a message from Selacia
With the end of 2012 and the 12/21 Solstice just around the corner, you will benefit from taking some time daily to slow down and reflect.
As you know, these are unusual times, with unique potentials for mega shifts in consciousness. Knowing the importance of these final weeks of 2012, therefore, give yourself the gift of deep reflection and an active participation in cocreating the world you want.
That new Earth will not magically appear - your light-filled efforts are required.
Invite your Higher Self to help guide you in reflecting, setting your intention to look beneath the surface of what you typically perceive. Consider your response to questions like the following, giving some serious thought to each one.
There is added benefit, too, when you write down your responses or even speak them out loud. Visualizing helps as well, holding a picture in your mind of what you are imagining in response to the questions.
7 Questions for Reflection
What kind of world do you want to inhabit?
What specifically are you willing to do, and to let go of, in order to have a more loving existence?
What do you think will happen at the 12/21 Solstice - personally and collectively?
What personal validations do you have, demonstrating these potentials in a real-world way?
When you think about the upcoming Solstice, what hopes come to mind?
What fears have you had about 2012 and how have you addressed them?
Where will you be on the 12/21 Solstice?
Come back to these questions over the coming days, updating your responses and receiving a fresh view of what's important for you personally. In the end, your own truth is what counts and you certainly want to be in touch with that truth.
Managing Your Fear
Do not be afraid of fear if you feel it over the coming days. Do question the real basis of what scares you, though. As you allow for a thorough investigation into the fear, you are well positioned to see it for what it is and let it go. The only thing worse than fear is being afraid of a fear that's based on no real evidence.
Ironically, just as you are becoming more sensitive by the day - feeling more and more and sensing things way before they happen - your conditioned fears can be catalyzed big time. This can occur without your conscious knowing as you tap into the current plethora of prophecies and world instabilities. The fear-based conditioning, held within human DNA, can surface when you least expect it, causing you to doubt yourself and making you wonder how humanity can avoid destroying itself. If you are afraid enough, your subconscious will try to convince you to go along with all kinds of unproven theories.
Example: you hear that the 12/21 Solstice could be the end of the world or at least a day of high drama, and you decide it's best to stay close to home and avoid groups celebrating the occasion. Before acting on this decision, consider the influence of fear and how you will feel after Solstice when the world remains intact.
Your Role as Divine Changemaker
As a divine changemaker, you are alive now to be at the forefront of positive changes for a more loving world. You cannot do this from the sidelines; you must jump in with both feet. Choose your direction and your activities with care, checking in with your heart. Each moment you have the potential to progress spiritually, decided in part by the choices you make in present time.
Trust that the Solstice is not the end of the world, but that it is a key culmination point in humanity's long history of awakening. No one really knows what will happen on 12/21, and you can't truly know either. The best way to prepare, therefore, is to stay present and conscious and awake between now and Solstice. Check in with your heart and intuitive guidance to know how you will participate on 12/21. Then trust what you receive and act on it.
One of the biggest pitfalls on the spiritual path is the habitual pattern of not following through with one's own inner wisdom. Action, based on your intuitively guided reason, is the key.
Planetary Movements of 2012
The planetary movements of 2012 - including some that are unprecedented for any generation - carry the potential for both a massive awakening and a major stirring of old fear-based patterns. That's because this year's planetary alignments are catalyzing revolutionary changes and stirring up humanity's unfinished business, on both a personal and a collective level.
All sorts of grievances are coming to light, leading to family squabbles and wars between countries. For the everyday person, it's common to have very old DNA-level patterns triggered in this cycle. This is happening for both neophyte and advanced spiritual practitioner, both needing to clear the past before ascending into the higher-frequency energies.
People everywhere are being impacted by this year's planetary lineups - regardless of whether they believe in astrology. Some people have begun a rapid study of spiritual concepts like you have likely studied for a long time - reading everything that they can get their hands on.
These people are being nudged to look at why things are the way they are, and they are awakening to a keen desire for something radically different. Sometimes the anger you feel from people is due to their inner conflict about these things - they cannot understand or resolve how they feel, and they don't know that there are indeed answers.
28th November Lunar Eclipse at Full Moon
This lunar eclipse is the final eclipse of 2012. This one is amplified by a full moon, adding to this month's intensity. A lunar eclipse tends to catalyze inner, emotional events in your life. Be on the lookout for feelings and intuitive insights, some of them seeming to come out of the blue.
Because of the emotional content of such days, your patience may be tested and your boiling point may be higher than usual. This is occurring for people you interact with, too, so walk gently. If you remember to come back to the love and be kind, things will go much more smoothly.
Between now and the end of this year, you can discover countless opportunities to master the love you want to see in the world.
Time will continue in an accelerated momentum. On some days, you may feel a bit dizzy from the pace. You may get so busy with everyday life that you even forget what year it is. Certainly, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture of why you are alive.
That bigger picture has everything to do with these unique moments and the planet's mega shift into higher consciousness. It's humanity's mega shift and it's also YOURS.
You came not for just one date, but to participate in the great awakening of humanity. Solstice is a significant marker of that process. The beneficial energy of it is here right now!
Copyright 2012 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com
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