Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council (now working with the Earth Council)

Through Valerie Donner November 7, 2012

Greetings, I am Mira.

I greet you from the Earth Council as we seek to expand our assistance wherever we are needed. Decisions must be made. We are constantly recalculating and measuring the changing scale of things.

Our efforts to co-ordinate various missions have also expanded. Some of these are in partial evidence. We are making our ways known that we are with you. Please know that you are not alone. If earth changes present themselves and you need our assistance we have prepared for it.

We understand the dilemma many of you are facing. Finding a firm footing on terra firma on a changing planet can leave you with a feeling of teetering. We want you to know that you are tethered to the Higher Source, the Supreme Being who knows, loves and cares for each one of you. Everyone is making choices now for their best and highest good. We recommend going with the flow in this part of the project.

During the recent disastrous storm on the east coast of the U.S. we were there and still are present. We help in unseen ways whether it is from people appearing out of the blue, to providing ideas, resources, and guidance to scientists or actual scientists appearing as locals, healers and helpers of all sorts. We have assembled the largest cadre of helpers from all of Creation to be with you now.

Hold steady, Ground Crew. You are present on the planet for a reason. Your love, Light and healing are a requisite for the Ascension of the Earth. We cannot do our mission without you. Keep a level head and an open heart. Know that you are far more than you think you are and your gifts are necessary.

Take the pressure off of yourselves. Open the release valve. Let off the steam. Wipe off your brow. Fluff yourself off. Know you will get through the challenges that present themselves. We have our monitors on you for your strength, compassion, love, and all of the other emotions that are maneuvering throughout the land.

Reach out a hand to each other. Follow the God within also known as your inner guidance. Seek counsel yet remind yourself that you have the answers within. Everything you need will be provided for with divine order, ease and grace.

Pay keen attention to the animals. They sense and are connected to the Earth. They are your teachers. They love you and serve you. They are smarter than you think.

Let your imaginations create the best possible future for yourself and the Earth. You are creative geniuses and are capable of creating magnificent things in your future. Lift your sights high into the most marvelous higher dimensional future you can imagine. You have it within. You have been holding it throughout many life times. Your future is now.

I will continue with more material for you in the near future.

I love you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

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