a message from Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer
Hello friends,
I was guided to re-share this blog post that was originally shared in January of 2010.
There has been a lot of information out there regarding 2012, some good, some bad and some that is just plain ridiculous. Don’t even get me started on that big-budget Hollywood film that recently came out! Sitting with Guidance on New Year’s Day 2010, what came through was interesting to me. I hope that you all enjoy it and that the coming year brings all of your heart’s desires to fruition for you.
Humanity’s job now is to prepare your hearts and vessel bodies for the Christ/Light. There will be a “return” as the prophets have said, but it will be an “inside job” so to speak. We shy away from the term Christ as there has been baggage associated with this word over the years, but we are referring to the one Solar SUN/SON of what is known to be God/Source Energy. The Source energy is so vast that the SUN/SON gives it a focal point of reference to specialize this energy so that it can be more widely and wisely used.
Yes, the doomdayers operate from a place of fear and also dis-empowerment. Since you are not only made in the image of the creator, you ARE creators yourselves, then there is no point whatsoever in accepting destruction as your future reality. There is enough mind, muscle, heart and spirit power to eradicate hunger from the face of the planet if only these powers would be unified, working together for a common goal.
There does not have to be a “fight” between Spirit and ego, not as previously dealt with in earlier times. The planet and its people have grown in leaps and bounds since then. There will always be those among you, that have seemingly lost their way and that walk the path of least resistance. Do not judge or curse them for they have their karmas, their journeys. Now is the time to take a position of detached strength, an organized light force, so to speak. Many of the lightworkers have been doing deep, individual, inner work and the fruits of these efforts are now being shown. In as sense there is a battle before you, but it is not what it might appear to be. The battle will be won with love and non-resistance, but also with focused intention. In the coming months there will be another strong influx of the light energies, which may be temporarily disorienting for some. Continue to support these beings in body, mind and spirit through healthy diet, grounding and emotional care.
Part of what is creating the doubt and fear is the history of planet earth. There has been much death, suffering and war upon this planet for thousands of years. It is reflected in the history books, documentaries and in your thoughts. It has been passed down to the children. We say to you, study your wars no longer. Release a belief in war as a necessary evil. Evil is evil, period. The time for suffering of this kind will soon be over, if enough beings choose it.
To be able to kill one’s “enemy” in battle one of the ultimate illusions on your planet. To kill in this way is no different than killing your own child, flesh of your flesh. It has been said many times, in truth there is only ONE. To believe in separation based on ethnicity, religion or any other “ism” is delusion and not a correct view.
Regarding prophesies of upcoming destruction, we tell you this, many of you have been clearing your karmas and preparing your bodies and minds for the increase of Light on your planet. Why would you prepare yourselves just to be destroyed? Think about it logically, it does not make sense. The Lightworkers have been prepared to assist and to serve, they are needed here and their jobs are just beginning! Even some so-called spiritual thinkers are showing a profound lack of faith. Yes, as a planet and people you must change your ways and that is already happening. There are those that liken your planet to an old junker car sitting in someone’s front yard,just collecting rust. There is a “why bother?” mentality to that. The thought that the earth is already so damaged and so fractured, that to destroy her might actually be a good thing. You have come to this place for a reason and this planet is your home. There are those that could come along with paint, new tires and a skilled mechanic and could take that junker and make her into something useful and beautiful once again. This is the task at hand. We leave you today with peace unending. Aum. Namaste. – The Akashic Wisdom Keepers, from 1.1.10.
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2012. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.
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