Friday, November 30, 2012

Jesus: You Will Live for the Joy of Living Instead of to Earn a Living

As channelled by John Smallman – November 30, 2012

Energy — the field of power enveloping all that exists — is something you hardly understand at all as you restrict yourselves to the environs of the illusion.

However, that is all going to change very soon. You will discover that all your energy needs can be met easily, abundantly, and without further damage to the planet – drilling, mining, and burning are quite unnecessary – as those with highly advanced and well-developed technologies come to assist you in repairing the areas that have suffered under those harsh and unsympathetic methods of accessing the materials that provide energy for transport, heating, lighting, manufacturing, and other industrial needs.

A new age of wise and informed thought and creative intent will make life on the planet a joy instead of an unrewarding chore just to ensure your survival.As the new age of peace and contentment envelops you all in happiness and prosperity, your senses will be much enhanced, furnishing you with a far greater understanding and enjoyment of all aspects of daily living.

An immensely satisfying bonanza in the arts will stimulate your creative juices which will run far more freely and abundantly, giving rise to a vast increase in artistic activities in every field with which you choose to engage. You will live for the joy of living instead of to earn a living, which makes complete sense, especially in comparison to your present need to work almost unceasingly in order to cover all your commitments and responsibilities.

You have been working your way persistently homeward towards this — your natural state of being — for eons, as you well know, although there have been many interruptions and distractions that have diverted you from your path.

Those are now all behind you as you power forwards to complete this arduous venture which has taken you many lifetimes over billions of years in the illusion. It is very difficult for you to grasp that these seemingly enormous periods of time are as but a momentary instant snatched from eternity — so incredibly brief that they never existed at all.

When you awaken, that will make sense, but for now of course the idea is quite beyond comprehension. Nevertheless, notwithstanding all of this, the apparent time remaining before you are going to awaken into joy is very short.

During this period of excited anticipation and expectation, continue purposefully with your intent to be the way-showers and Light-bearers that you are, by demonstrating acceptance and compassion in every moment of your daily lives. You have been doing this most effectively for some considerable time (as you experience time), but the push is now on to end this repetitive cycle of karma-driven incarnations for humanity, and I am giving you this reminder because it is all too easy for you to forget the essential task for which you incarnated this time around as you get caught up in the dramas and distractions of daily illusory living.

Make a point of bringing to mind frequently throughout the day the fact that you are spiritual beings having an Earth experience. In fact, do it whenever your mind goes blank or seems to lose track of what you are doing – that often occurs to bring your attention back to your spiritual purpose – and then you will find that you can recall what you were intending to do or were actually doing far more easily. Focusing on the spiritual aspect of yourselves frequently and momentarily really does make it easier to cope with the mundane everyday matters that occupy so much of your time, and which often cause you undue stress.

You are all exactly where you are supposed to be – where you planned to be when you designed your life path for this incarnation – at this moment in your evolutionary history. Accept life as it occurs, and with grace and gratitude, because it is your choice to be here now, having whatever experiences life presents you with. By being here you are assisting untold numbers of others with their awakening process, even though both you and they may be completely unaware of it.

Your ability to remember the reason for which you incarnated is very severely restricted so that your egos do not attempt to hijack your capabilities for their own devious purposes. You understood this when you formulated and agreed to your contract prior to incarnating. Remind yourselves of this when doubts or anxieties arise within you, and ask for help!

You will receive it, though not necessarily in the form you think would be most appropriate. But you will know that you have been heard and that you have received it because your stress and anxiety will decrease. When that stress reduction occurs, notice it, give thanks for it, and then you will find that your stress and anxiety reduce even further.

You are never alone without access to all the assistance that you need. Ask for it, expect it, and pay attention – as I said, it may well not be delivered in the form that you imagined – and as your stress and anxiety reduce remind yourselves that all is divinely taken care of, and that your awakening is therefore ensured.

Your loving brother, Jesus

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