Archangel Michael
Several sources have brought to our attention the importance of 11/11, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012. Archangel Michael in An Hour with an Angel this past Monday told Geoff: “The purpose of the 11/11 … is the installation, the expansion and the growth of love within the heart, the interconnection upon the grid.” (1)
He explained that the 11/11 portal was opened in 1992 but will now be flung open.
We’re to expect a tremendous expansion in “what we call the connectedness in love, in open-heartedness amongst the human beings, whether they are angels or hybrids, starseeds or Earth-keepers. So there is an intensification and a deep personal anchoring and expansion of that feeling of love.” (2)
He tells us that “it is a very important date, both 11/11 and 12/12 — and you know the divine plan and blueprint does not always go according to dates. But these are human reference points that we say to you are important.” (3)
And he suggests that “they are important to mark with occasion, with ceremony, with meditation and prayer.” (4)
He advises us to “think of 11/11 as a declaration of universal peace.”
“Can you imagine — and I invite you to do so — that this is the day that all nations, all beings, from the depth of their core, have the … golden-blue opportunity to not only choose peace within, but also to choose peace without — all over the planet, every nation, every leader, every schoolchild.
“So this does not simply mean the fulfillment of my strategic peace initiative; it is the fulfillment of your strategic peace initiative as well. It is not simply about the ending of wars or civil unrest, the slaughter in Syria; it is about the end of gang wars. It is about the end of family violence. It is about the end of torture. It is about recognizing the importance of peace. That is what this day and this portal… that will knock some human beings quite literally on their heels.
“So what we would also recommend is that you plan events, that you plan unifying events related to love and peace for this day, to declare this on behalf of yourselves and your brothers and sisters of Earth.” (5)
Last year, on the 11/11/11, there was tremendous deflation when events did not go as was expected. Archangel Michael adds in this message:
“Now, I am telling you this not because we want to create a plethora of false expectations; we are telling you of energetically what is occurring so that you can fully participate in this magnificent unfoldment of the Mother’s plan.
“It is important for me to explain the significance of both these upcoming widening of the portals so that you can prepare and joyously partake of the energies that are flooding each of you and your planet.” (6)
I personally don’t know if there will be a noticeable raising of the love quotient on 11/11 tomorrow or whether it starts a cycle of rising love and nothing might be felt on that particular day. We’ll have to see.
Sananada through Fran Zapeda has also addressed the significance of 11/11. He says “there is … to be an explosion revealing everyone’s true make-up that has been and is being precipitated by the raising of the frequencies and by the raising of your consciousness. It has been and is contagious, as you know, and for this we give our assistance.” (7)
But again we don’t know whether this explosion will take place on 11/11 or after so I caution people from getting their hopes dramatically up and then feeling let down.
Sananda further explains that “the stage is being set for you to emerge as your True Selves in all ways and at all times. It will be astounding to you, for you so far have just had a glimpse of it, and I must say some more than others, but that will all even out as more and more come on-line.” (8)
He says that this new phase “is beginning anew with the next portal opening of 11-11, which is widening as we speak. The stakes are raised, so to speak, and the stage is set for a unifying event not ever revealed or experienced before.” (9)
So again here a lot depends on what he means by “beginning.” Given that he says “the stage is set for a unifying event,” it may not be wise to expect that event on 11/11. It may come after.
Of course many of our sources over time have spoken about a marvellous “event” soon in our future. That event looms ever closer, but I don’t know its exact nature.
Sananda tells us that “the tipping point [has] been reached and so the light quotient stands to be tripled as the days go on. You most likely feel the quickening in energy and the rising need to pay attention to where your focus is, dear ones.” (10)
You may recall that the Divine Mother made a similar statement through Linda Dillon at the Sedona Conference:

The Divine Mother
“Your countdown is on and so is ours. Every day we take the measure of the quotient of light and love on this planet and in the collective, and, dear hearts, it is growing.
“It is not growing so that you will reach a tipping point. You are already there. You are all ready to come home. No, not to what to what you think of as the outer realms or Nirvana.
“You are ready to come home to your Fifth Dimension, to your Nova Earth, to your nova self in your magnificent form of crystalline, diamonds under pressure. That is what we have worked so diligently with you for so long. Oh, long before you were born.” (11)
Sananada adds:
“You have entered a period of acceleration in your maintenance and building of your frequencies that only requires you to let go of expectations and anticipation of your progress, and to hold fast to your visions for the New Earth as if they are already happening in this moment.
“Live in it now, work in it now, look around you and see it now and that will commence your actions to match the vision. You are so capable of putting aside the last vestiges of duality and to live in the new higher dimensions, which are being revealed to you now.
“What I am saying is to allow yourselves to get caught up in this new wave, this potent yet gentle wave of new beginnings. The time is now and the necessary ingredients are Love, of course, and also an unyielding focus on what you are seeing and feeling when you join in and meld with others’ hearts bent on establishing once and for all a world of Love, Peace, and Abundance for all.
“Let this be your focus and let this be your every breath. Yes, do the unifying meditations to this effect on 11-11 but align yourselves now and forever on in this mindset, or for a better image, Heart-set. You will experience an explosion of color, light and euphoria that you have yet to experience.” (12)

Symbolic representation of Archangel Indriel
And finally a source not well known to me, Archangel Indriel through Bella Capozzi, tells us that “the 11-11 is just around the corner and for those who are only now coming into awareness, it shall herald the onset of a most miraculous and mind-boggling series of awakenings.” (13) Again will it herald it on that day or herald its coming some time later? We don’t know.
She describes what is to come as “a lightening, a well deserved relief, both energetically and physically.”
“Expect to gain a finer clarity of vision and a series of energetic upgrades which shall come in gradually, as the portals open up. Youthful vitality, a lessening of the old, nagging Ascension symptoms, a vibrant luminosity to the skin and brightness to the eyes. As your physical bodies’ ascent slowly begins to catch up with the steady increase in your vibration, you may expect to feel and see these as obvious changes as the year of 2013 progresses.
“You may also expect to experience tremendous changes in the areas of personal lifestyle, career and life-purpose. Know this, Beloveds, that you did not incarnate here to pass your days doing inane tasks and to be bound, slavelike, to such baser states of struggle and competition. The incoming energies and the portal openings of 11-11 mark a kind of beginning and ending all in one. The 3rd dimensional paradigm is clearly at it’s end.” (14)
NESARA will bring release from slavery and it is expected soon. She continues:
“Much of its remnants are exiting through the portals, and thereby leaving space for something far grander to take it’s place. You who have been working at clearing and processing away the toxic programs of the past – both within your own vessels and planetwide – have laid the foundation for the 5th dimensional New Earth paradigm to lock on and begin to manifest itself, unhindered, as a perceivable reality.
“Plan to experience a progressive freeing-up of your resources and the pressures you have been facing in your daily struggle for survival. Thus, you shall be free at last to listen to your heart, follow your dreams and be truly fulfilled as you do your true life’s work. You cannot comprehend this, can you, how this shall feel? No, we think not. We think, in fact, that it shall be a most startling surprise!” (15)
She too recommends that we plan meditations for that day – global meditation.
“The 11-11 is time of detachment and reattachment. Some say it an unlocking. Do not let this pivotal opportunity pass. You must plan to take it very seriously. Amend your schedule and set aside time to participate in the one of the many global meditations taking place. In fact, participate in more than one. Mark this day as a high Holiday, and make your spiritual evolvement priority number one. Involve your friends and loved ones. Spread the word to any who shall listen, as this is a day of Unity. Gaia is ready to take her next step, and she wishes for all her blessed children to go with her.
“You have crossed over the threshold, out of 3rd density, and are well on your way to the 5th and ever higher. The only job you have left to do is to love. Love everything and everyone; every person, animal, place and thing. Absolutely nothing else matters now. There is truly nothing at all which is more important.
“For it is love which shall propel you the rest of the way. Only love can melt the hearts of those who don’t believe. You are tasked to make this the primary thing to focus on from here on in, perhaps the only thing. Love is all we are and all we aspire to ever be, and it is from this platform of unconditional love that all is created.” (16)
I’ll be partaking in ceremony and meditation that day and encourage everyone who reads this to do the same. With 11/11, we’ll have only 39 days until the date we are orienting to for Ascension – Dec. 21, 2012. And we know that everything connected with Ascension is picking up speed.
We wish you all a very productive and satisfying 11/11.
(1) “Archangel Michael: This Election Clears the Way for Obama to Step into the Truth of His Being,” Nov. 8, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/11/archangel-michael-this-election-clears-the-way-for-obama-to-step-into-the-truth-of-his-being/.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Sananda through Fran Zepeda, “An Explosion of Love,” Nov. 8, 2012, athttp://the2012scenario.com/2012/11/151599/. Many people consider Sananda to be the spiritual name for Jesus. I don’t share that opinion, personally. In my view, Sananda is one of the Kumaras from Venus, like Sanat Kumara. He overlit Jesus during the latter’s ministry. I offer no depiction of Sananda because most pictures available are really of Jesus.
(8) Loc. cit.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) “The Divine Mother: You are Ready to Come Home,” given through Linda Dillon Oct. 31, 2012, athttp://the2012scenario.com/ascension/what-is-ascension/the-divine-mother-you-are-ready-to-come-home/
(12) Sananda, ibid.
(13) “Bella Capozzi: Archangel Indriel – Peace, Love and the 11-11,” Nov. 10, 2012, athttp://the2012scenario.com/2012/11/bella-capozzi-archangel-indriel-peace-love-and-the-11-11/.)
(14) Loc. cit.
(15) Loc. cit.
(16) Loc. cit.
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