the planet, every nation, every leader, every schoolchild.

“So this does not simply mean the fulfillment of my strategic peace initiative; it is the fulfillment of your strategic peace initiative as well. It is not simply about the ending of wars or civil unrest, the slaughter in Syria; it is about the end of gang wars. It is about the end of family violence. It is about the end of torture. It is about recognizing the importance of peace. That is what this day and this portal… that will knock some human beings quite literally on their heels.

“So what we would also recommend is that you plan events, that you plan unifying events related to love and peace for this day, to declare this on behalf of yourselves and your brothers and sisters of Earth.” (1)

We repost here Archangel Michael’s own Declaration of World Peace, channeled through me.

Sourcespark created the video of the document. Thank you, Sourcespark.

Oct. 8, 2012

Peace is the cry of the soul, the song of the spirit. Peace is the natural condition of the world, the place to which all things return. Everything yearns for peace and everything rests in peace. Peace is the place to which this world journeys. Nothing can stop it from reaching and realizing peace.

There comes a time in the affairs of worlds when the forces of disintegration can no longer resist the forces of attraction, when hatred and division can no longer overpower love and peace. There comes a rebound in the councils of worlds, a pushing back from the people which none can stand against or fail to honor.

At this time, the people of Earth will see an outbreak of peace, overpowering all that divided, wounded, and killed. It has been decreed by the Highest that the Earth, after eons of wandering in the ways of havoc and war, shall once again return to the ways of peace. Against the wave of love that is sweeping the Earth, political and military leaders will prove powerless.

The people have gathered in Consciousness and have spoken words in Silence which none can ignore. They say that war will no longer be tolerated on Earth and the heavens have responded. Soon weapons will no longer work on Earth and the time when swords will be rendered into ploughshares will be here.

How to prepare for peace? Peace is a condition at the essence of our being which works its way outward and surfaces in universal love and harmony. All we must do is remove the obstacles to its rise and flowering. Peace is a choice and a surrendering. Peace is a determination and a remembering.

Peace is more than a refusal to bear arms against each other. It’s a resolve to allow each his or her fair share, his or her turn, his or her chosen path and goals. Peace is one of the divine qualities and grows in the same garden as they do: joy, compassion, love, harmony, unity all come along with peace like roots of the same creeper.

Now is the time declared from old when peace will again reign on Earth and humankind will return to its original bond of lovingkindness with all that swims, walks and flies. The children of Earth shall make war no more. The children of Earth will come together in loving council and restore the Garden of Eden that this planet was, is and shall be.

Never more on Earth shall the guns of war sound. Never shall people scream and die in agony. A new age is upon us that shall see harmony and beneficence restored, never to be lost again. The grand experiment is over and much knowledge has been gained. But the time has come for this blue planet to return to heaven and for heaven to return to Earth.

Every knee shall bend in love to the One. No one shall again be master over another save the One. The endless journey upon which all are embarked to return to the One will again proceed by a straight and open road. All that was crooked will be made straight. Now is the time for the curtain to fall on a world at war and for the curtain to rise on a world at peace. (2)


(1) “Archangel Michael: This Election Clears the Way for Obama to Step into the Truth of His Being,” Nov. 8, 2012, at

(2)  “Archangel Michael: The Declaration of World Peace,” at

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