Pardon that long title. Anyway, Ginger sent this to me via email, and gave her okay for posting on this blog. So here it is.
I told her I felt some people would resonate with her message. This relates to what she “got” from listening to the1-29-13 Collective Imagination showwith Lisa Harrison and company, including Heather.
Ginger lives here in Kona, I occasionally see her at Java on the Rock, and she started a Kona-Occupy-Disclosure group several months ago. She is a delightful spirit of Light. I think you will enjoy this message.
Message from Ginger, 1-31-13…
Me Ke Aloha Heather, Randall, Caleb, Lisa, D, Kauila, American Kabuki, Brian, Loie, Claudia & “mald4444″,
Since Heather forwarded my email letter to her regarding Lisa’s last show to all of you, I am taking it as an invitation to send out to all of you, what I just sent out to my Kona Occupy Disclosure group tonight. Why?
This morning a friend called me wanting some help in understanding all that was discussed and decided upon during the show. After I did my best, she then strongly encouraged me to write it up and send it out to our group. It has taken me all day towards attempting to articulate how I understand it all. And so if any of you see any useful value in posting this on those that have sites, please feel free to do so. And please feel free to edit anything that is incorrect! My intentions are stated clearly in the opening paragraphs below. So up to you, and not invested in whether you wish to use it or not. Many many blessing to each of you for all for ALL you have contributed towards making this huge shift a reality.
I love you all Absolutely in appreciation Fun! and Joy, Ginger
Aloha All,
For those of you who did listen to Lisa Harrison’s January 29th (30th in Oz) round table discussion
there was loads of non-duality multidimensional information put onto the table . . . and out in-public for the first time ever, by The Public Trust (Heather, et al) that was BIG! For some, this information was a multidimensional no-brainer. On the other hand, maybe some are still processing it all, therefore, in and out of fatigue and or energetic upgrade symptoms*.*
there was loads of non-duality multidimensional information put onto the table . . . and out in-public for the first time ever, by The Public Trust (Heather, et al) that was BIG! For some, this information was a multidimensional no-brainer. On the other hand, maybe some are still processing it all, therefore, in and out of fatigue and or energetic upgrade symptoms*.*
Since the information imparted was a major turning point for me, therefore, maybe others, the following is my best attempt to organize how I perceived 3 major points being made. And hopefully, to open up a larger dialogue for us all. As each of us are entering this huge multidimensional doorway being offered here, our brains are wired differently and we are each entering this doorway with some of the same reference points and different reference points around our current concepts of “reality” and therefore, how to change it.
But first a context . . . as “Light Workers” (meaning for me, those of us who are seekers of the truth within, as well as those seeking to know the real truth of Human history and Gaia, and or desiring spiritual inner growth) . . . within our own personal and inner spiritual work, we have come across more and more ancient useful information coming to light over the decades. However, it seems to me that at some point, we reach a place where no matter how much we attempt use “the secret” combined with the missing ingredients, or work with the nature spirits again, or other modalities, in general there still seem to be more or less limited results (ie, not many reports of instant healings or manifesting monies or my dreams in 1-2 weeks yet).
Off and on, I have felt extremely frustrated over hitting walls /that I KNOW are not there!/ Then I have to go into the Eastern teachings of “Acceptance” once again . . . but not liking it much . . . then forgiving myself in Ho’oponopono, combined with some cosmic-sent quirky bits of bad-joke humor . . . has all kept me from departing Kona without my surfboard or swim fins for China, sooo many times over the past year. And I know of many who can relate to this feels near-insane scenario.
So within this context for me, the 3 major Prime Points of this discussion was what I have been waiting for . . . that will allow me to more easily move out of duality and into the next level of multidimensional consciousness for my poor old half-fried 3D duality wired brain. This is why I am feeling sooo excited now! . . .
Given first, HOW Heather et al Trustees have given Humanity the key to Be Free again on paper (OPPT doc, UCC filings, CVACs) . . . and now combined with HOW we can begin to consciously re-create our new 5D reality/hologram . . . was all spelled out in Lisa’s 29th/30th round table discussion.
The following is my best attempt to lay out what I got as the 3 Prime Points being made by Heather, that now, is the time for us to fully embrace . . .
- 1. Stop and release the ages-old paradigm programmings of our projecting our own Real Human Value outside of ourselves onto the material/physical world/hologram. For example the old paradigm was looking to others (gurus) for the answers. The new one is looking within us (gurus) for the answers. The old looked outside itself for exchanges of value, like money or gold. The new is most fully utilizing looking to ourselves for our inter exchanges of real Prime Source value. To step this down further, /”God” is in everything/, therefore, /each of us are the “Gods & Goddesses we have been waiting for”/, New/Old Age thingy. Therefore, our Real Human Value resides within us and our acceptance of this Absolute, IS the full Value. Our new Humanity anthem might go something like this . . . /”I pledge allegiance to the Absolute One People’s Republic Trust and for all it stands for, in the Absolute, indivisible with justice, liberty and sovereignty for One and All” . . . a/nd well anyways, how else are we going to be on the same page of inter galactic peace with the Galactic Federation, until we Absolutely “get” this?
- 2. Start working with the Energies of the material/physical world/hologram grids, as that’s where “it’s ALL and Absolutely really at!” And this is the biggest secret withheld from Humanity, because it’s the Energies of the material/physical world/hologram who actually create it. Nothing could exist as a physical being or “thing” without a specific coherency Energy field around it. And this specific Energy is both an Energy field and what other’s call their Spirit or Soul (in a general not exactly correct manner of speaking), as it is our direct connection to Creator Source thought, manifesting itself each milli second into BEing . . . that is Us, manifesting ourselves into BEing.
- 3. Consciously begin dissolving the old 3D holographic duality paradigm by understanding that each time we declare something “divine” or “sacred”, we are ALSO instantly supporting the position that other things are not divine or sacred. The solution here is to replace both with a single word that that cuts to the Prime Point . . . just simply use “Absolute”. Everything and everyone is Absolute . . . all equal and One . . . and /”that’s what we pulled down in registered into the Prime”/ (Creator) (that is each of us), on paper that has now been put into action (OPPT doc, UCC fillings, CVACs).
*The following is some additional familiar or supportive concepts that hopefully bridge comprehension more easily . . .*
For all 3 Prime Points, native peoples originally knew these in their own way, especially the Shamans and Kahunas. This is why they have been known throughout Gaia time as The Earth Keepers. They knew that Energy IS where “it’s All At”, and how to focus Prime Co-Creative Energies to maintain balance and harmony of Gaia’s holographic electromagnetic Energy grids, therefore her physical integrity, free of distortions. This resulted in many of our concepts of “paradise”.
They knew how to instantly heal themselves and instantly manifest for the same reasons. Whether they understood consciously their “true value and power” as humans in the way we now need to understand it, in order to fully reclaim it, is up for debate and another discussion. But it’s clear they never doubted standing in their full Absolute power and using their full Absolute Energy to do whatever was needed, to be done.
Therefore, they never wanted for anything. And just as Gaia is inherently an endless abundant Being of Loving Sofia manifesting Energies (restored once again), we Humans are now BEcoming again through remembering all we forgot . . . Primarily, who we Really Are and how to use who we really are, as Prime Absolute Creator Beings, in the Doing/Co-Creating.
Within the discussion about skipping the first step of using new currencies backed by precious metals, and just moving into abundant digital numbers in all our bank accounts plan, Heather made several points. The danger with moving into the former first is, we will still be existing within a belief-system where the real value in this reality is still outside of ourselves (ie, gold sitting in vaults) . . . AND the Energy of all that gold is still enslaved! Therefore, we would only be perpetuating the old enslavement system of external-value beliefs.
The next important point Heather made is, that by going to a digital system of exchange first, will result in immediately waking up and healing mainstream folk’s, no longer allowing further delays of The Absolute Data and of who they Really are to be revealed and discovered. Nor would anyone be able to or want to hoard anything of “value” outside of themselves . . . /enough of this one already!/
Then Heather suggested this to-the-Prime-Point liberation exercise as follows . . .
Raise our vibration to match ALL the currently enslaved gold Energy and then set it free!
And this is something we can start doing everyday with Absolutely every physical form in our current reality. It can be anything from in-nature to man-made, as it’s Energies have been enslaved for so long. It’s also an easy to-do entry point, into reclaiming our Absolute Power and True Value (no . . . not the True Value Store tools, as we are our own tools
(and maybe this is what some the strange highly unusual dolphin and whale behavior, second week in January off Kona, was attempting to tell us?) Heather also suggested we can also ask the Gaia Energy Grids to come play now!

Lastly, regarding the digital plan activated . . . this must also be orchestrated simultaneously with a constant streaming of “The Absolute Data”. To clairify, this means the un-Illuminatified version of the truth, most of us already know about . . . you know, the real truthiness of the Archon-Reptoid-Annunuki-Illuminati-Vatican-Royals-4thReich instruments of Human enslavement hologram thingy . . . that thingy no one wants to name – lol – but Harry Potter showed me the way, must be named now! It’s called disclosure on all levels.
A good place to start with all the endless eons of whales of information was suggested, that a 5 minute video describing how our birth certificates have been used to enslave us, and why we are now free from this paper form of control. And that there could be lots of these 5 minute educational sound-bite tools made and put out onto the internet, as well as DVDs. Therefore, the unobstructed flow of all this The Absolute Data /(with an “Absolute Data” Absolute integrity patent stamp on each – lol)/ will keep the mainstreamers busy comprehending the real Absolute Outrageous Human/Gaia Story . . . with plenty of time to digest, because every Human will have been freed from the old monetary-needs-system and able to freely purchase toilet paper digitally, all while happily digesting away!
*The following are some short snippets that tickled me lots . . .*
- The “UCC” Universal Tools were brought here (to Gaia) as a “harvesting tool” (translation – harvesting as in bringing humanity and all the energies back to Prime Absolute, or maybe distilling this old dense paradigm down back to it’s Source, or maybe our releasing of old 3D beliefs so that our consciousness is free to both perceive and fully experience all that we are, within the Absolute)
- “Law Ordinance” is Creation and “Law Universal” is Action
- As transparency descends within us, either through personal disclosure or telepathy, transparency equals FUN! and fun is an unmeasurable frequency very close to Love
- The key to a successful Absolute Data flow is creating short videos or via art forms, that will trigger one into remembering . . . and remember more, as the fibronachi nautilus shell calls us back Home within.
- But it’s not our job to wake family and friends up. One can drop a question like, “what’s your take on all this talk about our country being a corporation?”, or “what’s your take on Iceland having voted to let their all their banks free-fall into bankruptcy?” If they take the bait, then offer them only little bits of relevant info at time. But if they respond without any interest, just let it go. It’s not our job and it will all work out perfectly for them sooner or later.
PS – For those who have not listened to this round table discussion, a huge sounding of the heavenly trumpets decision has been made . . .
*1. Yesterday, the CVACs started being funded (assume digitally) and should be completed within 2 weeks.*
*2. “The when” St Germain’s digital banking comes online globally, is not known at this time.*
*2. “The when” St Germain’s digital banking comes online globally, is not known at this time.*
My guess is it might take a bit longer than we would like, so do not quit your job. Or better get a job if you only have a month or two to live on left (like me). Or better still, if you can trust in yourself enough to work with the energies of the gold (after liberating them) and co-manifest with their prosperous properties abundance into your life. But can this co-creation instantly paying the rent or the mortgage? Maybe that depends upon how much power and value you believe you have. Personally, I am going to do both!
As Heather says, /”Time for some seriously Funnnnn Do-ing!/” everyone!
See you all in multidimensional Absolute Gratitude, Love and Peace with Grace and Alo-HAA,
Ginger… (
Ginger… (
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