ascension of Human Consciousness is in progress. The Infinite Creator is
focusing Divine Mind, will and intent to raise the vibration and purity
of the Human collective. So there is a Divine initiative for ascension,
an elevation of awareness where each individual aspect of Human
Consciousness can align itself with the Eternal Divine Will and Intent.
The Intent of Divine Mind is for each individual Human Expression to
experience this elevation and reconnect it’s awareness of BEING DIVINE

the Christ want you to know that each ONE, individualized essence has
it’s own journey and becoming into the Christ Energies of the Eternal
Divine Consciousness. We the Christ want you to know that each essence
has a unique journey of self back into the body of ONE. So each
individual Human is on an individualized journey of ascension. You as an
individualized essence will have you own unique journey of reconnection
with the infinite MIND of Father-Mother, Heart of ONE. Within the
have any ability to SAVE or ASCEND YOU.
By YOUR will and
intent, by YOUR choices you set the path you are on and all that YOU
will receive. By your thoughts, actions and emotions you create
ascension or descent of your consciousness. If it is your intent to
ascend into the higher realms you must observe Universal Laws of
Existence. The Universe you reside in is based on Cause and Effect, You
Will Reap AS You Sow. What you are BEING, saying, thinking, doing and
aligning with arises and manifest within your physical BEING. Aligning
oneself in purity of thoughts, intentions and heart(emotions) is an
alignment of ascension into Christ Energies. Aligning oneself in anger,
fear, perverse thoughts actions and emotions is an alignment with the
lower energies of EGO drive and creates stagnation and even descent into
dark energies.
Father-Mother Heart of One,
Divine Consciousness is unconditional Love, nurturing and healing. The
Christ Energies are the highest, purest expression of these energies
before entering into the DIVINE UNITY of ALL THAT IS.
written by: mylightwarrior@yahoo.com
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