Recent Energies in Perspective
If you feel a bit dizzy from the plethora of recent events, you are not alone. The pace of chaos indeed has quickened, impacting you and everyone you know. Even if you knew that this wild cycle was coming, you probably wonder when things will settle down and become manageable.
If you are like most people, you feel like you are moving on a very fast train, unable to process all that you are seeing and experiencing. Some days, as you cope with feelings of overwhelm, you may wonder how you can slow things down, or at least have a better understanding of what's going on.
Questions are helpful, especially now. Your wise inner self and spiritual guidance team are now working overtime to help you stay awake, nudging you with thoughts that can catalyze all sorts of questions about reality. Pay attention to your thoughts, then, and keep asking questions.
Not Your Ordinary Year
The part of you asking for understanding has a particular interest in remembering why you are alive now. This is not your ordinary year or your ordinary year-end. You as a spiritual being had a specific purpose for being on the planet during these pivotal moments, when you could be a conscious and integral force in birthing a new reality.
These auspicious moments have been unfolding for thousands of years, and the time has arrived. If your future self - understanding what is at stake now - had set an alarm clock to start going off with increasingly loud beeping in the last days of 2012, that clock certainly would be beeping like crazy now!
We are now moving into the future our ancient wisdom keepers foretold. We step into our collective future, regardless of whether we are conscious of the opportunities and what is at stake. Knowing this, let's do what we can to remain awake and help others to awaken.
In the next several weeks as 2012 draws to a close, it's vital that you do your best to be present and watchful of what shows up in your life. Pay close attention to dreams and to repetitive messages inside your head that are spirit's way of showing you what's important for you personally.
11/11 and 12/21 Gateways
We have two major energy gateways coming up before year-end - 11/11 and 12/21. At each gateway, you can connect with spiritual energy transmissions that are quantum and vast, helping you to shift into the higher frequencies of ascension and to hold your energy there more of the time.
The 11/11 energy gateway is always a powerful spiritual catalyst, but this year the benefits are magnified. That's because it occurs during the last days of 2012, a year that marks completion of a very long evolutionary cycle. It is also significant because of its potential to help prepare you energetically for the 12/21 Solstice.
On a spiritual level, of course, you are already prepared for what comes next. It is your human self, long conditioned by fear, which needs preparation. You therefore benefit from regular reminders of what's truly important, and assistance with keeping your energy above the octaves of fear and stabilizing in the higher frequencies of love. Given the chaotic state of the world today, this is no small task, even for the most advanced spiritual practitioners.
Our Process of Emergence
We are now in a powerful process of emergence and remembering what we have been born to be and do. Each experience we have can become part of the catalyst we need to evolve out of our old stories and patterns - and into our true nature, which is divine.
When we consider the enormity of our task to shift this planet into light, it can feel overwhelming. In fact, though, this response is from our linear mind, the part of us that does not grasp the interconnectedness of all things and the power of people coming together with intention to create a loving world.
Let's choose the non-linear view today as we contemplate what needs changing and how we go about changing ourselves. We are vast, multidimensional beings, capable of miracles and achievements that will fill future history books!
How can we lose hope in our ability to change this planet when we are the revolution, each one of us? That's why we are here now.
Tools to Help You Succeed
Here are some things to help you succeed with your higher purpose in the final days of this year.
Confront your doubts as they arise. When you question how you will cope with the present and what's coming next in 2012, remember that you are not the same person who asked that question a year ago. Your energy has shifted even beyond your detection since then, resourcing you in brand-new ways. Keep this in mind as you question your capabilities.
Make each day count. Avoid the tendency to fantasize about the future or review the past. Three ways to make today count: be kind, be present, and be mindful of what today means in the larger picture. Example: today you have about six weeks before the 12/21 Solstice, a spiritual marker in humanity's evolution of consciousness. Remember this as you are faced with challenges, focusing your mind on the bigger picture. Use your time and energy wisely.
Update your view of what's possible. You are shifting regularly, and so are others around you. Do not discount how much is occurring, even if things appear to remain the same. Much indeed is happening beneath the surface viewed with conventional eyes. Your own shifts in awareness can come seemingly overnight, as you process insights in your dream state and have a new view of something that you could not grasp before. It's vital that you keep your energy up-to-date, especially now. Regularly revise your world view, too, reflecting with your more aware consciousness. Example: as you have spiritual openings during energy gateways like 11/11, intentionally update your world view. Remember that as your consciousness shifts, you see the world with new eyes. Invite your more aware eyes to show you how to interpret life day-by-day.
Come back to the simple and natural ways of your wise ancestors. The sages from past cycles understood how to be in harmony with nature and how to gain wisdom by listening to their own bodies and other life forms. They respected the cycles of the Earth, and they knew that most problems had simple solutions that could be accessed with a higher consciousness.
Track your own resistance and inner fight with what is. By becoming mindful of how you resist circumstances, you move back into the driver's seat as an empowered divine changemaker. Only you can change the channel of negative self-talk inside your own head. Only you can consciously choose to let go in the moment, allowing the universe to orchestrate the next steps in your highest good. Only you can say 'yes' to moving forward. A single 'yes' coming from enlightened awareness can change everything.
Copyright 2012 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com
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