Tuesday, January 8, 2013

OpEdNews – Cathy Lynn Pagano – The Cosmic Story : Capricorn New Moon 2013

The Cosmic Story: Capricorn New Moon 2013

Let My Country Awake
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection:
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is lead forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action -
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

~ Rabindranath Tagore ~
I missed writing the Cosmic Story for the Cancer Full Moon on December 28, 2012 because I was busy playing with my 10-month-old nephew.   Very appropriate for the Cancer Full Moon!   I remembered what it was like to be the mom of a newly incarnated soul.   It was delightful and oh so much fun!   So before I discuss this week’s Capricorn New Moon, I’d like to go back to the Cancer Full Moon for a moment.

Tropical Waters by google pictures
Cancer is the Moon-ruled sign that sets the tone of our emotional intelligence.   Although there are twelve different Moon-signs, they all relate back to the Cancer archetype of the watery Mother Womb, the place where we grow our emotional bodies.   Capricorn, the Saturn-ruled sign that builds societies and all their various institutions, is supposed to be the material receptacle that creates a world in harmony with that all-important emotional body–the soul.
Unfortunately, our patriarchal society does just the opposite.   The patriarchal Capricorn rules shape our emotional bodies to its ongoing drive for power, wealth and control, rejecting the notion of soul and its needs.   Perhaps that’s why our society is so dysfunctional–nobody is happy with it.   But now that Pluto is moving through Capricorn and finally pulling down the rotten structures and exposing the decay, perhaps we can free up our emotional bodies so that we connect to our soul’s real emotions and thoughts.   That’s the secret to changing society: we need to feel what we want out of life (and our society as the collective manifestation of life) and create institutions that support more balanced types of work, real equality between the sexes, closer communities, more in-depth relationships and more fulfilling avenues for personal expression that fit the adult expectations of freedom and creativity, and most importantly, love.
With this in mind, this Capricorn New Moon gives us a chance to plant the seeds of a new vision for our society, one that definitely embraces a more feminine viewpoint.   We are going to be in the energy of the Pluto in Capricorn/ Uranus in Aries square for the next few years, so it’s not going to happen overnight, but each time we plant a new seed of change, vision and hope in our own lives, we become responsible for sharing it with our world.   And that change ripples out into our environment.
Capricorn New Moon 2013
The Capricorn New Moon arrives on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 11:44am PST/ 2:44pm EST/ 7:44pm GMT.

Capricorn New Moon 2013 by Cathy Pagano/Kepler
The Sabian symbol for the Sun and the Moon at 22* Capricorn is: By accepting defeat gracefully, a general reveals nobility of character.    The leader we see in this image is very specifically a warrior, so the defeat he suffers is not a personal defeat but a national defeat.   He represents the nation and its soldiers. Maybe it’s time to re-think how we view our military.   Do we really need such a big war machine?   Who are we fighting if not ourselves?   So this general also shows us that inner strength and spiritual awareness can come from accepting defeat and learning the appropriate lessons.   It seems our congressional representatives have no idea about this kind of honor.   But we do if we realize that winning isn’t as important as how we play the game.
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, which means its goal is to move us forward in a very concrete way.   Capricorn is concerned with our physical existence and how we band together to form a more perfect union.   It deals with responsibility and resources.   It is the sign that deals with how each person contributes to her or his society.   Are we conscientious citizens–do we follow the rules or try to create a meaningful role for ourselves that contributes to the whole?   Capricorn is concerned with all these issues, as well as with the structures we enliven for government, finance, education, health, commerce and collective well-being.   The next 10 + years are a time to align our society with what we say our beliefs are.   Wanting the Good means working for the Good.
This Capricorn New Moon says many things about what kind of seeds we need to plant.   The New Moon is joined in Capricorn by Mercury, Pluto, Juno and Venus.   As Pluto continues to dig up the rot and push for the evolution of our collective welfare, he aligns himself with the principles of Love, the Mind and true partnership.   Juno, the Greek Hera, was a goddess of the Full Moon, called the Perfect One.   Her partner was supposed to perfect her insights and new awareness.   Patriarchy refused to follow this natural law and so in mythology she became the jealous wife of the Greek god Zeus/Jupiter.   During this New Moon, Jupiter in Gemini inconjuncts Juno, stressing the need for us to find new categories for our relationships, new ways of truly partnering each other without the need to manipulate, betray or dominate each other.   With Pluto backing up Juno, her viewpoint will not be ignored.   She wants women to have more say in partnerships and government.   This year’s American Congress has more women senators and representatives than ever before.
Jupiter in Gemini is aligned with Vesta, the asteroid symbolizing focus and commitment to our own inner integrity as well as the integrity of our society.   Vesta, or the Greek Hestia, was the goddess of the central Hearth Fire.   Vesta in Gemini wants to help Jupiter hone in on the pursuit of truth and knowledge and then talk about what they’ve discovered to clarify the issues.   How we think about an issue is more important than having the facts, since our thinking and communicating shape our world-view.   We need to sharpen our minds and focus on what is true and eternal as the old world slips away.
We say that the planet Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn.   For the next 2 years, Saturn is moving through the sign of Scorpio, which is Pluto’s domain.   We could say Saturn has moved into Pluto’s house while Pluto went to stay in Saturn’s home.   This makes them more compatible than usual, because Saturn’s structures usually don’t like the demand for change that Pluto brings in.   But working together, they can uncover the old emotional patterns that keep our society locked into a dying violent, patriarchal paradigm that doesn’t fit our needs anymore.   This energy makes us face the question of power.   What we might discover is that the real issue isn’t about having power; it’s about how we use power.   Our leaders are not using their power well.   But then again, how do we use our power?   For we all have power, to one degree or another.   This potent Saturn/Pluto sextile can help us clean up the dead end complexes that have ruled our world and our personal lives for way too long.   But we need to add one more element to make sure we do it.
That would be were Jupiter comes in.   Yes, Jupiter who is trying to work things out with his wife Juno.   Jupiter, who is retrograding backwards in Gemini–sort of like a wizard going in search of a book in an ancient and immense library.   He’s looking for the old prescription for equal partnership between man and woman, left and right brain, light and dark.    Now along comes Pluto and Saturn working together to evolve our society and they focus in on Jupiter, asking for clarity about how to think about this big change and evolution that we find ourselves in. Because if we can visualize it and name it, we can create it!
At that moment, these three planets create a YOD, a sword in the stone, the finger of God.   A Yod is an energy pattern that must mature and wait for the right time to be used, dealing with frustration and making adjustments until we are light on our feet and ready for anything. The Yod’s sword is the energetic equivalent to ancient swords like Excalibur which were used to defend the Land and the People.   But we have to remember that these swords often carried a curse and were dangerous to the welder as well.   The blade of the Mind can defend or destroy. So if you are called, and if you have the courage, pull this blade from the stone!   You might just be one of the leaders we are looking for, a leader of integrity and honor.
The other big planetary energy affecting this new Moon is Uranus in Aries aligned with the asteroid Pallas.   As I’ve mentioned many times, Uranus in Aries is asking us to find our “big story’ our archetypal identity that carries our destiny.   Pallas Athena represents the creative intelligence that can serve us, especially in times of need.   In Aries, her sudden inspirations can initiate new projects and bold innovations.   With Uranus, Pallas opens us to a visionary and humanitarian view of the world.   With Mars in Uranus’ sign of Aquarius and Uranus in Mars’ sign of Aries, the impulse is strong to take up our destiny and change our world.
The Divine Feminine is awake in the world, bringing her gift of Wisdom, if we will only open our hearts to hear her.    Value your feelings and use your mind to understand what they’re telling you.   Open to your intuitions, because that’s the part of you that sees the whole rather than just the parts.
This is the New Moon to set down your goals for the year.   These goals need discipline and commitment, but also love and inspiration.   It’s the balance that will make the difference.
Cathy Pagano, M.A., C.E.C, is a Jungian Psychotherapist, Astrologer , WisdomLife Coach , teacher and storyteller.
Cathy works with the tools of the imagination – dreams, alchemy, myths, astrology, symbolic language, storytelling, ritual – to awaken the Soul’s wisdom.
I believe that Americans are called to a higher consciousness at this point in our history. We are called on to live up to our ideals and create the country our forefathers imagined. Inner consciousness needs to be acted upon for social justice.
Cathy believes that our writers and artists must take up our responsibility to create art that inspires, teaches and heals our humanity. She has a weekly internet radio show on storytelling called The Bard’s Grove on BlogtalkRadio.
Cathy writes about political, psychological/spiritual, and cultural issues.

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